I couldn't sleep if I had a barrel that looked like that. Not bashing you, I'm just OCD about rifle cleanliness.
What I've observed, purely from personal experience, is that on the barrels I do a break in procedure (the one the Mfg recommends) they aren't any more or less precise, but they're easier to clean on subsequent firings. Keeping everything clean is actually just more of a pain in the ass, as you have to shoot fowlers, and run some ammo to settle it back in.
There are endless opinions that will probably never be reconciled, but my barrels look slick on the Hawkeye because I long stroke brass brushes with a bore guide, and use homemade Ed's Red. I make a couple of gallons at a time every couple of years and keep it in a labeled gas can.
Save you a bundle on ridiculously priced bottles of cleaning solution, and works ten times better than anything else I or anyone I know has ever tried. I've given away a hundred little bottles of it, with basically the same recipe above, over the years and converted all my friends who seriously shoot.
I add a can of Kroil, use the Acetone, and include the lanolin. There's something in the automatic transmission fluid that beats the fuck out of anything else. The acetone makes it work a lot faster. You have to keep the lid shut when you're not actively applying it though, because the acetone is super volatile and evaporates really fast. All together it melts all the shit in your barrel like it was nothing, and leaves it looking new (except for actual damage to the steel in the throat that just happens cuz). Doesn't to anything for copper, but I only clean for copper every once in a while when the streaks show up on the bore scope.
Cleaning threads are the lifeblood of internet gun sites, but this shit has been around for many generations because it just works. If you take the time to brew your own I do not believe you will be disappointed and will become a believer, and you will stop paying through the nose per OZ for shit that only marginally works.