Tired of Hearing About It


Full Member
Jun 5, 2018
If you're anything like me, you're probably sick & tired of hearing the Left's nonstop whining about ILLEGAL ALIENS (screw that PC crap...they're not "immigrants"...they're invaders, plain and simple).

My mother is an immigrant to the US. She came here in 1974 (after escaping from one of history's worst Communist regimes), and became a naturalized US citizen.


- Speaks, reads, and writes English (better than many Americans do, believe it or not).

- Is a productive member of society.

- Believes and Lives the American Dream.

- Knows The Pledge, the National Anthem, and is well-versed in the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

- Has worked her ass off for everything she has.

- Has NEVER committed a crime (unless we're counting the 3-4 traffic tickets she's gotten in several decades of driving).

Not once has she ever asked for or expected, let alone Demanded any kind of handout.

WHO THE F**K are these people that think it is the US Taxpayer's responsibility to feed, clothe, and shelter CRIMINALS (who "broke the law" the second they illegally crossed the border into the United States)?

Worse still, is the fact that unlike my mother, these illegal aliens have No Interest in assimilating into our culture or way of life. Instead, they insist that they are entitled to come here and shit up our country, instead of fixing the problems in their own.

Worse yet, is the idea that by not speaking the local language, by not being legally-able to work...these illegal aliens are limited as far as what kind of jobs they can get. Even if they are honest & hardworking, the 2 main businesses which hire them are Landscaping, and Restaurants.

By being here illegally, NONE of these alien invaders are screened for diseases...and these un-screened people are working in the restaurant industry? Would you like a side of Hepatitis with your steak?

Of course, the Democrats think that by supporting these illegals, and encouraging them to come here, they'll be capturing these voters later on. In their usual shortsighted thinking, they haven't considered that the bloc of "Hispanic" voters will simply vote for their own candidates, once their numbers reach a certain point.

These people are creating a country within a country.

Libtards love to say "But, we're a nation of immigrants", citing past history, but not considering the big picture - at the time, America was becoming an industrial nation, and NEEDED population growth, and diverse skillsets to develop an explosively-growing economy. WE DO NOT NEED THEM NOW.

Even if we did need immigration, "what" are we bringing here?

We're importing 'useless eaters' from Latin America, 3rd World Africans from Somalia and Nigeria, and "Rape-fugees" from Syria.


I am friggin' sick of this shit, and as I said at the beginning, I am the son of an immigrant.

Learn the language, play by the rules, and BE American, or get the fuck out.


If you're anything like me, you're probably sick & tired of hearing the Left's nonstop whining about ILLEGAL ALIENS (screw that PC crap...they're not "immigrants"...they're invaders, plain and simple).

My mother is an immigrant to the US. She came here in 1974 (after escaping from one of history's worst Communist regimes), and became a naturalized US citizen.


- Speaks, reads, and writes English (better than many Americans do, believe it or not).

- Is a productive member of society.

- Believes and Lives the American Dream.

- Knows The Pledge, the National Anthem, and is well-versed in the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

- Has worked her ass off for everything she has.

- Has NEVER committed a crime (unless we're counting the 3-4 traffic tickets she's gotten in several decades of driving).

Not once has she ever asked for or expected, let alone Demanded any kind of handout.

WHO THE F**K are these people that think it is the US Taxpayer's responsibility to feed, clothe, and shelter CRIMINALS (who "broke the law" the second they illegally crossed the border into the United States)?

Worse still, is the fact that unlike my mother, these illegal aliens have No Interest in assimilating into our culture or way of life. Instead, they insist that they are entitled to come here and shit up our country, instead of fixing the problems in their own.

Worse yet, is the idea that by not speaking the local language, by not being legally-able to work...these illegal aliens are limited as far as what kind of jobs they can get. Even if they are honest & hardworking, the 2 main businesses which hire them are Landscaping, and Restaurants.

By being here illegally, NONE of these alien invaders are screened for diseases...and these un-screened people are working in the restaurant industry? Would you like a side of Hepatitis with your steak?

Of course, the Democrats think that by supporting these illegals, and encouraging them to come here, they'll be capturing these voters later on. In their usual shortsighted thinking, they haven't considered that the bloc of "Hispanic" voters will simply vote for their own candidates, once their numbers reach a certain point.

These people are creating a country within a country.

Libtards love to say "But, we're a nation of immigrants", citing past history, but not considering the big picture - at the time, America was becoming an industrial nation, and NEEDED population growth, and diverse skillsets to develop an explosively-growing economy. WE DO NOT NEED THEM NOW.

Even if we did need immigration, "what" are we bringing here?

We're importing 'useless eaters' from Latin America, 3rd World Africans from Somalia and Nigeria, and "Rape-fugees" from Syria.


I am friggin' sick of this shit, and as I said at the beginning, I am the son of an immigrant.

Learn the language, play by the rules, and BE American, or get the fuck out.


Can i mention you didn't miss a single platform point espoused by the responsible immigration platform.

That’s what I’m calling it from here on - Responsible immigration.

Aka become an American, not another soldado in transit to man your post at FOB Tejas on behalf of Mexico.