Wow...that's beautiful. Too bad its not Cobalt Blue like mine!

I have had just a bit of an interesting time using my Vision for the first time. It is indeed one I bought from
@GBMaryland because he has no taste in color (LOL) and I loved the Cobalt Blue Cerakote.
It has the butt pad and comb upgrade to latest versions and I love finally being able to raise the butt pad (been shooting OG JAE's and no adjustment on the back) and I don't need cant...not shooting this rifle offhand, right? Its far more comfortable this way. Oh...just for clarification, I could have an adjustable butt pad hardware set (as I used on my skeet shotguns) ground to fit the JAE but this chassis also doesn't have adjustable LOP and I would rather it was shorter than making it longer with this hardware.
I did shoot it a bit and found it to be very dead feeling on recoil which is one of the reasons I always liked the JAE's.
The grip is not optimal for my little girl hands but I ordered a grip from Anarchy and GCP said that they hoped to have the new grip that came out with the Pro version available to sell as a retrofit part in maybe a month. GCP and I did have a short discussion about the need for a chassis manf to make all freaking removable parts available to be separately purchased by owner for repair/upgrades....their reply was "you're preaching to the choir".
Its beautifully made and getting it set up to fit me was a breeze.
Only issue I had was getting AICS mags to latch. Now, this is an unusual BA as it was built on a Seekins Havak action....I bought it from a fella with 21 rounds on it and it has served me well. But, while AICS mags worked fine with this BA in the JAE, they wouldn't latch in the Vision. New Vision Pro has adjustable mag well (both adjustable height and fore/aft mage well adjustment) but this vintage does not.
And no, my chassis does not have the XL version of the mag latch.
Closer examination seems to show the front of AICS mags hitting the very front of the mag cut in the action just a tiny bit short of being able to latch. AW mags fit and feed just fine.
Now, this seems to be an issue arising from the action (cause many others run AICS with Visions and diff actions) but which my legacy version of the Vision cannot accomodate with its fixed mag latch.
When asked, Seekins indicated that the Havak was "cut for both". I think means its really an AW cut and perhaps like the CDG with AICS in some applications it would need a bit of a spacer under the action to lift it just a bit but I'm not doing that.
I'll run with AW's...I have some. But GCP, who are great people to deal with, is sending me another mag latch that I can experiment with filing down just a bit. I want the spare cause I'm liable to fuck up almost anything with hand tools! haha
Not a bit deal but I was just a bit surprised at the AICS fit issue. But as said, the AW's latch and feed beautifully with this chassis and the Havak and overall I'm very happy with both the Vision and GCP.