In mid 70's I was inside a close friends LGS ,along with another friend and shooter . As we were exchanging half truths and a few fables ,in came a man in his mid 40's I'd guess who seemed out of place but none the less entered into the shop . Just looking at all the gun displays ,so we continued our conversation for a bit.
When all of a sudden coming across the parking outside the big front windows ,was a young lady perhaps 16-20 years of age ?.
Well the owner of the shop made the comment " Now there's a face that would stop a clock " . She was homely ugly .
The man who entered into the shop looked up ,walked towards the door opened it called out her name and repeated what the owner said .
Seemingly quite unaware of what he had just repeated to his daughter , she shouted out a few choice phrases of her own . He turned back and told us all to F ourselves and walked out .
Apparently it was his daughter

I don't recall ever hearing another comment being made of ANYONE inside or outside that shop ; Other than when we were in private or lunch or shooting at the Range . Live and learn