Theory: is the Left enacting a scorched earth policy


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  • Mar 1, 2008
    West TN
    Just my theory but it does help to make sense of everything the left is doing or trying to do.
    I like to Think that the current Democratic Party is in its final death throes. They know they have no one electable for the next cycle or perhaps two. Whereas, the right is chomping at the bit to end any Rinos and seems to have a stable of younger conservatives waiting in the wings. i cannot think of one lefty that will appeal to the various factions within the left as well as get the “swing” states. Additionally, with voter ID laws coming into effect and now that the spotlight is on elections the left knows it will so much harder to pull off what they did in 2020. plus, if the audits actually prove what I and most hope, they will expose the left for they truly are. Liars, cheats, power hungry people with no interest in serving the people rather the people serving their will. This alone, will cause the left to lose seats at a rate that hasn’t been seen since President Ron Reagan took office.
    next, The old dems will be dead soon. It was now or never. Joe Biden was the only idiot that could have some appeal to those on the right that hated Trump. This is why (I beleve) they pulled out all the stops to get Biden in there. In fact, I believe the corruption was so bad that ( again, I belive) Joe didn’t even win the South Carolina primary. Remember, “these were his people.” I think the dnc and deep state knew the a Lot of their own party would still not vote for a homosexual or a woman. especially the women they trotted out on stage all vying for president. Again, cue the career senator from Delaware.
    Finally, The left knows it will take several years for any conservative gov’t ( Trump or somebody else) to fix this absolute shit show they created. both foreign and domestically. It should be so simple to campaign against a libturd. The conservatives TV commercial should just play the news footage over and over and over. Then ask, ask, Do you want more if this? The dems are stealing as much as they can take, hence a bill that is 2200 pages long. Hence COVID relief with money going to study gender studies in Pakistan. . plus so Much more.
    This is why I think the Left is currently pursuing a scorched earth policy.
    lol, change my mind
    I’m guilty of it myself, but trying to make sense of crazy is a fools errand.
    They will not stop until they are stopped! History reveals the answer. Logic does not apply, their thinking is siloed to such a degree it is impervious to logic or reason.

    Ballot box, soap box, or ammo box. The pendulum will reverse, the how and when has always been the Trillion dollar question.

    They are so stupidly blinded by their delusions that they don’t realize the target their painting on themselves.

    Corrupting the ballot box, check!
    Corrupting the soap box, check!
    When they come for the ammo box and they are, they just might find out why the 2A was put there!
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    They are definitely playing their end game.
    When obamacare went into effect, it laid the groundwork for a full socialist system. That's why they were so livid when Hillary lost.
    i am shocked at the level of compliance they are getting. imagine if there was no maga crowd to resist them. i just hope we are enough.
    If anyone wants to see what those on the left are thinking and what’s important to them that day, go check out democratic underground dot com. The amount of insanity there will make you sad for the current state of the country and it’s future.
    Just turn on your local nbc, abc, cbs and what once used to be viewed as news is nothing more than a roller coaster ride of opinion, propaganda, fear mongering under the guise of being news. Hell, even the weather is bullshit. Did you ever notice that when the weather is too cold or too hot the 5 day or 7 day forecast shows the weather changing to more pleasant conditions. But 5-7 days later it doesn’t? Me and my wife used to call a shit sandwich promise. the promise of a delicious sandwich if you just hang in there 5-7 only to be told it will be only another 5-7 til it’s better, in the meantime here’s a nice shit sandwich for you to chew on while waiting ….and the cycle continues.
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    These people are NOT Democrats, Donald Trump is a Democrat. What is thinly disguised as the DNC is literally the Democratic Socialists of America. This group is not in the slightest bit "democratic" and in NO WAY loves America. They exist to destroy our country and cause cancer in our society.

    Socialism is the religion of HATE, ENVY, GREED, SPITE and complete INTOLERANCE OF OTHERS. These people are violently racist, they are druggies and encourage weak minded Americans to embrace habitual drug use and sexual deviant behavior as a way of destroying ethics and family values. They encourage pedophilia, prostitution and petty crime. If other people have things you want but cannot afford they encourage you to rob them or steal their property.

    There is literally nothing to make sense of, if they pass their voter fraud legislation and take federal control of our elections we are well and truly fucked. The last election was a massive fraud of epic proportions. The violence with which they threaten anyone who dares to question the results is literally proof of fraud.

    I'm easy to convince if you think it was not fraud. In Wayne County, Detroit, Michigan there were thousands of voters born before 1900, the oldest voter was born in 1849 and is probably the last person alive to have served in or lived thru the Civil War. Let's meet these voters. Invite that 172 y/o person to do a live TV interview. If he/she shows up for the interview, I will concede it wasn't fraud. Have him/her/it bring a few of his/her/it's 130 plus year old buddies for extra credit.
    I am thinking that the American public has been dumbed down to the point where they should never again be entrusted with anything as valuable as our Constitution.

    What are we arguing for anyway? The Constitution is without force. It is no longer a valid document in the current government's hands.

    Going back to the Constitution is pointless, it just sets us back at square one of the very same ClusterF*ck that got us where we are now. We need something, and whatever it is, it's not the Constitution. The Constitution was founded on the principle that Americans are fundamentally decent people and would take it seriously, but what we got was an inevitable erosion of the checks and balances and a deliberate campaign to nullify Constitutional law.

    By all means, do whatever it takes to bring the current cluster of imposters to justice. But when you're done, forget about reinstating the Constitution. What we need is something new, that clearly outlines the dangers of Socialism and seeks it out and destroys it.

    Russia and China, Cuba and Ecuador, as well as several other nations, are clear examples of how Socialism destroys freedoms and reduces all to the exactly same level of destitution.

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    If anyone wants to see what those on the left are thinking and what’s important to them that day, go check out democratic underground dot com. The amount of insanity there will make you sad for the current state of the country and it’s future.

    Just don't bother to post. Just the slightest scent that you're not 100 percent rabidly communist will get you a permanent ban. IIRC, they say as much in the terms of agreement.
    Never underestimate the stupidity of the average American citizen.

    This. The Dems rely on this AND a lap dog media to blindly follow/support whatever bullshit they spew. It's not about what's best for the country anymore. It's about being in control... staying in control... and punishing anyone who doesn't fall in step.... even to the detriment of the country.

    .., and it seems to be working.
    OK…my take. Some tinfoil hat wearing may be required.

    While the completely intentional chaos on our southern border and the never-ending supply of ‘free’ money from Uncle Sugar to pay people not to work is in line with your thinking, I think the foreign policy fuck ups are simpler than that.

    Follow the money.

    North America and most of Europe (i.e. Western culture) has gone all in on electric cars and sustainable energy. Ergo those who control rare earth metals, and especially lithium for batteries, will literally own us. China is already balls-deep in Africa, so the only holdout was tne Hindu Kush region for most of those metals.

    Wouldn’t take much in the way of compromised ethics (Hunter’s laptop, probable video of the events during his trip to China with pops as VP shown in photos found on his laptop) to get our current administration to roll over … puts those resources into their hands with the added benefit of accelerating the destruction and widening the internal rifts here at home.

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    Just turn on your local nbc, abc, cbs and what once used to be viewed as news is nothing more than a roller coaster ride of opinion, propaganda, fear mongering under the guise of being news. Hell, even the weather is bullshit. Did you ever notice that when the weather is too cold or too hot the 5 day or 7 day forecast shows the weather changing to more pleasant conditions. But 5-7 days later it doesn’t? Me and my wife used to call a shit sandwich promise. the promise of a delicious sandwich if you just hang in there 5-7 only to be told it will be only another 5-7 til it’s better, in the meantime here’s a nice shit sandwich for you to chew on while waiting ….and the cycle continues.
    As much as the news is a shit show, it’s also scripted by people in high rise corner offices who pick and choose what to go with and what to ignore. Reason I “trust” DU is because these are actually people and what they are thinking as opposed to a curated “media”. Gives you a better feel of what the boots on the ground feel is in the nut house.
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    two dirty sides of the same corrupt coin dims and rips But I do admit biden can't be thrown out of office fast enough last year would have been a good time to find an active volcano to get rid of all of them in one swoop gone and forgotten
    two dirty sides of the same corrupt coin dims and rips But I do admit biden can't be thrown out of office fast enough last year would have been a good time to find an active volcano to get rid of all of them in one swoop gone and forgotten
    One enemy at a time. It’s absolutely a case of “ the lesser of two evils”. Or the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
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