Re: tips for the new guy
I just went to Thunder Valley Precision in OH yesterday. Im running a 700 5R 308 24" bbl. I had a friend load some Lapua brass Federal 210 primers, 45 gr of Winchester 748 and Hornady 168 gr BTHP national match. Ive never shot over 100 yards until yesterday. They printed out a dope sheet and we shot at 4 stations, 4 targets per station at various yards. I couldnt get the 1165 yard target (we only had 3 shots per target and had to move on) but I did hit 925, 950, and the 1050 yard target. The targets were 12"x12" steel. I was tickled to hit over 1000. After the training they let us free shoot at the 1000 yard range, and after I found the sweet spot, I could ring the 1000 yard steel like clockwork. The 1100 and 1200 yard target....I couldnt even make a call on where it was hitting. I think 11-1200 is pushing limits for a 168gr bullet. The owner says the hot ticket is 168gr Vmax with 44-45gr of Varget.
Good Luck