Tikka t1x Vs. CZ-457

So did you have your Savage re-barreled?
May I ask how much it cost and how it shoots?
We have a MkiiG with a pencil barrel that just won’t shoot well...
I’ve thought of cutting off 4.5” to try to stiffen it, but re- barreling would be better if cost affective, I just haven’t heard of any one who’s done it.

No to the re-barrel. As I said, the Savage shot very accurately. It was the trigger that was an absolute disaster.

Take a look at the long barrel CZ 457 Royal. It has a barrel that has a very thin profile. It is so very thin that it is difficult
to imagine that it could possibly shot well. I truth, it shoots nearly as well as my CZ 457 MTR with a heavy match bbl.

It is the Kriss Defiance that I may re-barrel. The KIDD bbl. has a cost of $300.00 and the gun is designed to accept
any Ruger type barrel. I just don't feel like I should buy a brand new gun and then need to buy a new KIDD bbl. for it.

I would do as I did, sell the Savage and buy a CZ 457. Don't put money into a sinking ship.
