So, this is gonna be a really dumb thread and it will serve no real purpose other than satisfying my curiosity.
I had a thought this morning while sitting on the shitter: could you feasibly detect if someone was carrying a concealed handgun from afar with a thermal device?
My thought process is something along the lines of: the handgun will probably be much closer to ambient conditions than body temp + the gun will block some of the body temperature being radiated, so a concealed gun may appear as a cool "shadow" on the hotter appearance of a person.
Like I said, really dumb thread, and only out of my own curiosity and the fact that I can ask guys that actually have thermal optics.
I had a thought this morning while sitting on the shitter: could you feasibly detect if someone was carrying a concealed handgun from afar with a thermal device?
My thought process is something along the lines of: the handgun will probably be much closer to ambient conditions than body temp + the gun will block some of the body temperature being radiated, so a concealed gun may appear as a cool "shadow" on the hotter appearance of a person.
Like I said, really dumb thread, and only out of my own curiosity and the fact that I can ask guys that actually have thermal optics.