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The truth about Covid and the Pfizer vaccines

You cannot change a Democrats mind or opinion by using facts, science or physical evidence as proof they are wrong. Democrats are simply too stupid t be reasoned with and three generations of LSD, coke, heroin, PCP and constant weed smoking has basically rendered them into blithering mindless idiots who are under the control of their party masters. I would not be surprised to see that they are genetically different than intelligent humans, missing one to four chromosomes or something of that nature.

Anyone who says they voted for Joe Biden is the absolute scum of the earth, anyone who is proud they voted for Joe Biden is lower than whale shit. These are the kind of people who turned their Jewish neighbors in when their forefather's lived in Europe. They are the people who lie on witness stands to convict people who are innocent, write false statements and make false accusations to get their co-workers fired because they think that the overall cause of social-justice needs to be pushed along at any cost.

If the typical democrat was ordered by CNN to go find fresh dog shit and eat it to cure Covid, they would be wandering the city park in the thousands looking for fresh turds.

Example of proof, sure. I work in the power production industry. It is a 100% absolute fact that wind turbines kill hundreds of thousands of large birds annually. When you say this to a Democrat, they mindlessly reply. SO, cats kill millions of birds a year, same thing. They are incapable of seeing the difference between a Bald Eagle or California condor and a sparrow. Or they simply scream you are a liar. We had one at work. I offered him copies of several studies from two states DNR's and three colleges, all PHD level science. He refused to read them , would not take them and literally freaked out when I sat them on his desk. If Democrat central had seen them in his office he would have been sent for re-education or something.

So, instead I gave him a copy of an article from "Mother Jones". A communist controlled and propaganda driven leftist information organization. He gladly accepted the Marxist article as if it was a hundred dollar bill and came by the office later to say, "Wow, who would have known that windmills kill birds in such great numbers!!!???" Followed by, "You know cats kill a lot of birds too?"

Democrats are brainwashed idiots.
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"I am a professional race car engineer. I have a background in Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Weapons Study"

Uh huh...tell us more....

Sorry but that pegged the bullshit meter a little early for Monday.
So perhaps he studied all those and decided he'd rather build race cars.

I know lots of folks who have done the same sort of things.

I studied philosophy but preferred building things out of rocks.
"I am a professional race car engineer. I have a background in Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Weapons Study"

Uh huh...tell us more....

Sorry but that pegged the bullshit meter a little early for Monday.

I am a retired Investigator. When one theory doesn't make sense, but another theory does.... we call that a clue. Will any of us ever know all the facts and truth??? I doubt you will either.

Some enjoy the mental masturbation more than others tho.
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he makes a good speech and has credentials that have nothing to do with immunology or vaccine manufacturing...maybe he slept in at a holiday inn as well. we also dont know if those credentials are real or he got them online from the University of Bombay.

we also have no idea of the validity of the information or if its factual, just because its printed out dosnt mean its true

i wonder if his "internal" source has info about the Kraken that was supposed to be coming as well...lol

in addition he is trying to bridge a supposed patent (doesnt say if it s patent pending or not) over 20 years ago

hes trying to imply that this plan has been around for 20 years and in the most technologically advanced fastest moving sector (biomed), that they did tests and created variants for testing.

then hes also saying that the graphene is the reason why people are dying because of "structures" but does not give data to back that up or say what size structures can be created with a base of graphene, of the life span of the graphene nano particles in the human body

another guy grand standing with half truths

he may be 1000% correct, but im not betting my house on it

Nuclear Weapons, Chemical Weapons, and Biological weapons are three separate fields. Its not something you just take a class on in college. Plus the added racecar engineer--that's a fourth expertise. (Imagine he said this: I flew F-15s, Apache Helicopters, and commanded an M1 tank, now I build engines for racecars:, ummmmm no)

Many people switch fields. People don't become experts in four separate fields.

Especially when three of them require separate (and specific) clearances from government agencies.

Finally the old Simpsons "Disco Stu doesn't advertise"--find people in those fields and generally they are associated with very specific institutions AND they are very reluctant to speak about their work (see those clearances).

Every Tom, Dick and Harry is an expert on everything these days. If your appeal to your authority starts with an outrageous claim about your authority, I am very unlikely to listen to anything they have to say following. This is part of the confusion of CoVid--everyone finds 'a guy' and a video that supports their point of view. Its very hard to find the truth. People like that do more harm than good.

There is an old saying "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Proof"

Addendum: If this is so groundbreaking--why is it only being mentioned in a public hearing in Barbados? Wouldn't other Scientists be all over this?

This is also known as a clue.....
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Apologies for the double, but I had another important thought.

If you are skeptical of the FDA, CDC, WHO (and you should be), make sure to share that skepticism with sources you agree with as well. Too often we only pick apart arguments we DISagree with. You should also pick apart supporting arguments as well. Once you have a working theory, the best way to make it robust is trying to poke holes in it, only then can you patch the holes There is so much bullshit these days you cannot afford to have that skeptic filter up 100% of time, for things you both agree AND disagree with. A weak supporting argument is almost worse than evidence against your theory, because that weakness is so easily exploited and used to hammer your position.
.... cause our media and politicians would NEVER deceive us or censor us. (Sarcasm face on).
If you assume only the media and politicians lie, you are missing a few culprits. That's the difference. If he is full of crap, that's on him.

It doesn't prove that the media is 'right' or the government is 'right'--I think we all agree that those guys can't be trusted with anything.

This isn't a zero sum.
This guys is probably lying. That doesn't mean the govt/media/etc is telling the truth.
The point being, his credibility is so bad, now the media will use it to hammer their message: "look at these crackpots"
His Claims (I'll highlight the "Extrodinary Claims with *)
  • Sars-Covid-19 is not a corona virus.*
  • Pfizer Covered up the s-spike protein patent for 20 years and that we only recently 'rediscovered' it.*
  • Sars <assuming covid> is not a naturally evolved virus.
  • There is no safe and effective vaccine for a corona virus. It has never been done, it never will be done.*
  • It is not possible to develop a covid vaccine*
  • The virus was engineered by the ChiComs.
  • All vaccines contain Graphene Oxide which is poisonous*
  • CoViD is an engineered bioweapon*
There are two theories on Covid origin--lab leak and natural evolution. Even the lab leak theory suggests that it was research (supported by Faucci for gain of function--maybe that is splitting hairs on bioweapon research) that escaped the lab and not a bioweapon release.

Even if you think the current vaccines are bunk, to claim there can NEVER be a Covid Vaccine is pretty extraordinary.
Now given that Graphene is a polymer like sheet of carbon, 15 billion sounds like a lot. But in 18 grams of water there are about

600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 molecules of water. (graphene is a molecule--a big one though)

15,000,000,000 is what 15 billion looks like...... so the concentration would be around:

Letts say a dose of vaccine is 1/10th of that 1.8 grams of water.
Concentrations would be

or .00002 Parts per TRILLION
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So, i read the Pfizer testing protocol and its a big fat redpill. Here's what i found.
posted 1 hour ago by pepe9000
+95 / -0

Its the pfizer protocol. Its a book, but the juicy stuff is not that long. Or, at least, what i found relevant isnt.
Im not a doctor, i might have gotten some things wrong, so feel free to correct or add informations to what i found.
But some things are just written in plain.
Introduction to the protocol truly starts at page 54.
page 56: definitions of adverse effects (AE) and serious adverse effects (SAE)
-Adverse effect: to count as an adverse effect, you not only need to be tested positive, but you also need to show at least one symptom. asymptomatic covid was simply ignored.
-To count as a serious adverse effect one must have covid, and a list of criteria like short breath, respiratory failure, evidence of shock, renal, hepatic, neurologic dysfunction or death. But not cardiovascular complications, those are ignored, unless i missed something.
page 70
Death not reported as adverse effect, unless associated with covid, and cardiovascular events not reported at all.
Lack of efficacy (vax failure) is only reported with serious adverse effects.
page 72
Pharmacokinetics (what happens with the medicine after its done its job) not studied
Pharmacodynamics (effects of the drug on the body) not studied
Genetics (effects on the genome) not studied
Biomarkers (checking on your body's data and chemistry) not studied
Im sure theres a lot more bullshit in this document, but thats what i can understand.
And it gives a clear image: they avoided collecting critical information, which could establish whether the vax itself is dangerous or not.
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So predictable. If you can't dispute the info attack the source. If you don't know anything about the source, make something up.

Hey Freedo, now that we have you on another COVID/vaccine thread. Would you like to finally answer the question, why do you think health professionals, first responders, and teachers should be forced to take an experimental shot or loose their jobs?
Former 74D NBC fob hobbit who changes his wife's oil and brake pads now that he's out in the civilian world.

If you think that qualifies you than please verify his claims. I listed them above (bolded ones especially).

So predictable. If you can't dispute the info attack the source. If you don't know anything about the source, make something up.

Hey Freedo, now that we have you on another COVID/vaccine thread. Would you like to finally answer the question, why do you think health professionals, first responders, and teachers should be forced to take an experimental shot or loose their jobs?
He backed his claims on his authority. If you claim to be an expert witness but can have your argument undone by basic chemisitry, you might not be an expert.


Please demonstrate I 'made something up' Any high school chem student knows those calculations. Any reasonable person knows that experts in those fields often are highly degreed people associated with Places like Los Alamos, Lawernce Livermoore, Sandia Labs, DOD, Hospitals, Checmical Companies, etc. (I know don't trust the experts--lets put all you guys in charge of weapons research!! I mean come on).

And only you. Only you should be required to get it or lose your job, because you have demonstrated the intellectual capacity of a monkey, which is what initial trials are done on. The basically fallacy that because this guy is full of crap, then I support the Govt, FDA, etc or that this suggests vaccines are safe/effective/etc. Note: He said the vaccine was a bioweapon engineered to kill people with poisonous Graphene Oxide. He stated it was a coverup and that CoViD isn't a Corona Virus...

Hitch your train to that wagon. Make sure to grab the tin foil.
(Note Tin foil is now actually aluminum--maybe that's been the plot along!!)
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His Claims (I'll highlight the "Extrodinary Claims with *)
  • Sars-Covid-19 is not a corona virus.*
  • Pfizer Covered up the s-spike protein patent for 20 years and that we only recently 'rediscovered' it.*
  • Sars <assuming covid> is not a naturally evolved virus.
  • There is no safe and effective vaccine for a corona virus. It has never been done, it never will be done.*
  • It is not possible to develop a covid vaccine*
  • The virus was engineered by the ChiComs.
  • All vaccines contain Graphene Oxide which is poisonous*
  • CoViD is an engineered bioweapon*
There are two theories on Covid origin--lab leak and natural evolution. Even the lab leak theory suggests that it was research (supported by Faucci for gain of function--maybe that is splitting hairs on bioweapon research) that escaped the lab and not a bioweapon release.

Even if you think the current vaccines are bunk, to claim there can NEVER be a Covid Vaccine is pretty extraordinary.
Now given that Graphene is a polymer like sheet of carbon, 15 billion sounds like a lot. But in 18 grams of water there are about

600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 molecules of water. (graphene is a molecule--a big one though)

15,000,000,000 is what 15 billion looks like...... so the concentration would be around:

Letts say a dose of vaccine is 1/10th of that 1.8 grams of water.
Concentrations would be

or .00002 Parts per TRILLION

Oh my.
Not this fuckstain again.

Posted for classical reference.
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You cannot change a Democrats mind or opinion by using facts, science or physical evidence as proof they are wrong. Democrats are simply too stupid t be reasoned with and three generations of LSD, coke, heroin, PCP and constant weed smoking has basically rendered them into blithering mindless idiots who are under the control of their party masters. I would not be surprised to see that they are genetically different than intelligent humans, missing one to four chromosomes or something of that nature.

Anyone who says they voted for Joe Biden is the absolute scum of the earth, anyone who is proud they voted for Joe Biden is lower than whale shit. These are the kind of people who turned their Jewish neighbors in when their forefather's lived in Europe. They are the people who lie on witness stands to convict people who are innocent, write false statements and make false accusations to get their co-workers fired because they think that the overall cause of social-justice needs to be pushed along at any cost.

If the typical democrat was ordered by CNN to go find fresh dog shit and eat it to cure Covid, they would be wandering the city park in the thousands looking for fresh turds.

Example of proof, sure. I work in the power production industry. It is a 100% absolute fact that wind turbines kill hundreds of thousands of large birds annually. When you say this to a Democrat, they mindlessly reply. SO, cats kill millions of birds a year, same thing. They are incapable of seeing the difference between a Bald Eagle or California condor and a sparrow. Or they simply scream you are a liar. We had one at work. I offered him copies of several studies from two states DNR's and three colleges, all PHD level science. He refused to read them , would not take them and literally freaked out when I sat them on his desk. If Democrat central had seen them in his office he would have been sent for re-education or something.

So, instead I gave him a copy of an article from "Mother Jones". A communist controlled and propaganda driven leftist information organization. He gladly accepted the Marxist article as if it was a hundred dollar bill and came by the office later to say, "Wow, who would have known that windmills kill birds in such great numbers!!!???" Followed by, "You know cats kill a lot of birds too?"

Democrats are brainwashed idiots.
Lines and minds have already cemented. There is no compromise today. Youve picked a side, dont waste your time on other.
"Demonstrate you made something up." Can you tell me what his credentials are? Did you attempt to portray it as though he doesn't have any.

"I am a professional race car engineer. I have a background in Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Weapons Study"

Uh huh...tell us more....

Sorry but that pegged the bullshit meter a little early for Monday.

You say he can't be an expert in all those things. He didn't claim to be an expert in all those things. You didn't even claim, he claimed, to be an expert in all those things. Until after someone pointed out to you, people don't have to work in the field they are an expert in.

I have a background in and rudimentary knowledge of many things. You can't keep your argument straight for three posts.
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"Demonstrate you made something up." Can you tell me what his credentials are? Did you attempt to portray it as though he doesn't have any.

You say he can't be an expert in all those things. He didn't claim to be an expert in all those things. You didn't even claim, he claimed, to be an expert in all those things. Until after someone pointed out to you, people don't have to work in the field they are an expert in.

I have a background in and rudimentary knowledge of many things. You can't keep your argument straight for three posts.
Ok put your trust in people who read an article on wikipedia or stayed at Holiday Inn express. I know you guys don't trust experts, but hey to each his own.
It's not an experimental shot and I've already answered that.
You must be wun of them thar sciency fellers.
Now I dun thawt dat ifn it dint meet them thar sciency metherds standard metherds kinda sciency sciences stuff, then maybe it be won dem dar spearmints.

You do understand why it has to be under EUA right?
Its like you are a fucking retard, or you are trying to convince everyone else, they are a retard.
By definition, its a human trial. Whether they call it a trial or not, its a human trial, literally in its infancy.
No animal trials were ever a success.
They literally informed their placebo group, that they got the placebo, and offered them the real thing, before any reasonable time for a trial to be completed.

The whole fucking thing is based on as much science as fucking Grimm's fairy tales.

You people are dangerous.
Does a Hilton Garden Inn count?

And thats what made America great.
Only if it has Free Breakfast. And not that crappy packaged muffins or anything. Biscuits/Gravy/Bacon/Sausage and preferably a themed Waffle Maker.

ANd yes I fully support idiots who wear "Tax The Rich" dresses from a dress maker under indictment for tax fraud. People who stated "If you like your doctor you can keep them" as they CLEARLY had a lifetime of medical research study while smoking pot at college and people not wearing masks while the govt they support mandates school children wear them in school (who are at low risk of anything Covid related) in the very city the event takes place

Clearly worthy of your trust...
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The one thing that i know he is right about is the fact that the vaccine doesn't and won't be effective. Reason why: All corona viruses have an "Animal Reservoir" and any virus that has an animal reservoir will never be able to be vaccinated, just like the common cold, influenza (hence why there isn't 1 working flu shot, there are countless strains of influenza and we play russian roulette to hopefully get the right one), or any other respiratory infectious disease that has animals reservoirs. MMR, polio, small pox, etc. do not have animal reservoirs hence why we dont have those diseases any more due to successful vaccines. This is why we have a delta, llamda, etc. covid variants right now b/c of the introduction of the vaccine. Think of it as the virus blows through almost everyone, then runs into some people that have the "vaccine." The virus doesn't like that so it changes it self so it can go around said vaccine and still replicate itself in the host in hopes of passing itself to another host. When the virus comes in contact with someone who has already beaten covid, it says "oops, already been here and done my thing. On to the next." I know that seams dumbed down but to my understanding, it kinda is that simple.

I have 0 background in immunology or virology but i listen to people who are experts in both those fields and its pretty easy to put 2 & 2 together when the data and cause/effect is laid out for you. It also doesn't hurt in understanding the science when youre not an agenda driven fucking retard like what we see in gov., MMS, and their millions of mindless minions.
Ok put your trust in people who read an article on wikipedia or stayed at Holiday Inn express. I know you guys don't trust experts, but hey to each his own.
Yep, you don't have a clue about the guy like I said. But took the opportunity once again to push the narrative any credentials he claims are false. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: We trust lots of experts. We don't trust people who are proven liars. We understand science is for sale, and statistics is the language of liars.

I am not arguing about the validity of the claims made. I didn't even watch the video. I was only commenting on the predicability and veracity of some of the responders in making assertions with great authority based on assumptions.
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mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines in Pregnant Women (Editorial, N Engl J Med 2021;384:2342-2343). At the time of publication of preliminary findings in the Original Article related to this editorial, the number of spontaneous abortions was 104 and there was 1 stillbirth. However, no proportion could be determined for the risk of spontaneous abortion among participants vaccinated before 20 weeks of gestation because follow-up information was not yet available for the majority of those persons. The article has now been updated. In the fifth paragraph of this editorial (page 2342), the first sentence should have read, “Among 827 registry participants who reported a completed pregnancy, 104 experienced spontaneous abortions and 1 had a stillbirth,” rather than, “…a completed pregnancy, the pregnancy resulted in a spontaneous abortion in 104 (12.6%) and in stillbirth in 1 (0.1%); these percentages are well within the range expected as an outcome for this age group of persons whose other underlying medical conditions are unknown.
cut and paste from calguns

Whistleblower video of a hospital staff member talking about the vaccine rollout, and how her hospital was getting inundated with Covid positive individuals a week after they got injected, as well as other suspected side effects. She began reporting the cases to VAERS, and it quickly became a full time job.

She reached out to hospital management to try to get other people trained on VAERS reporting, and was instead treated as an enemy who was working against the solution to the pandemic. She was ordered to no longer do any VAERS reporting for anyone who wasn't her direct patent, and the hospital wasn't interested in training any other staff to do their own VAERS reporting.

cut and paste from calguns

Whistleblower video of a hospital staff member talking about the vaccine rollout, and how her hospital was getting inundated with Covid positive individuals a week after they got injected, as well as other suspected side effects. She began reporting the cases to VAERS, and it quickly became a full time job.

She reached out to hospital management to try to get other people trained on VAERS reporting, and was instead treated as an enemy who was working against the solution to the pandemic. She was ordered to no longer do any VAERS reporting for anyone who wasn't her direct patent, and the hospital wasn't interested in training any other staff to do their own VAERS reporting.

And the moral of this story:

This was reported to. The Lancet Journal reported that as of today there is no scientific evidence to back up a natural origin for Sars cov 2. Now it goes from a lab leak to a bioweapon. We know that the PLA was testing a aerosol for a bioagent in October 2020. We know that globalists have financed the lab that have pushed the vaccine to control population methodology. The first is the video from the War Room today. Second is just a nice guy talking about population control

Check out his smirk as he claims his vaccine might kill 700,000 people in the video
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Most of the population is waiting for this to go away and a return to "normal."

Aren't you getting the feeling by now that this is never going to "go away" and there will be a new "normal"?
Most of the population here, went back to normal almost a year ago. So this "new normal" sounds like more of the same ole bullshit that has surrounded this since the beginning. I went to CO Springs a few weeks back, and most of the people I saw there were living as normal.
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"I am a professional race car engineer. I have a background in Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Weapons Study"

Uh huh...tell us more....

Sorry but that pegged the bullshit meter a little early for Monday.

Have to agree with this, I cringed as soon as he said it. I'm surprised he didn't add space surgeon as well.
His Claims (I'll highlight the "Extrodinary Claims with *)
  • Sars-Covid-19 is not a corona virus.*
  • Pfizer Covered up the s-spike protein patent for 20 years and that we only recently 'rediscovered' it.*
  • Sars <assuming covid> is not a naturally evolved virus.
  • There is no safe and effective vaccine for a corona virus. It has never been done, it never will be done.*
  • It is not possible to develop a covid vaccine*
  • The virus was engineered by the ChiComs.
  • All vaccines contain Graphene Oxide which is poisonous*
  • CoViD is an engineered bioweapon*
There are two theories on Covid origin--lab leak and natural evolution. Even the lab leak theory suggests that it was research (supported by Faucci for gain of function--maybe that is splitting hairs on bioweapon research) that escaped the lab and not a bioweapon release.

Even if you think the current vaccines are bunk, to claim there can NEVER be a Covid Vaccine is pretty extraordinary.
Now given that Graphene is a polymer like sheet of carbon, 15 billion sounds like a lot. But in 18 grams of water there are about

600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 molecules of water. (graphene is a molecule--a big one though)

15,000,000,000 is what 15 billion looks like...... so the concentration would be around:

Letts say a dose of vaccine is 1/10th of that 1.8 grams of water.
Concentrations would be

or .00002 Parts per TRILLION

Research suggests cytoxicity of GO occurs in the ppm range however one thing to note is we do not know which functional groups are on these GO molecules which can vary widely. The functional group/s will determine toxicity concentration.

Another thing to possibly note is GO agglomeration as we are assuming that there is an even dispersal (most likely) but I haven't found research that suggests it cannot "stack". Chemically, it can stack (kind of the whole purpose of GO sheets).

I am glad you went through the math but that is only one part of the equation. I do not think anyone here has the requisite knowledge to adequately refute the claims this individual made...I know I do not but there are some assumptions made by him that points to him using googlefu and not actually having a "deeper insight."
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Have to agree with this, I cringed as soon as he said it. I'm surprised he didn't add space surgeon as well.
Imagine a person that has a job and then a strong background in something like long range shooting, maybe even welding, car repair and then some artsy shit like painting or photography...where o where would you ever find people with multiple backgrounds like that? A single person with more than one interest in life......weird!
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Imagine a person that has a job and then a strong background in something like long range shooting, maybe even welding, car repair and then some artsy shit like painting or photography...where o where would you ever find people with multiple backgrounds like that? A single person with more than one interest in life......weird!

Sure, but usually when someone provides credentials to support themselves as appearing to be a subject matter expert (he did not state this specifically) then having an "interest in" does not make them knowledgeable enough to be considered an expert.

"But he didn't say he was an expert in those fields" sure, then why list them as credentials. What is his depth of knowledge in those fields of study? How do those fields of study relate to the topic he is trying to discuss?

Hey I took a class on cellular biology...guess that was one of my fields of study now........ I should start listing every class I ever took as my credentialed background...I would sound so smawwwt....lol

Maybe he stayed in a Holiday Inn before giving this presentation.
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Maybe his credentials are exactly as he claims.

Maybe his IQ is triple that of anyone posting in this thread.

Maybe he is made out of candy, and has space ship in his backyard.

Maybe idle speculation based on assumptions is almost completely useless.
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Maybe idle speculation based on assumptions is almost completely useless.
We may be into something here.

Going to summarize here.

So if someone finds a coverup or falsified story then they are required to be a subject matter expert in order to have credibility?

Im not saying he is right or wrong… just making sure I understand that side of the argument.
Maybe his credentials are exactly as he claims.

Maybe his IQ is triple that of anyone posting in this thread.

Maybe he is made out of candy, and has space ship in his backyard.

Maybe idle speculation based on assumptions is almost completely useless.

So if he's made out of candy and someone eats him, is that still cannibalism?

When listening to someone speak on the subject of vaccines (formulary, health impacts etc) I want to listen to someone who is directly involved in that field and not a race car engineer. The issue is, the individuals in that field are being coerced (monetary, academic exclusion, political condemnation etc.) and are not being academically honest.
We may be into something here.

Going to summarize here.

So if someone finds a coverup or falsified story then they are required to be a subject matter expert in order to have credibility?

Im not saying he is right or wrong… just making sure I understand that side of the argument.

No, but when talking about health impacts of GO and stating there are billions of molecules as a sort of shock and awe without the proper context is dishonest. It is either intentional or it points to he doesn't understand what he's talking about.

He also states GO is causing blood clots due to stacking. Where is his proof? He is making claims he cannot back up and using his prior stated credentials to leverage himself as an expert.

Let's not forget the super secret document he was able to procure through his contacts at the NASCAR....lol

We are so biased in our viewpoint that we have lost our capacity to objectively critique content.
So if he's made out of candy and someone eats him, is that still cannibalism?

When listening to someone speak on the subject of vaccines (formulary, health impacts etc) I want to listen to someone who is directly involved in that field and not a race car engineer. The issue is, the individuals in that field are being coerced (monetary, academic exclusion, political condemnation etc.) and are not being academically honest.
I believed he referenced information from said experts in said field.

Have you attempted to verify said material? Perhaps they are legit. Or perhaps you prove it fraudulent?

People have brought forth evidence to this. As you stated they are immediately shut down.

Personally I have already made my decision based solely on gov info they have provided. Info through news conferences, testimony and guidance.
No, but when talking about health impacts of GO and stating there are billions of molecules as a sort of shock and awe without the proper context is dishonest. It is either intentional or it points to he doesn't understand what he's talking about.

He also states GO is causing blood clots due to stacking. Where is his proof? He is making claims he cannot back up and using his prior stated credentials to leverage himself as an expert.

Let's not forget the super secret document he was able to procure through his contacts at the NASCAR....lol

We are so biased in our viewpoint that we have lost our capacity to objectively critique content.
I agree to some of your points. His time was immediately cut short once he established the direction he was going.

He should post said evidence for everyone to see.

Problem with that is if it is actually accurate any corroborated evidence or original studies/files have been erased long ago.
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