Tremor 3 Wind Dots, are they worth learning, or more confusion?


Just Think About it..
Aug 7, 2023
So I'm building a longer range hunting rifle, making the "modern" move & plan on maybe NRL Hunter in the off season.

I'm Google/Book/Podcast smart enough to get myself in trouble, but don't have real world experience with Mils & Tree reticles
I'm looking at a Kahles K318i, of the reticle options, the wider tree of the TeMoR3 offers better wind holds than the SKMR3.

6.5PRC, 156gr Berger (0.347 G7) @ ~2900 fps makes it a 8mph gun. According to the Horus App the Tremor 3 wind dots are 5mph?

All of Todd's videos & formulas use G1 ballistics(who TF uses G1 in the last ~10 years?) & are 100% sales pitches and not actual instruction (which yes, is standard for industry sales, but pisses me off because I deal with similar on a daily basis)

I searched the previous threads here & answers seem a regurgitation of the YT videos, but no real break down as to why they are where they are.

Am I better off learning the standard Mph/Mil method?

I've used the wind dots. Cool trick. Like your gun number, they're only useful to about 600yds. I just use gun number now with a normal reticle. With 109-115 gr 6mms that's about 6mph, or for ever 6mph wind, add .1 at 100 yds, .2 for 200, etc. (assuming full value wind. Recalibrate for different directions/wind angles).

The dots are an interesting visual aid when you're not on the gun, but inside the reticle, I don't see its necessity.
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Really depends how precise you want to be. I'm mounting up an NX8 2.5-20 with the T3 this weekend for a large frame gasser. I don't think I'll run the T3 on my bolt gun

ETA: doesn't hurt to try it if you can afford to buy one and resell if you want something else. You'll find opinions on both sides of the fence and some reticles work better for some than for others
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I wouldnt buy a t3. Way too much going on in that reticle. A simple tree with .2 subtensions is all you ever need. As much as i love zco i think the ebr7d is probably the best reticle out imo.
Check out the David Tubbs reticle if you really want to get confused.

I like the idea behind the T3. But I think a standard tree is more practical and offers easier viewing of hits and misses
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I've been using Tremor on most of my rifles for the last few years... It gives you a lot of information quickly and confidence with wind brackets in reasonably uncertain wind speed shots.

A target might cover 3 wind dots from left to right, that could give you a 12+ mph error allowance potentially... Depending on your wind dot value.

T3 is on the hunting and match rifles.