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Tonopah 2 Mile

Dan Warner

Full Member
Feb 11, 2017
Since there is no section on the Hide (yet) for ELR match schedules, I am posting this here. The potential ELR match that we have been talking about for a few months now is now officially a reality and is moving forward. We have started a FB page, and I will post the details for that just as soon as we have the pertinent details loaded onto it. That is where you will find the program, course of fire, entry forms and details. But for now, I will start by saying that the Tonopah 2 Mile will be held in Tonopah, NV. This is a 3 day event starting on 8/24 running through 8/26. We will have a sighting period on 8/23 (not on match targets). We are working with local establishments for group rate pricing for accomodations and we will post that once we have the details. Here is a bit on the COF:

As soon as the promotional materials are finalized I'll post them up. Couple of main points:
  • ranges 1,300, 1,600, 1,900, 2,200, 2,500, 2,800, 3,100, and 3,525. The site is virtually flat, so slope is not an issue.
  • 50 lb. maximum for rifles
  • NO weight limit for gear, but you and your team need to be able to move it up onto the line in 2 - 3 minutes.
  • No real limit to how the rifle is supported (front rest is ok, so are bipods and/or, tripods) so are portable shooting tables.
  • You are allowed to obtain a site zero the day before the match starts
  • target are all 36" x 36"
  • shoot targets sequentially shortest to longest.
  • Will have a minimum of 45 - 60 minutes between shooting the various targets.
  • MUST get at least 1 hit on either the 1,300 or the 1,600 yard Targets to shoot the remaining targets
  • you have up to 5 shots to obtain 3 hits on each target at each distance
  • using a combined preparation and shooting time frame - total of 15 minutes to move your gear to the line, set up and shoot the 5 shots on target.

We will also be circulating a sponsorship letter for those that wish to jump on that train and be a part of this new event. If you are interested, please contact me directly.
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Man, I would love to do this but I don't think it is in the cards this year. Will this be an annual event in the future Dan?

I'm the guy who talked to you a few times a couple weeks ago because your website was screwing up by the way.
We are encouraging as much participation as possible. If you show up alone, we will do everything we can to appoint a spotter for you. (As a team, you are allowed up to two) So by all means, can and shoot!
Soon we will have a web page dedicated to the Tonopah 2 Mile ELR event. That is where all documentation will reside. As soon as it is up in the next couple of days, I will announce it here. We will also have a FB page pointing to the same place for those that do FB.

This looks to be an exciting event. A few of the Nye County NV Sheriffs want to shoot with us (3 or 4 I believe) and want t o use the event to practice with their drones. So we may have shot spotting assistance from drone footage in addition to the target flash hit indicators that Scott Satterlee from Core has agreed to load us!
Looking at moving my vacation back a week so I can attend. I am looking to get a .375 CT but before I buy I want to see real world what guys are shooting so I don't waste time and money on the wrong choices. Will just bring the AI-PSR.338LM and see if I even get close to the 22000-2500 targets. My buddy will bring the .338 Snipetac if can make it. I would love to help spot if needed.
Just wonder on the dates Thru 8/24 thru Sat 8/26 correct??

Please do know that you can zero in your rifle on August 23 - see below !
But Dan will update !

Tonopah, NV 2-Mile Match Aug 24 - 26, 2017

The Tonopah 2-mile match is official and going forward. Dates are August 24 to 26 (site zeros on the 23rd)
A quick heads up. The Entry Form, Waiver, and information packet will be posted here a bit later today. So you can fill them out and return them starting this afternoon.

Dates of the Match are August 24 to 26, you can get a 1,000 yard Site Zero on the Match site the day before the Match starts - the 23rd.

As some incentive to get your entries send in before we fill up to capacity, here is a brief list of what will be on the prize table. Sponsorship is still a work in progress, but so far we have a 338LM receiver from Kelbly's Inc, Gift certificates from Copper Creek Cartridge and Bartlein barrels & PVA. Of course, there will be some Flatline bullets of choosing. The list is indeed longer than I can list here but stay tuned for more as we confirm!
FYI - If we get five (5) .338 LM/Edge or smaller in case capacity (130 gr. H2O) entries or more, we'll have a separate class for you.

I friend of mine is rolling in with a .284 Winchester. He'll be out of the hunt @ 2,200+, but inside that distance He is likely a terror

Right now, there are no pictures of the actual site. What we have displayed thus far is a picture or two taken in similar locale with a crappy cell phone of early morning desert fog. That said, they are not representative of the actual site. We will be there in a couple of weeks and plan to take some picture of the site for just this very reason.

Regardless of the actual site visual, I think you will have the difficulty of mirage and condition anywhere you are able to shoot 2 miles. Isn't that part of the challenge? We will have at least a couple of flags to aide in reading those conditions.
When shooting 2 miles from a ridge across a valley into the mountain side; the mirage is not that bad. Heck, I use it to watch the wind. But, 2 miles flat across the desert floor; a white gong disappears into the mirage shortly after 1030hrs. Paint the gong orange and your looking at a lava lamp.

I agree it is part of the challenge. You don't have to see the target; you just need to know where it is.

In recognition of sponsors that have jumped on board to help promote this exciting match. Not all inclusive and in no particular order:

- Kelbly's Inc. is putting a 338 action on the table!
- McMillan Fiberglass Stocks are supplying a gift certificate to cover the costs of a Beast stock!
- Seekins Precision is supplying lotto scratch tickets that yield various prizes of various values!
- NightForce has put a, ATACR 5-25x scope on the table!
- CopperCreekCartridge has placed certificates for loaded ammo up for grabs!
- Bartlein Barrels has added certificates for a couple of barrels!
- CuttingEdge is putting bullets on the table!

The list is growing!
Make sure you sign up so you can win some of this great stuff! Come shoot with us!

You can find the entry forms here:

But, 2 miles flat across the desert floor; a white gong disappears into the mirage shortly after 1030hrs.

I have not seen a map of the comp site. It's been a few years since I've been by the Tonopah airport and although it's in a pretty flat basin, IIRC it drains S to N. There is more topography in the area if you're not going strictly N/S or if you are a few miles from the airport.

We'll have some images of the site posted in a couple of weeks. We'll also be confirming the use/building of target berms at that time. That will certainly ease the spotting of near misses. I see no reason one cannot run two classes provided we have room. If we fill to capacity, then that certainly won't work.
To avoid any confusion at check in and on the first day of the match, I wanted to clarify a potential question. We are receiving a fair number of entry forms that show one or more spotters (excellent). Generally speaking, we have not been getting separate entries from the people identified as spotters, which is fine if they don’t intend to shoot the match. To be absolutely clear - if you want to shoot the event, you need to turn in a separate entry form. You must turn in an entry, even if you are named as a spotter on someone else’s form. All shooters need to turn in a separate entry form.

Who wants to win this? Can't win it if you don't sign up and shoot.


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Here are a couple of photos from our visit to the site over the last weekend to measure and mark the target locations.



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Newest update.

We have been in contact with the hotel who is providing the after-event banquet for our Match. They hit us with a Hard Count mandate of August 1st for the number of banquet meals we are going to need. What that means to everyone who may decide to compete is this:

You MUST have your signed entry form, waiver, and payment in my hand no later than Saturday, July 29, 2017. One more time.

You MUST have your signed entry form, waiver, and payment in my hand no later than Saturday, July 29, 2017.

We are going to close entries at that point. No walk ups at the Match will be allowed.

If you are planning to shoot in the match I suggest you send in your entry now, rather than wait. If you wait until July 29th to send it, you are not going to be in the Match.

The tiny piece of good news coming from this change is that we will have plenty of time to do squading and relay tweaking prior to the match. As a result we will very likely let you know in advance what your relay assignment will be.

A few changes to the program that you may want to be aware of.

An amended match program can be found here: https://warner-tool.com/pages/tonopah-2-mile

To try and shortcut some questions, the changes include:
• reducing each shooter's time in the box on the firing line from 15 minutes to 12 minutes,
• Clarifying the number of shooters for which a single person can act as wind coach or spotter - maximum of 2 not including the shooter himself. A shooter can obviously call his own shots and wind, plus call the wind / spot for 2 more shooters. A non-shooting spotter / wind coach can only coach up to 2 individual shooters.
• And providing some additional details on how shooters rotate from scoring to shooting and from shooting to scoring for another shooter.
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NightForce 5-25 ATACR on the prize table. Who wants to win this? Better sign up soon. Entries will be closing on 8/1, hurry!


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One of our current competitors has decided to enter and shoot a second rifle in the Match. This caused us review the Spotter rules in light of this new factual twist. As we see it, the Spotter rule is not changing, meaning that a wind coach cannot coach more than two shooters, and a competitor cannot spot for or coach more than 2 other shooters. This shooter has and is shooting 2 rifles in 2 different classes (a .338 LM Improved, and a 375 Cheytac or equivalent). We do not believe that allowing this to occur will provide the shooter with any unfair advantage in the Match.

In the event that a competitor/shooter decides to enter a second rifle and pay a second entry fee, the same wind coach may coach that same shooter when he/she shoots the second rifle. The second rifle will be squaded no closer than 2 relays from the first rifle, unless match conditions mandate that it to be done otherwise. The shooter will act as a scorer for the second rifle as well as the first. If there turns out to be a slew of shooters who decide to shoot second and/or 3rd rifles, we will revisit the situation.

It is also important to note that shooting a second rifle will only be allowed if we have room to do so. Once the entry period is closed, if there are vacancies to be filled, we will allow for this.
We are proud to announce that Sig Sauer Electro-Optics is now an official sponsor! They have committed to putting a couple of scopes and a range finder on the prize table! Awesome! To all who have signed up, thank you. To those that have said they are signing up and have not yet sent in their entries, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?



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We are rapidly coming to a close of the entry period for the Tonopah 2 Mile. We need to turn in the total number of meals needed for the banquet on August 1st.

I strongly recommend that if you are going to enter you get you entry in the mail no later than today, tomorrow at the latest. With that in mind I want to remind folks that any entry received AFTER Monday JULY 31, will be too late. The envelope will be marked refused, return to send, and tossed back into the mail box.

Given our constraints on banquet meals, we have no ability to accommodate walk ups at the match (at least for this year).

The one good thing about the early closing on entries, it will give us plenty of time to set up relays and firing line positions before we roll into town in late August.

Reminder you can get a pre-match Site Zero on the match site on Wednesday, August 23rd, starting at roughly 8:00 am - possibly a bit earlier. We'll plan to be on the site until mid/late afternoon or so. If you are traveling and going to have a late afternoon/early evening arrival in Tonopah, reach out to Dan Warner or me and we'll give you a cell number or 2 to call us. The site is less than 5 miles from town, so going back out to let you get a zero is likely, depending upon the time of day.

If you are potentially going to want to register a 2nd rifle, get your entry ready to go. We'll put out a deadline for those entries, giving you 7 or 10 days to get them turned in. (you will not affect our banquet count).

Today is the last day for entries to be received.

We give the official count for banquet meals tomorrow morning first thing.

If you are already entered and want to shoot a second rifle now is the time to send in another entry form. Second rifle entries will close Friday August 8th.

I have engagements that prevent me from attending this year's event as a learning experience. I will watch this as closely as possible and wish everyone well in the hope that this venue will be available for a 2nd annual event.

I need to work to create a good team of two that can enjoy this match without embarrassing ourselves. I'm excited about the prospect.