1. You will notice the performance gain more from filmless in extremely dark settings. IR illumination or high ambient light can make a 1500 FOM tube and a 2500 FOM tube appear to be about as clear as the other. If you have seen any high resolution pictures through a unfilmed WP tube it was probably with good ambient light or they were using supplement IR illumination. Filmless will not wash out in an urban-setting. Even if you went from a very dark setting to a lighted room it won’t wash out the tube. It’s not like the moves from the 90s where the actors are blinded. I believe all new tubes are autogated. I wouldn’t recommend this by any means but I’m just giving an example. I have only had dtnvgs and rnvgs so the manual gain was never an option for me With unfilmed tubes. The Omni7 pvs-14 I have has manual gain and I don’t really find my self needing to mess with it too much.I have walked my dog in my neighborhood with all the street lights and they do fine(Filmless). Halo is something you would want to consider if you plan on using them in high ambient light settings. If you have a high halo unit if you look into a light in the distance it will wash out part of your FOV. This is with filmless, thin filmed, filmed, etc. Anything with a under 1 is good, and anything under .6 is great (new video from Sam at TNVC explains this). I don’t have photonis or know anyone that does but supposedly the 4G INTENS works well in high ambient light settings. I can’t verify this personally, but I have seen videos on YouTube and it seems to do pretty well.
2. Keep in mind when talked about FOM you are only talking about two specs on the tube. Center resolution and signal to noise. This has been discussed in length on just about every forum. FOM is not the only thing you should consider. Halo as I mentioned, EBI, luminance gain, are all important too.
3. I think you would notice something like a good or bad halo/ebi more than 2000FOM vs 2500FOM. I would think anything with an SNR over 30 and atleast 64 center resolution (1920FOM) and you’re going to have a really nice tube. Granted other specs are good.