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Tripod purchase advise

Yes we are 100% manufactured, assembled, designed, and raw sourced from USA. Also have only USA customer service reps so you don't have to worry about the language barrier if you ever call in.

Is there a standard package you would recommend? It seems like there are a ton of options. I just want to shoot targets/animals with a couple different rifles. Most just have picatinny rails at the moment.

I own both. The BH55 is slightly smoother which can be a slight advantage when using a spotter. Not as much with a rifle. The Anvil setup is ALOT smaller and lighter. If the tripod will be used in the field and mostly with a rifle the Anvil is the way to go.
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I own both. The BH55 is slightly smoother which can be a slight advantage when using a spotter. Not as much with a rifle. The Anvil setup is ALOT smaller and lighter. If the tripod will be used in the field and mostly with a rifle the Anvil is the way to go.

Agreed 100% with this. I actually have a (cheap Chinesium for now) ball head with an Arca plate on the bottom of it so I can stack that on top of the Anvil for spotting. Having something a little easier to manipulate without the leverage of a rifle and having a way to pan easily is great for spotting, then I can pop the ball head out and drop the rifle into the Anvil when I want to use it to shoot. The Anvil smokes everything else I have tried as a shooting platform, including various ball heads and leveling bases.

I went with the fixed apex (not video bowl) version of the Anvil with my TFC-33 legs to get the smallest profile package I could. I don't regret it one bit.
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How does the RRS 24l tripod compare. ? Couldn’t find much about it except someone said it is less stable than the 34.

I’m 5’10” on a good day so don’t need anything real tall
IMO the “L” (tall) versions aren’t needed for anyone 6’ish and under. At 5”11 the height with Anvil or BH25 is almost perfect for standing comfortably behind Binos/Spotter or LRF. Taller than that and it might make sense. From memory the 34L is 6” longer than the standard 34. IMO that’s a lot space wise.
With regards to the 2 series vs the 3 for stability; the 2 gives up a fair amount of stability vs the benefit of being slightly smaller and slightly lighter.
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