I’m trying to work up some subsonic loads for my .223. I know that most folks feel it is a waste of time, but I don’t own a .22lr, and I need to do some varmint control around the house. I live in somewhat close proximity to other houses, and need to keep things on the hush, hush. I must say, with the suppressor on, these things are super quiet, quieter than snapping your fingers. Truly giggle inducing. 
What I’m experiencing is extreme variation in velocities, about 200 FPS across 5 shots. That causes a vertical spread of about 8” at 100 yds! Now, I have read enough to know that it is typical for subsonics to not be particularly accurate, and to have high ES/SD, but 200fps seems crazy! I regularly throw charges to the kernel, and they were weighed on both an electronic and beam scale, so I do not think it was the charges. One thing to note, both times I have tried this, the FPS did seem to drop off as I shot, so higher velocity at the beginning of the shot string and lower at the end. This seems too coincidental....
4.0 grains of trailboss is getting me 1075, to about 875. This is with mixed year lake city brass, 55 gr. Hornady lead tips, CCI BR-4’s, out of a 1-7, 26” barrel, and gemtek trek. This gun is capable of ~1/2” groups with conventional supersonic handloads, so the rifle is not the problem.
A few thoughts… neck tension. Does varying neck tension have a magnified effect when loading at such low pressures/velocity? If so, I could try some case lube on the bullets when seating, or crimping them in? all cases have been annealed, and prepped the same.
What I’m experiencing is extreme variation in velocities, about 200 FPS across 5 shots. That causes a vertical spread of about 8” at 100 yds! Now, I have read enough to know that it is typical for subsonics to not be particularly accurate, and to have high ES/SD, but 200fps seems crazy! I regularly throw charges to the kernel, and they were weighed on both an electronic and beam scale, so I do not think it was the charges. One thing to note, both times I have tried this, the FPS did seem to drop off as I shot, so higher velocity at the beginning of the shot string and lower at the end. This seems too coincidental....
4.0 grains of trailboss is getting me 1075, to about 875. This is with mixed year lake city brass, 55 gr. Hornady lead tips, CCI BR-4’s, out of a 1-7, 26” barrel, and gemtek trek. This gun is capable of ~1/2” groups with conventional supersonic handloads, so the rifle is not the problem.
A few thoughts… neck tension. Does varying neck tension have a magnified effect when loading at such low pressures/velocity? If so, I could try some case lube on the bullets when seating, or crimping them in? all cases have been annealed, and prepped the same.