Re: Thorough Huskemaw Scope Review @L.R.
We are getting more and more calls for these scopes. The T.V. show/infomercial is working well for them. We get calls and e-mails like this pretty regular now.
<span style="font-style: italic"><span style="color: #3333FF">Chris...
I have a 7mm-300 WBY Mag, I had built and have had a Swarovski PH 3x12by 56 I bought from you guys and it works great.
You know me well enough to know that I would take shots that are very long.
Anyway, I have been watching best of the west on tv as well as other programs and watching them kill accurately out to 900 plus yards. Being an old fat man this sounds like what I need to start doing. Forget the stalk just whack where they stand. I like it. So...................
What to buy? Illuminated or not?
I like the idea of a yardage turret, but I like the idea of MOA also so you have the functionality of change of load as well as change in altitude, etc.
What do you think?</span></span>------------------------------------------
We had initially thought that there would not be a market for something like this because of their pricing and because of
Leupold's CDS (Custom Dial System) and
Kenton Industries but looks like we were wrong.