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Maggie’s ..they get a bad rep why?

Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

I have had the displeasure of running on several pitbull attacks in my career. One a little girl was mauled and killed and another an adult female was mauled and lost an ear amongst a tremendous amount of other injuries. We sat in our engine and watched a pitbull attack a patrol car and the pitbull actually bit and deflated two tire.

Should you ever be involved in, witness, assist, or respond to a pitbull attack you need to know that they will almost always return if chased off!

I have no use for pitbulls but I also know they are not all bad. We have some friends that have a pit and he is a great dog. I think the difference being that there has been no fighting dogs in their dog's heritage. It seems as though once a pit has been fought it triggers something in them and that is passed down the line.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

I had a Black Lab try to rip out my throat when I was in 2nd grade. I guess that makes ALL black labs dangerous animals like Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, Dobermans (long list, should I keep going?). It is NOT the breed of dog, it is the inbreeding of the redneck/ghetto owners that treat the dog improperly, or even worse train that behavior into the animal.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

You cannot deny that some breeds are line bred to be more aggressive and protective. It it was all environmental and had nothing to do with the dog you would see some Golden Retrievers as patrol dogs or in dog fighting rings. Environmental has some play in the equation(I know, I got nearly 100 stitches from an Irish Setter when I was 7)but not nearly as much as the breed of the dog. Some breeds due to size and breeding history of the breed are just plain more dangerous.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

+1, the breeding is definitely a factor. Had two many years ago that were fine, but not inbred per UKC papers. The redneck that sold us the male rednose wanted us to bring him back to mate w/ his mom for a litter to fight.

Another couple bought a pup, no papers nor idea of lineage. The pup wouldn't stop biting me, wouldn't calm down. At a year old, he bit a person.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

I dont like pitbulls at all, but I dont blame the breed. If you want mean you breed mean,and train them for it. We lost our collie to a pitbull. She was on MY land and a person that lived down the road had a pit that I had called them about 3 or 4 times about ,just kept letting it off the chain. My dog a 12 year old collie is dead now. Said folks dont know why I dont leave my house without a firearm now. Buy the way I have kids 18, 8 ,and a grandson 2 so if it aint my dog on my land it is dead on site !!!
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

Obviously a dog trained to be mean will be mean.

It should also be no surprise that dogs bred to be mean may in fact be mean.

There is also always the potential for a dog to go berserk, with no apparent trigger. Or a kid may mistreat it, or whatever. I don't want that dog to be capable of biting through the bumper on my truck if it does go nuts.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

I just can't see the camera guy just sitting there doing nothing. Just can't see it. I would be fucking the dog up. A knife, gun, bat, stick something. Toss the guy a knife to stab that dog. A couple lung stabs will deflate the fight right outa that thing.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

Pit Bulls killed 118 people from 1979 to 1998
Rotweilers: 67
German Shepard: 41
Husky: 21
Malamute: 16
Wolf Dog Hybrid: 15

Mixed breed Not otherwise specified: 47

For Fun:
Labrador Retriever: 8

The study states that because we don't know how many of each type of dog there are, we can't determine the relative likeliness of attacks. But, common sense should tell you that Labradors are very common. Wolf mixes are not, and therefore are very dangerous.

I don't think pit bulls are very common, and yet 118 people have been killed by them.

We still don't know if these dogs were trained by drug dealers to protect their weed patch or meth lab or if somebody's beloved pet that wouldn't hurt a fly killed the neighbor's kid.

I tend to think it would be the latter.

At least you have to admit that pit bulls have killed a lot of people, far more than I expected given the percentage of dogs that are pit bulls.

I do know that the instant a pit bull steps onto my property, I will come out shooting. I'd consider rotweillers too after seeing the study. I ain't taking any chances with my little girls.



For what it's worth, the comments on the above video claim that the victim was the dog's owner, and that he liked to drink and beat the hell out of the dog.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

I wish everyone would just be responsible dog owners, and I think we would see much of this. The major problem is undesirable people like this breed of dog, for fighting, intimidation and penis extensions. Imagine if there was one brand of gun that all gang bangers used, people would talk about banning them. If we legislate pitbulls out of existence, there will be another breed to take it's place.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

It's not really the breed, it's the owner. As it was said, some are more aggressive than others, but most of the time, it is the owner. I have a pure blooded doberman. Some say they are mean dogs, but mine will lay and cuddle with a lil weiner dog, little children, and will happily let you pet him and pull on his ears. He may bark at you if he doesnt know you, or like you (he has a good sense of good and bad people) BUT we got him for this reason.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

It's called instinct. Wild animals have this instinct regardless if they have been raised properly from the time they were cubs ie tigers, bears, wolves etc. You hear of people being attacked by their animals who have been raised lovingly from birth without incident. Then it happens, 1 time is all it takes. Look at how many animal trainers have been killed, because "something" didn't sit well with that animal , next thing you know someone's dead. How do you people justify that? Wasn't a "hillbilly redneck",owner that caused it, it was the natural instinct in that animal that finally revealed itself and that's all it took.

I hear about it all the time......its the owners fault, their good dogs. BS! Why don't I hear about labs attacking and killing or mameing people on a regular basis? If you can't see a pattern in pitbulls that has been talking place for the past xxx number of years then your an idiot and deserve whatever you get. Just do us all a favor and keep it on a leash so it doesn't attack some kid walking down the street. Honestly, it isn't the dogs fault, its its nature, but these dogs should NEVER be trusted especially around children.

Had a good Marine buddy of mine (Vietnam Vet) last year killed by 2 of these dogs in his drive way. He knew these dogs, they belonged to the lady that ran his gas station for him. She stayed on his property for a few years with these dogs. Friendly dogs with NO issues. Well taken care of. Then one night he went out in his driveway to speak with this lady and as he was on the way over, these dogs got out and mauled him to death. Bout 45 min later his son went looking for him and found his dad dead in the driveway.

Coincident? You pitbull owners might say that, but the statistics say differently. You are completely irresponsible for not taking these animals seriously. Someone's kid or yours may get mauled one day because you were to ignorant to see the forest for trees. It's to bad, and unfortunately happens way to often to this specific type of dog to be "just the redneck owners" fault.

My mom was out walking here Jack Russell one day and saw a pitbull out and walking down the street. Went it saw my mom, it started running after her. Not in playful mode. If it hadn't been for a random lady driving by stopping and letting my mom in the car she would-be a part of that statistic.

Don't be a freakin idiot an open your eyes. The evidence is all there. Funny thing is, if i see your pitbull out in my front yard without a leash I WILL shoot it and say it was after my 4 year old. Funny, that doesn't come to mind when I see a lab in my front yard.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

Two variables:
1. Genetics
2. Environment

Genetics will trump Environment in any bit of confusion unless the dog is trained (trained as in Shutzhund level).

Validity is shown in the study of those whose genetics have desirable traits for aggression, protection and survival. Mix in a little Redneck breeding based on those desired traits and the bloodlines open the probabilities of bad incidents.

If you have any rescue of these breeds.. I would always be wary.. My greatest dog was never off the lease in public, she was a Dobey and was not well bred.. just puppy AKC farmed.

Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

a good pit bull is a dead one,was myself mauled by one of the fucking mutts when i was a kid,removed a large chunk of my face,try going to school as a 8 year old and having your face all stitched up from your shoulder to your hairline and every time you smiled your face stated bleeding till all the surgerys were complete.the only people who claim that it is not the breed is FULL OF SHIT.i kill them now every chance i get and will never stop.unless you have been mauled by a pit your opinion dont matter.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: motodog</div><div class="ubbcode-body">a good pit bull is a dead one,was myself mauled by one of the fucking mutts when i was a kid,removed a large chunk of my face,try going to school as a 8 year old and having your face all stitched up from your shoulder to your hairline and every time you smiled your face stated bleeding till all the surgerys were complete.the only people who claim that it is not the breed is FULL OF SHIT.i kill them now every chance i get and will never stop.unless you have been mauled by a pit your opinion dont matter. </div></div>

Glad you feel this way. So seeing that I was attacked by a Black Lab that was going for my throat, will you back me up when I start killing every one I just happen to see? No? Then I guess you opinion is kinda dumb, huh?

I almost want to go buy a Pit Bull and let you have my address so you can come to try and kill it. I'm just saying......
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

Any dog can be mean, had a damn healer that would bite me if I got in his way gettin out to the critters. That was a long time ago before I had kids. When I met the old lady she had a rottie
Big Dumb and no manners at all. took year but he learned his place and turned out to be a good dog. lost him last year and dont want an other ,not bad when around a A class male but could be an asshole if you let him get out of hand.
My dog now is a bloodhound, she lives outside and is great with the kids,Not so great with other dogs as she likes to be the top dog ,and at 85lbs she pretty much is.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: guntard007</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: motodog</div><div class="ubbcode-body">a good pit bull is a dead one,was myself mauled by one of the fucking mutts when i was a kid,removed a large chunk of my face,try going to school as a 8 year old and having your face all stitched up from your shoulder to your hairline and every time you smiled your face stated bleeding till all the surgerys were complete.the only people who claim that it is not the breed is FULL OF SHIT.i kill them now every chance i get and will never stop.unless you have been mauled by a pit your opinion do

nt matter. </div></div>

Glad you feel this way. So seeing that I was attacked by a Black Lab that was going for my throat, will you back me up when I start killing every one I just happen to see? No? Then I guess you opinion is kinda dumb, huh?

I almost want to go buy a Pit Bull and let you have my address so you can come to try and kill it. I'm just saying...... </div></div>

Thing is, the most dangerous part about pitbulls or other animals that have violent tendencies (ie pitbulls, chows, dobermans, etc) is the stupid ass owner that fails to realize the danger it poses to others around them and the total irresponsiblity of said owner not to see the facts. They always say the same thing after their dog has mauled someone, (I'm sorry, this is the first time this has ever happened, he was such a good dog, etc etc). You know what they say.........." A man should learn from his mistakes, but a SMART man learns from the mistakes of others". I guess we know where you fall into that statement. And there has been PLENTY of those made with pitbulls. So you don't have any excuses. It's just to bad that these people are so stupid that they have learn their lessens at the sacrifice of others.

Comparing a lab to a pitbull shows your ignorance and your defending an animal that has known violent tendencies because of your need of a fasion statement. I like to think of pitbulls and their owners on the same level as Paris Hilton and her tea cup mut in her purse. Nothing more than a fasion statement and an accessory, except hers doesn't have violent tendencies and the muscle to back it up.

The real bummer is the pitbull owners.are never the ones to get mauled, its always the neighbors kids, some lady walking her dog, YOUR kids. I bet that if you experienced getting mauled or your kids for that matter you would have a different opinion, but screw everyone else right?

No one said anything about going to your place and killing your dog, but if it gets out or off its leash, it fair game.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

Just today down here a little boy was mauled by a pit bull and taken to hospital with serious injuries,to the face/shoulder because the owner(his grandmother)could not control the dog.
she too was bitten multiple times.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

That's too bad.

Someone will still.get on this thread and show their total lack of intelligence by comparing a 1 time occurance of a Labrador to the hundreds of occurances by the pit bull.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

I live in the country, somewhat, just outside of city limits. So there aren't many codes regarding loose dogs, other than you can shoot them if they pose a threat. Everytime I run, I pass this shit hole house, with wannabe gangster types. Of course, they have pit's, and of course, they are never tied up even though they have a fully fenced yard. I intentionally run on the other side of the road, but they still give me chase. I keep a two foot piece of rebar before and after their house, so I can pummel those fucks if need be.

Well, it's gotten to the point that I now carry my .40, and have pulled it twice on them in defense of myself and a little boy riding his bike. Each time, they stop dead in their tracks, like they know what the business end of a barrel is. The owners and I exchange expletives, and I call the Sherriffs each and every time. The Sherriffs don't do shit, other than tell them to keep them chained up, and that I have every right to put them down.

So, I now run a different route, but occassionally run past this house. I'd rather avoid it, but don't feel like I have to or am responsible to. I will not hesitate to put a hydroshock in their dog, then toss the carcass onto their property. Just don't want to do it, to avoid confronation with the less than "shady" type, owners.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

I have 2 , brother and sister. They are both rescue . ALL they want to do is play, never seen then even growl. Take them for walks in the woods and once out of my fenced back yard they both walk beside me as if protecting me. They both do jump,run and play. all the time
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Nam Grunt</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have 2 , brother and sister. They are both rescue . ALL they want to do is play, never seen then even growl. Take them for walks in the woods and once out of my fenced back yard they both walk beside me as if protecting me. They both do jump,run and play. all the time </div></div>

I have a buddy with a pit bull. Very friendly dog with NO issues (so far). I still would never trust that dog enough to let him off his leash when out of the yard or when children are around. And definately wouldn't trust him when children are around.

We all think that the dog being very protective of us is cool......until it attacks a 3 year old child that he apparently thought was going to attack you.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

With the given history of pitbull attacks I would suggest anyone that owns or is thinking of owning one ask yourself one simple question.

Is having this dog worth going to prison over?

There are plenty of pitbull owners that have gone to jail or prison becasue their pitbull attacked someone. Many of them stated that it was the first time their dog had ever done anything like that.

Google "pitbull owner in prison" or "pitbull owner gets jail" and you will see a bunch of "good" owners that are sitting in jail or prison becasue of their pitbull. That in itself should be reason enough to seriously consider owning one.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

Problem is, the sexy catch phrase "pitbull" is used to describe any dog vaguely bearing the stereotypical resemblance. IE, big, block heads, heavy muscled, cropped ears, etc. Anyhoo, the reason that "pitbull" attack stats are what they appear to be is because there are so many dang dogs labeled as "pitbulls". All the while, they could be and are any number of breeds, both pure & crossbred.
AmStaff, Staffbull, American bulldog, Alapaha bulldog, Catahoulas, Cane Corsos, Presa Canarios, Dogos, just to name a few. Not to mention all the new 'bullys' that are bred to look like fat gray HIPPOS. They ALL get lumped together as "pitbulls", yet are so far removed from the original it is a joke.
SO it's not fair to label all these dogs as "pitbull", nor is it a fair representation of the only REAL pitbull. That being an American Gamedog (Pitbull) Terrier...

Terrible video, but unfortunatley that shit can happen with ANY dog. Of course, a dog with tremendous physical ability is going to inflict more severe wounds. Bottom line is people need to know how to handle an animal, or they have no business owning one.

I'm not some pitbull crusader, but the guys who know the true breed are summarliy digusted at how it's been bastardized, exploited and dragged through the mud.

And BIG +1 for using an edge in that situation. How people can sit back & video that without offering assistance is outrageous....
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

guntard you must not be able to read i guess as i said i was mauled by one of the fuckin dogs and if you had one i would gladly put it to sleep.you have know idea the terror that anyone let alone a child goes through when they get tore to shreds by one of these dogs.if you have more to say to me take it to a pm dont waste peoples time by typing about shit you got no idea about!!!!!!
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

I'm with you man. No use for animals that bite anybody. I'd put a bullet in the head of a benji like dog, if it acted aggressive towards my son. Chihuahua's, schnauzers, rat terriers, I don't give a flip. ... speaking of which, there is a little herd of 6-10 ankle biters on my corner that chase us all the time, I simply kick them, but they'd make a challenging target at 50 yards!
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: netranger6</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm with you man. No use for animals that bite anybody. I'd put a bullet in the head of a benji like dog, if it acted aggressive towards my son. Chihuahua's, schnauzers, rat terriers, I don't give a flip. ... speaking of which, <span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold">there is a little herd of 6-10 ankle biters on my corner that chase us all the t</span>ime</span>, I simply kick them, but they'd make a challenging target at 50 yards! </div></div>
WTF! LOL!! Where do these little things live?
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

Different breeds of dogs have been created by breeding to desired characteristics. You can't then assume that those characteristics will turn off within one dog or even within the lineage of dogs that have been bread for that characteristic. Pitbulls along with some other breeds will always be more likely to be aggressive than certain other breeds as that was their intended trait. Like anything else there will be good apples and bad apples and of course they are impacted by the conditions of their lifetime. Like most topics anyone on the extreme that say pitbulls are terrible are wrong and anyone that says they are the same as labs or a golden retriever are wrong.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Ultraman550</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: netranger6</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm with you man. No use for animals that bite anybody. I'd put a bullet in the head of a benji like dog, if it acted aggressive towards my son. Chihuahua's, schnauzers, rat terriers, I don't give a flip. ... speaking of which, <span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold">there is a little herd of 6-10 ankle biters on my corner that chase us all the t</span>ime</span>, I simply kick them, but they'd make a challenging target at 50 yards! </div></div>
WTF! LOL!! Where do these little things live? </div></div>

Neighbors house, on the corner. They have no fence, and have a small army of yappers. I hate them.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

In my 13 years of being a firefighter I have seen exactly 8 dog attacks. 7 were pits, the other was an Akita which is a much more rare and far more evil dog.

With a golden retriever, they go through life until they see a ball. The ball is thrown and something snaps in them. They are all like "O shit, I have to go get that!", and they do.

With a pit, sooner or later something will snap in they and they are all like "O shit, I need to eat that infant!"

On the other hand, what do I know about anything. Everyone should own a land shark.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

I was attacked by a dog when I was a kid walking to a friends house. Stray dogs running around our house in the country of any size will become buzzard food, especially large dogs. We have several kids out where we live and I would hate for any of them to experience that feeling of be terrified by a dog. Keep them pinned up or chained up!
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

I was told a long time ago that a dog that runs in the woods (or into your yard) ought to lay in the woods. I won't dispute the pain somebody whose been bitten has gone through. I'd just like you all to take a look at this thread and go back and replace "bit" with shot. Then replace "pitbull" with gun. See what this looks like.

I'd like to see the lineage of those 118 dogs, and I would also pretty much guarantee that when one of them finally killed or injured someone badly, it probably wasn't the first incident. The others had just been covered up. Kind of like "plea bargaining" criminals and wondering how a killer ended up still being on the street.

I once did a speech for a class on gun control using the 1990 Statistical Analysis of the United States as a reference. There were 16,000 firearms deaths that year, not distinguished by AD, suicide, or murder. The same year the infant mortality rate was 38k if I remember correctly. Slip and fall deaths were around 10k. Ask MADD how many people are lost a year to alcohol.

Idiots certainly do love to own these dogs (and unfortunately, guns) and they don't ask for papers or buy $1k pups from reputable breeders. I'm not going to argue the capabilities of these dogs with anyone. They're certainly one of the few breeds capable of tangling with wild pigs.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: sleepymonkey</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I would rather read twenty pages of YouTube comments on a gun video than have one more person post in this thread.</div></div>
I politely disagree. I think this is a very healthy discussion. I am enjoying it, and have to agree with most all of the posts here.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: fireguyty</div><div class="ubbcode-body">.....which is a much more rare and far more evil dog..... </div></div>

/me sits at a large cold granite desk laughing darkly.... "Far more evil.. he said did he..." As a picture of an Akita is placed next to a picture of a Rhodesian Ridgeback... "Perhaps a couple of each....."
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: guntard007</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I had a Black Lab try to rip out my throat when I was in 2nd grade. I guess that makes ALL black labs dangerous animals like Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, Dobermans (long list, should I keep going?). It is NOT the breed of dog, it is the inbreeding of the redneck/ghetto owners that treat the dog improperly, or even worse train that behavior into the animal. </div></div>

My friend was attacked by a lab when he was about 10yrs old. The dog bit him is the face and he ended up having plastic surgery. This dog looks more like a ridgeback than an (APBT)american pitbull terrior/staffordshire terrior. What is funny is on this past Christmas my cousin, his dog and I were atacked my a dog that looked just like this one in the video. It all ended soon with two .32 acp to the dogs dome.

I have owned an APBT and he was the sweetest dog ever, I currently own a lab and he is the sweetest dog ever. its all in how you rase them just like kids.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: GrnMtnRidgeRunnr</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Different breeds of dogs have been created by breeding to desired characteristics. You can't then assume that those characteristics will turn off within one dog or even within the lineage of dogs that have been bread for that characteristic. Pitbulls along with some other breeds will always be more likely to be aggressive than certain other breeds as that was their intended trait. Like anything else there will be good apples and bad apples and of course they are impacted by the conditions of their lifetime. Like most topics anyone on the extreme that say pitbulls are terrible are wrong and anyone that says they are the same as labs or a golden retriever are wrong. </div></div>

If you actually did some breed history research on PITBULLS, you'd know that this breed was developed to specifically NOT be man aggressive.
Pitbulls were bred to be canine gladiators. Historically, man aggressive pitdogs would being culled immediately. So, after years & years of the man aggressive trait being culled from their stock, the vast majority of real pitbulls are remarkably stable and docile around humans. And much more so than most other breeds. How many Labs would let a kid stick them with a pencil and wag there tail at the pain???

ON a quick side note and no offense to their owners, but this is why I just don't understand families wanting to have dogs historically trained FOR man aggression to be household pets! I won't mention specific breeds, but you can figure out which. TO each, his own...

Back on track.

In only the last two decades,the hype of owning a 'pitbull' has been en vogue & glamorized by gangsta & other tuff guy types. And the previous 'badazz dogs' seen on the street and in movies ain't so badazz anymore

Anyhoo, this flood of popularity of the original dogs has led to all sorts of brainless breeding practices, giving little/no regard for desirable/undesirable traits.

So now we are stuck with what we have today.
Dogs endeared by gangstas, thugs, punks, backyard dog fighters & wannabe tough guys who breed dogs just to make more of 'em. When breeding dogs, it is only too easy to allow an undesirable trait to perpetuate. And now we have man aggressive, oversized, over bred, crossbred, under culled, former gladiator dogs owned by fuggin' idiots. SAD deal, all around.

I've owned a few in the past, but will prolly never will again for all the reasons stated above. It just ain't worth it. As stable as pitbulls are with people, one has to worry 100x more about them being dog aggressive. After all, THAT TRAIT is what they were originally bred for. And Cesar Millan won't be able to help you at the dog park when a shit-bred wannabe 'pitbull' reverts back to it's ancestry and grabs hold of somebody's pet. Then YOU are fucked, your DOG is fucked, the other dog is hurt or kilt. I sure don't need that aggravation...

Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

Well, I stand corrected on my stance on the APBT. Did some research on the TRUE breed on www.dogbreedinfo.com and as it turns out they are incredibly stable dogs. However the issues do arise with improper breeding to establish aggressive traits and improper training. The dog surprisingly is great around its owner and children. The dog is extremely eager to please its owner and family, and have an uncanny ability to sense when something is not right. The issues arise when a dog in the line has been bred and trained to be aggressive and for fighting. The dog has a natural instinct to protect its owner as.well as to please its owner, that is NOT something that needs to be trained into that dog or emphasized with this dog. That, it seems is what leads to violent attacks by this breed. Not only because this dog is naturally protective but also it wants to please its owner, and if said owner has emphasized and capitolized on this protective nature not only has this owner brought out the aggression in this dog, he has also trained into this dog that attacking will please his master and that is where the issue arises.

Although I will probably never own one, if i were too, I would ensure that this dog had genuine AKC papers and that no dogs in his/her blood line were bred for aggressive traits or fighting. I would not purchase a rescue dog for the above stated reasons. I will also continue to be extremely weary about others pitbulls for the same reasons stated above.

The article I read was very educational and great at stating the facts about these dogs and the reasons why issues arise with this particular breed of dog. Hope this helps some of you as it did me.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: fireguyty</div><div class="ubbcode-body">...

With a golden retriever, they go through life until they see a ball. The ball is thrown and something snaps in them. They are all like <span style="color: #FF0000">"O shit, I have to go get that!", </span>and they do.

With a pit, sooner or later something will snap in they and they are all like <span style="color: #33FF33">"O shit, I need to eat that infant!"</span>
On the other hand, what do I know about anything. Everyone should own a land shark. </div></div>

<span style="color: #FF0000">LOL</span>

<span style="color: #33FF33">the truth!</span>

And why didnt that scum help the man?? jeeze...
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

I'm not going to get into the Pits are good/bad debate. It's been beat to death here and elsewhere. I personally am a Pit fan for the record.

What I will say, is that the cameraman is the one who should be getting the brunt of the criticism here. If the victim died, that is entirely on the cameraman's head in my opinion.

I see this trend a lot in Liveleak videos. This one is an excellent example:

What is wrong with people? And I'm not referring to the guy stabbing his wife.
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: W54/XM-388</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: fireguyty</div><div class="ubbcode-body">.....which is a much more rare and far more evil dog..... </div></div>

/me sits at a large cold granite desk laughing darkly.... "Far more evil.. he said did he..." As a picture of an Akita is placed next to a picture of a Rhodesian Ridgeback... "Perhaps a couple of each....." </div></div>

I don't understand this. Anyone help translate?
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

I'm not a dog expert so I can't claim whether or not its the breed or how it's brought up. Regardless of what, I think the issue lies in the animal itself and how it's built. These things can weigh anything from 60-100+ lbs and they're nothing but muscle with really sharp teeth. That allows them to inflict a massive amount of damage.

You can train a toy dog to be mean but its not going to get very far or cause any real damage.

That being said, I've seen what these animals are capable of and once they lock those jaws shut only one of two ways of getting them open. Choke them out or kill them.

I have zero use for them and like another poster said, "A good pitbull is a dead pitbull."
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

Anyone with experience raising / breeding animals for profit can tellyou that it is the most basic common sense that breeding matters a LOT to the temperament of the animal. Given the fact that the vast majority of pit bull owners have NO IDEA what the lineage of their animal and the fact that per capita they are FAR more likely to hurt someone, tells me that their defense of the breed is based on emotion rather than fact.

You can take any dog and make it mean. You can raise some dogs correctly and they will still turn mean one day because it is in their DNA. Pitbulls have a much higher percentage of the latter than most.

Everyone that has one that disfigures the kid next door probably says "I never thought they were capable of that."
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

I believe it's a combination of purpose specific breeding and uneducated, ignorant dog owners. There seams to be a huge draw to pitbulls by little thug wannabes with thier pants around their knees.

There is no doubt that the vast majority of pitbull bloodlines have serious issues that has caused them to be very risky pets even if you are a reponsible pet owner.

Add that to the fact that most pitbull owners buy them to front their thug image and you have a real problem.

I had some neighbors that were renting a house next to mine. They had three big red pits that fought vigorously nonstop. More than once these dogs would get out of their yard and aggresively come towards me. Many times I dreamed about shooting these dogs but I feared it would escalate the situation to places I didn't really want to go. It was obvious to me what kind of people they were as the guests would visit nonstop all day and night but only stay for a few minutes.

One time I decided I'd had enough and went to have a talk with them. When I stepped a few steps into the yard one of the dogs came around from behind the house and started staring me down and growling. I recognized him as the alpha dog of the pack.

Fortunatly for me, these people were pigs and left junk strewn across the yard. As I watched the dog I lunged for a claw hammer in front of me. The dog came hard and fast.The claw sunk into his ribs just as he was within a couple feet of my face. It broke several ribs and had to have messed up his internal organs a bit as far as it went in. This f**kin animal mearly winced, turned and walked away.

I left, called the cops and soon there after they were all gone on drug charges. Happy ending but a very close call.

Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Prairie Wolf</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Pit Bulls killed 118 people from 1979 to 1998
Rotweilers: 67
German Shepard: 41
Husky: 21
Malamute: 16
Wolf Dog Hybrid: 15

Mixed breed Not otherwise specified: 47

For Fun:
Labrador Retriever: 8

The study states that because we don't know how many of each type of dog there are, we can't determine the relative likeliness of attacks. But, common sense should tell you that Labradors are very common. Wolf mixes are not, and therefore are very dangerous.

I don't think pit bulls are very common, and yet 118 people have been killed by them.

We still don't know if these dogs were trained by drug dealers to protect their weed patch or meth lab or if somebody's beloved pet that wouldn't hurt a fly killed the neighbor's kid.

I tend to think it would be the latter.

At least you have to admit that pit bulls have killed a lot of people, far more than I expected given the percentage of dogs that are pit bulls.

I do know that the instant a pit bull steps onto my property, I will come out shooting. I'd consider rotweillers too after seeing the study. I ain't taking any chances with my little girls.



For what it's worth, the comments on the above video claim that the victim was the dog's owner, and that he liked to drink and beat the hell out of the dog.</div></div>

The problem with the results from studies like this is the amount they leave out, so much it nearly makes them nearly irrelevant. One big problem, already mentioned, its the type of people this breed regularly attracts. I know lots of decent people that own great examples of Pits, but I also can't help but notice they are a favorite of trashy redneck f**ks and thugs alike. How many Australian shepherds you see thugs or ignorant necks with? Is it a coincidence that rots are pretty high on both of those lists as well?
Re: ..they get a bad rep why?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Slapchop</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
I have zero use for them and like another poster said, "A good pitbull is a dead pitbull." </div></div>

Sir, that type of ignorance is frighteningly similar to those who wield it speak out against owning guns.

Think about the mindset for just a minute, then tell me I'm wrong.

Your attitude is a manifestation of fear of what you don't understand. It is obvious that you don't know what a 'pitbull' is. Real pitbulls aren't close to 60lbs, let alone 100. Nor are there teeth any sharper than another breed. While I'm at it, there jaws don't have a locking mechanism either.

Also, you pick & choose 'facts' supportive of your fear to further your argument. Or embellish a fact to make it more 'factual'...

AS to dog's DNA for aggression, what about dogs like beagles trained to hunt/kill rabbits?
Coons? B&Ts, redbones, Walkers, Plotts, etc
Bear & big cats? " " "
mice? small terriers like JRTs
lurchers & coursing hounds like grayhounds, wolfhounds, etc.

Isn't the <span style="font-style: italic">kill</span> instinct in their DNA, too?

And what about breeds that have been developed SPECIFICALLY to be man biters (protection dogs)?
One would think it safe to assume there is <span style="font-style: italic">something</span> in those breeds' DNA to drive them to BITE PEOPLE, no???

Your argument <span style="font-style: italic">sounds</span> good, but it isn't based on logic.

There is NO doubt that a man aggressive dog is a threat. But it is just that, a man aggressive dog, NOT a man aggressive BREED.

The simple fact is you cannot damn an entire breed of dog based on the actions of a few. Especially if that breed is misrepresented!

That is the same mentality of those who wish to take our guns away from us have.
And by quoting you, I'm not trying to single you out specifically. I just feel that point needs made...