Comedian Chris Rock was onstage during the Oscars doing a presentation or something, I don't know because I don't watch the pedophile, Satan worshipping awards, and he made some joke about Will Smith's whore wife and her shaved head. She suffers from alopecia. Anyway, she shaves her head. Chris rock called her GI Jane.
Will Smith laughed until he saw his whore wife that openly screws other men and brags about it, roll her eyes, so Smith, the ultimate cuck, figures he better go into protective man roll to cover the fact he's an open relationship cuck. You can put your dick in his wife's mouth and she tells him to like it but don't make a joke about her mangy scalp. Will Smith goes onstage and pimp slaps Chris Rock. People said it was staged but it's not.
Anyway, the once formal white supremacist ceremony is now one step away from being an iHop at midnight. At east chairs weren't thrown, tables overturned, weaves torn out and shots fired into the crowd. I'm sure thats next.
Will Smith laughed until he saw his whore wife that openly screws other men and brags about it, roll her eyes, so Smith, the ultimate cuck, figures he better go into protective man roll to cover the fact he's an open relationship cuck. You can put your dick in his wife's mouth and she tells him to like it but don't make a joke about her mangy scalp. Will Smith goes onstage and pimp slaps Chris Rock. People said it was staged but it's not.
Anyway, the once formal white supremacist ceremony is now one step away from being an iHop at midnight. At east chairs weren't thrown, tables overturned, weaves torn out and shots fired into the crowd. I'm sure thats next.
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