Same thing with Blackhawk ripping off LBTC Load out bags. Saw the exact same "design" being sold from Blackhawk for $39 as a $450 LBTC load out bag. Now don't get me wrong, I know the quality and materials are no where near the same. One is going to be used on deployments and another as a large range/gear bag.
Its not the consumer's job to police and protect intelectual property & patents. If a product is on the market for 10% of the cost and is 95% of the solution, and I am not staking my life on it.... its not a hard decision to make.
Keep in mind most of the people wearing and using this gear we froth and drool over are not and would not pay for it. It is either given as demo gear or purchased via GPC/Contracting. There are some specifics as to gov pricing and open market pricing I don't want to get into this thread, but there is a reason some stuff costs a stupid ammount of money past conventional wisdom.
I am with Papa, if its there and it works and the price is right, I'll buy it. Copycatting is the way of interational business in every industry, and trying to fight or argue that is just a waste of time. Virtualy every product in existance is an improvement or modification on an exsiting product.
For some reason, TAD does not seem to be hurting or losing sales. There is a reason, and its not just their products( Great CS always goes a long way).
Its not the consumer's job to police and protect intelectual property & patents. If a product is on the market for 10% of the cost and is 95% of the solution, and I am not staking my life on it.... its not a hard decision to make.
Keep in mind most of the people wearing and using this gear we froth and drool over are not and would not pay for it. It is either given as demo gear or purchased via GPC/Contracting. There are some specifics as to gov pricing and open market pricing I don't want to get into this thread, but there is a reason some stuff costs a stupid ammount of money past conventional wisdom.
I am with Papa, if its there and it works and the price is right, I'll buy it. Copycatting is the way of interational business in every industry, and trying to fight or argue that is just a waste of time. Virtualy every product in existance is an improvement or modification on an exsiting product.
For some reason, TAD does not seem to be hurting or losing sales. There is a reason, and its not just their products( Great CS always goes a long way).