You have lots of company. Most live in neighborhoods where we're not welcome...but our tax dollars are demanded.
Our neighborhoods could become just like those other ones.
These 'stimulus' stipends are exactly like the freebies that the dope merchants give out.
Get you hooked.
It's happening all around you. Soon, when it pays more to do nothing, your neighborhoods and those ones will be just one.
Money, right now, is just electronic zeroes and ones in those bank accounts they force you to have in order to receive it. You can't even touch it with your hands.
It is whatever they say it is.
A few keystrokes and your account reads $0.00.
Behave, children...
I would gladly tell them to keep their fucking stimulus if they would agree to leave my 2nd amendment rights the fuck alone... That shit just gets my blood boiling...
Well, if that's all your 2nd Amendment is worth to you, it's a bargain worth taking.
The 2nd Amendment isn't a bargaining chip. It's a fundamental buttress of this Republic.
When the Brits tried disarming
our citizens, they got their heads handed to them. We are those
same citizens, looking at an oppression that has its roots both here and abroad.
Trade for the 2nd Amendment?
The 2nd Amendment is in its current trouble because the politicians have lulled us into believing it's a bargainin chip. They hold it over our heads like a carrot before a donkey, and we condone anything they do, just pleez masssa Congessman, doan' take my 2nd away.
Well; I say fuck that.
The 2nd is not a line in the sand. It's THE line in the sand.
Take my money, I'm a pauper. Take my guns, I'm a slave.
A slave's got very little to lose. Just a life; and a slave's life, you can have it if you want it.
When you look at death from arm's length, it's not so scary; it;s coming anyway, no matter what one does. Been there enough times not to hold it in so much esteem as some.
Our guns are
our guns, and not for anyone's taking.
3% of the American colonists stood up to the world's greatest superpower. They already occupied us, they outgunned us, and we had no friends beyond our own shores. We were ruled, not governed, by a Parliament and a demented King weeks away across an ocean. We were forbidden the manufacture of goods, even metal shovels, by that same parliament. Their neighbors, even their own relatives, would turn them in for the King's Schilling. They hid in the forests and managed their campaign on a shoelace. They had commitment, courage, and they prevailed; with the French coming to their side only when those Patriots had the British command trapped in Yorktown.
I point out to you that as of this day, counting all under military orders in this land, they number a feeble 1.4 million. Taking but 3% of our current population, we number ten million. There are 72 million
reported American gun owners.
They're four-flushers, playing an ultimate bluff. They play that hand; they will go down hard. Offhand, I'd say the hate's mutual.