By then it’s too late. Kids are dying in their sleep, 30yo’s are keeling over from heart attacks and strokes, people are developing auto-immune disorders, etc etc etc. for a virus that in most people has a survival rate of over 99%.
From what I’m seeing with my own two eyes is the risks far outweigh the benefits…. If there are any benefits to these instruments of death and disease. Does it prevent contraction, noooo. Is it safe? Noooooo, does it prevent spread? Nope. Does it prevent death or serious complications from the virus? Again no. So what does it do? What good is it for?
When ever is it a good idea to inject a rush developed, largely untested, gene modifying drug, simply for the fuck of it or because other fuckwits demand it? Besides profit, and kick backs, why is it that they are pushing this crap so hard and trying to ban use of actual long term tested and so far proving effective cheap medicines?my bullshitometer has been pegged to the core since all this shit began.
You lost credibility at gene modifying. That is not something I would include if I wanted my statements to be taken seriously.
I agree with some of what you said.