we had a case here a few years back where some degenerate fuck saw a young teen girl get off a school bus at her house. he just happened to be behind the bus when it stopped and she got off it. he said he knew right then he was coming back for her.
and he did. knocked on the door a few days later, shot the father in the face with a shotgun when he answered the door, then went into the house and found the mom and daughter in the bathtub. killed mom, took the young girl. he had her for like two months i think, kept her locked up under a bed downstairs. fucker had people over and everything during that time.
one day he was out, and she managed to escape and ran to a house down the remote road. the older couple there took her in, armed up, and called the law. they caught the guy out driving around looking for her. if ever there was a person that was a candidate for the wood chipper feet first..... or better yet....lowered into a pit of hungry hogs slowly. if we are going to get gruesome, might as well draw it out. woodchippers be fast.