TRG Rifles picture thread.....??


The 5-25 was designed to work with a 45 MOA base, I had no problem getting a 100 yard zero. I have used the same scope on other 20moa bases (243-338 Edge) and have only been able to get between 19.5-21 moa, they aften times require a 40+ MOA base to get near the 28 mils of travel
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The 5-25 was designed to work with a 45 MOA base, I had no problem getting a 100 yard zero. I have used the same scope on other 20moa bases (243-338 Edge) and have only been able to get between 19.5-21 moa, they aften times require a 40+ MOA base to get near the 28 mils of travel

thanks Captain Kirk
i just got a TRG-42 .338 and want to zero at 100 yards but want to go out to 1760 yards as well.

thank you
I like the Spuhr for the dovetail setups, like on the Sako and AIs. When you consider purchasing a 45 MOA mount (narrowed down to NEAR and Talley)and a set of quality rings as well as an external bubble level, the cost of the Spuhr starts to make sense. It is also a more solid interface since there are less contact surfaces and bolts to loosen.
I like the Spuhr for the dovetail setups, like on the Sako and AIs. When you consider purchasing a 45 MOA mount (narrowed down to NEAR and Talley)and a set of quality rings as well as an external bubble level, the cost of the Spuhr starts to make sense. It is also a more solid interface since there are less contact surfaces and bolts to loosen.

I have a pic spuhr and I want the dovetail spuhr as you said less parts to loosen.
I did not know which one to get ill get the 44.4 moa one after talking to you and researching.

Pretty standard setup. Will order the KRG Folder for her in a few days (payday) and touch up with some paint when it arrives (pictures to follow).

My only concern is with the KRG attached and a 26" barrel; it might become a lot more muzzle end heavy. Hopefully I'm wrong! Any KRG folder owners out there with 26" bbl's? :)
Just tried to post on tapatalk but I guess it failed! Will try on the laptop this time...

Pretty standard setup. Will order a KRG Folder for her on payday, touch her up with some paint and post some more pics when it arrives.

My only concern is that with the KRG fitted and the 26" barrel; the rifle might become muzzle heavy. It's not the end of the world, but it might be a pain in my PRS tripod. Anyone out there with a KRG folder on their TRG with a 26" bbl have any feedback?

PS. One of my first posts, so go easy on me when/if I have a picture fail.
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the people that have the KRG folder what do you think of it?

i want a folder and the Sako for 2800 is hard to swallow. If the sake is that much better than the KRG folder i guess i will save up for it.

The factory stock I had was the green phosphate model. I have heard the green stock is slightly heavier/beefier then some of the other models. Why? I have no idea. As far as "how is it more stable"? I can tell you that for the last two years I have struggled to get a comfortable position where I wasn't fumbling and reaquiring targets. This was due in part by lack of a good purchase point for a rear bag. The factory stock is not forgiving with a rear bag. The folding stock however gives a great purchase point for a rear bag. The folder also makes cleaning/viewing the bore much easier. No need to remove cheek weld, just fold the stock.

TRG-42 .300WM Grn/phos
Nightforce 5.5X22x50 MOAR
KRG Gen-4 Folder
Harris Bipod
TRG lovliness...


Better late than never...
2013-08-09-Wichlen-20 - Public.jpg
2013-08-09-Wichlen-13 - Public.jpg

TRG-42 with 1-10" twist ('13 model with dual ejectors)
Spuhr ST-4701 direct mount with 24 MOA
Sinclair tactical bipod
Schmidt and Bender 5-25 x56 PMII with P4L fine illuminated reticle

B&T Suppressor on the way.
Finally got to shoot out to 800m. Here's a pic of two TRG 22s:

Black: TRG 22 26" .308, Sako Muzzle Brake, Sako Bipod Gen 2, S&B PMII 5-25x56 H58, NEAR Alphamount, NEAR 25 MOA rail

Tan: TRG 22 20" .308, Rodale Muzzle Break, Atlas Bipod, S&B PMII 5-25x56 P4FL, Spuhr Mount, NEAR 25 MOA rail
Presento for projectile manufacturer.

I made a Presento for projectile manufacturer. Had a few goes at it but you get that when trying to shoot little 10 shot groups from a bipod at 600m and no feedback.

Also a pic of a F-Class standard detail at 500m.


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These are some sweet rifles. I´m on the fence of selling my 6,5x55 T3 and buying a TRG-22. The T3 shoots great but the TRG just keeps haunting me... Oh man...

Have you thought about a T3 sporter in 6.5x55? It got the same sexy look of the TRG, and has a 6.5x55 variant, not to mention the 1/2 price. One actually needs both- a TRG22 in 308 and a 6.5x55 sporter
it's mine .308 with Zeiss 6-24x56[img]

nice isn't :) and it only gets better. your vertical stringing could be cuz of the bipod on the bench,
i had similar groups when using on a hard surface and it's hard to load it. take a piece of small carpet
next time and set the bipod on it. should help.

She's a beaut. I continually read about how the stock trigger is phenomenal. Mine has a tiny bit of creep shortly before the break. Will this go away after shooting it a bit? I've only taken the trigger group out once, but couldn't see how I could add some grease to the mating surfaces.
hmm not sure on the new style trigger,i don't think there is a sear adjustment on the old ones i'd have to check when i get it back.
if memory serves me it's just spring preload for weight. if i'm incorrect fell free to correct me anybody.
Lovely rifles! Unfortunately the insane prices that they're being sold for over here means that I'll never be able to afford one.....

Prices are for the Sako TRG-22 and are converted to US Dollars using the Google currency converter.

Standard black $5868

Green/phosphate $6737

Black with folding stock $9146

Green/phosphate with folding stock $9962

Link to Danish importer's website with RRPs: Sako TRG-22 - 42
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Here are the two sisters, trg-42 and trg-22.


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