This definitely sucks. Submarine lost.

Saw that earlier, kind of made my stomach knot up, thinking about what it might be like to be inside and basically helpless. Thats one reason I dont fly anymore, not afraid of dying but I'd hate to be trapped in a cigar tube falling from 30K feet tor several minutes til it hits.

The map was interesting, I always pictured the wreck as being further east.
They knew what they did for a living. When someone asked them to ride a submarine to those depths, they knew the risks. They weren't doing it out of service for mankind or to defend freedoms, they were doing it for profit. The cure to cancer wasn't down there, nor was the answer to some question that humanity needed to have answered.... it was money. If you die while trying to get rich, it's sad for the families, but I'll reserve my use of the word "tragedy" for situations where truly innocent people are killed through no fault of their own. That's a tragedy. This is a workplace hazard.
I'm no expert but I'm sure at those depths and pressures the smallest failure is catastrophic. I don't remember hearing about any of these small subs sinking though. Eventually if you do something enough some shit is going to happen.
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it will show up in china 6 months from now the new owner will not want to give it back . it was not lost just relocated the navy is doing good with ships being run upon the land and ships sunk ( or stolen ) .
12,500 feet is super deep, I am surprised that the sub could go that deep. That is about 5,470 lbs./sq. inch.

If a window broke, or leaked, it would be a very quick death. On the surface we are at 14.4 lbs./sq. inch.

For a minute I thought we lost one of our Navy Boats.

Not that there is any less loss for a crew of a commercial sub or its high buck passengers. But I saw the headline and first thing I thought is that we lost an attack or missile boat. And given the way the Navy is handling Maintenance and Recruitment, that is honestly the FIRST thing I thought.

One of my best friends was engineering officer on a Special Ops boat many years ago. Went into Tech. One of the smartest dudes I ever knew. Like way out there smart. Went through the Navy Nuc program and it got him out of a low rent district in Michigan into amazing career and life. I love sub folks. They are a breed apart.

Anyway... I read the headline and my heart sank.

I doubt they had time for even a moment of panic. If it was some failure that left the hull intact, they should have been able to blow ballast and surface. I fear it was a catastrophic failure of the pressure vessel and they were squashed almost instantly. But, all pure speculation.
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I want to feel "bad", but I really don't...
Somethings happen where it is just hard to feel bad, because they knew the risks and "paid" an exorbitant price for the experience and bragging rights. Honestly, does anyone really feel bad:
1) If they crash in a private jet
2) or, If they pay over a million bucks on Blue Origin/Virgin Galactic/SpaceX just so they have an "astronaut" patch, and it crashes
3) or, if they pay $250k just so they can experience what it feels like to sink to the bottom of the ocean and look at Titanic and shit happens

So now, the tax payers are paying the US, Canadian governments and Coast Guards for their search and rescue out of their luxury experience of a lifetime...
Maybe it's the universe hinting there are better ways to spend one's wealth?
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Gets even better… the US and Canadian Coast Guards are now spending their tax payer’s money for the search and rescue of a British businessman on his $250+k joyride to the bottom of the ocean that went wrong.

Typical. Privileged guy goes on an expensive excursion and the government spends 100x the amount to bail him out…
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Gets even better… the US and Canadian Coast Guards are now spending their tax payer’s money for the search and rescue of a British businessman on his $250+k joyride to the bottom of the ocean that went wrong.

Typical. Privileged guy goes on an expensive excursion and the government spends 100x the amount to bail him out…
I seriously doubt you can bail out an implosion, that would be some serious bailing.
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For a minute I thought we lost one of our Navy Boats.

Not that there is any less loss for a crew of a commercial sub or its high buck passengers. But I saw the headline and first thing I thought is that we lost an attack or missile boat. And given the way the Navy is handling Maintenance and Recruitment, that is honestly the FIRST thing I thought.

One of my best friends was engineering officer on a Special Ops boat many years ago. Went into Tech. One of the smartest dudes I ever knew. Like way out there smart. Went through the Navy Nuc program and it got him out of a low rent district in Michigan into amazing career and life. I love sub folks. They are a breed apart.

Anyway... I read the headline and my heart sank.

Sub sailors don't breed apart, they breed together.
110 men leave on deployment 52 couples return plus 3 estranged relationships
For these private joyrides(Blue Origin/Virgin Galactic/SpaceX/Titanic/Global Balloon Rides/etc...), there should be a clause that says:

"Your price for the joyride does not include the search and rescue if things go wrong. If shit happens, the effort and money spent for your search and rescue, private and government expenditures, will be fully borne by you. If you die, it will be paid out of your family's inheritance. Your $250k joyride down to the bottom of the ocean to visit Titanic could land up costing your family $25-50m or more should you need search and rescue efforts. The honest tax payers will not be paying for your fk ups."

Let's see how many sign up after that...
And, yes. Hard to feel bad for adventure tourists spending 6X the average american family income for some selfies and bragging rights.

But there was a professional crew. AND it sucks to get turned into organic jelly at the bottom of the ocean.

I love that the 1 percent can do cool things for big dollars. Be it pretending to race Nascars or go into space or motorcycle across China... whatever. Live your life to the fullest. But don't cry if you die.

I just got back from a meet-up in Gettysburg where I see friends I've known for 30 years... who were the top of their games and in the fraction of the one percent of awesome dudes. On walkers. And Oxygen. Dottering. Memory issues. Sad at a level that made me both sad and terrified that I'll be there someday.

Trust me, I'll be smuggling a Luger into the old folks home. Because I will not end like that.

So in the grand scheme of things, getting imploded in a sub is not the worst thing that can happen to you. But sucks for the crews and the families and the 'rescue' is going to cost people who don't deserve to pay for 1% pleasure and bragging rights.

Shit sandwich.

Hey, at least they didn't get shot doing Juneteenth shit.

I never watch submarine movies, either.

No issue with the scripts or the special effects or the plots.

I just don't like subtitles.

Sub titles beat the shit out of the stupid voices they pick to dub movies with. I swear they do that shit on purpose. I was watching a Norwegian flick the other day (they are knocking it out of the park these days) and it autoplayed with english dubbed. The voices were so out of character and with zero inflection that 5 minutes in I switched to Norwegian with sub titles.
Sub titles beat the shit out of the stupid voices they pick to dub movies with. I swear they do that shit on purpose. I was watching a Norwegian flick the other day (they are knocking it out of the park these days) and it autoplayed with english dubbed. The voices were so out of character and with zero inflection that 5 minutes in I switched to Norwegian with sub titles.

I think you took me a bit too seriously on that one...

cliff clavin.jpg
Elites doing elite things. Sometimes shit happens. Some call that karma. I remember watching a recentish Robert Ballard documentary about how tourist subs have actually caused more damage to the wreck site. Even showed where a bow deck had given way due to a sub landing on it.

To me. Its disturbing a gravesite. Just think if some rich assholes started stepping all over the Arizona. Cause they can.

My opinion. Agree or disagree. Now we gotta spend taxpayer money to find these idiots.
reminds me of the JFK jr flight crash incident.
If JFK Jr has taken a commercial flight + ferry, or drove in traffic + ferry to Martha's Vineyard like EVERYONE else, it would have saved tax payers a shit ton of money. But no, he had to fly his own plane, against FAA's recommendations in conditions way above his pay grade into dusk, and crashed.

Got the US Navy, Coast Guard, warships and search planes all involved in his search and rescue. So who pays? Tax payers of course...

What ever happened to "equal treatment under the law" thing... just pisses me off.
Most Americans can't even see a Dr without being asked for proof of insurance first... yet, here we have the US and Canadian Coast guards expending all efforts and expenses looking for some rich British guy lost during his joyride to visit Titanic...
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Trust me, I'll be smuggling a Luger into the old folks home. Because I will not end like that.

So in the grand scheme of things, getting imploded in a sub is not the worst thing that can happen to you. But sucks for the crews and the families and the 'rescue' is going to cost people who don't deserve to pay for 1% pleasure and bragging rights.

Shit sandwich.

Hey, at least they didn't get shot doing Juneteenth shit.


A pellet in the ear is far preferable to a long drawn out death. I watched mom spend 3 years in dementia. NO thanks.
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Will be interesting to see if the Navy can get some ROV's there in time. Not sure who else would have deep rescue capabilities. Apparently that sub wasn't tethered, which would creep me the hell out. Floating around in inky darkness, no thank you.

Back when the Navy was badass? Hell yeah!



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Elites doing elite things. Sometimes shit happens. Some call that karma. I remember watching a recentish Robert Ballard documentary about how tourist subs have actually caused more damage to the wreck site. Even showed where a bow deck had given way due to a sub landing on it.

To me. Its disturbing a gravesite. Just think if some rich assholes started stepping all over the Arizona. Cause they can.

My opinion. Agree or disagree. Now we gotta spend taxpayer money to find these idiots.

On 6 May 1945, the German submarine U-853 was sunk of the coast of Rhode Island. It's in shallow enough water for scuba diving.

Years later a diver exploring the wreck, brought up the skeletal remains of one of her sailors. He displayed it in ghoulish fashion around the local area.

Some citizens of Rhode Island, disgusted by this action, obtained the sailor's remains and gave him a military burial close to the coast.

I'm content to look at photos and videos of the Titanic. Even if I had the money, I would rather spend it on a luxury tour bus, hire the most beautiful chauffeurettes and sponsor a bikini modeling team to tour the country than to ride an iron coffin to Davey Jones' locker.
For a minute I thought we lost one of our Navy Boats.

Not that there is any less loss for a crew of a commercial sub or its high buck passengers. But I saw the headline and first thing I thought is that we lost an attack or missile boat. And given the way the Navy is handling Maintenance and Recruitment, that is honestly the FIRST thing I thought.

One of my best friends was engineering officer on a Special Ops boat many years ago. Went into Tech. One of the smartest dudes I ever knew. Like way out there smart. Went through the Navy Nuc program and it got him out of a low rent district in Michigan into amazing career and life. I love sub folks. They are a breed apart.

Anyway... I read the headline and my heart sank.

Pun intended?
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