Trudeau just banned 1500 guns completely circumventing any democratic process.

I read this while looking at a Cadex Defence add banner @ top of screen........oh the irony. If Trump offers them incentive to move here it would be an epic slap at Trudeau & make my year.
Sorry my Canadian Friends, hope you don't just take this without a fight. Look to this past fall VA for inspiration.
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So, if I was a law abiding and hard working Canadian gun owner who have done nothing but pay his taxes and yearn for the best safety and security that I can afford to give my family, many of my hard earned investments that I put years worth of sweat and toil into acquiring and maintaining are now suddenly made felonious all due to a pen scribble from a panel of cowardly beta cuck sissy boys that also sold the country out to third world scum???


So are you Canucks suppose to surrender the firearms or grandfathered in type of thing?


There is a grandfather clause to those that don't want to turn them in. That being said, we won't be able to shoot them, they will be stuck in our gun safes until the Government changes.
The boys from NZ and Canuckville should get together/support each other and tell
the tyrants to fuck off.
Anyone that shows up at any door to steal any weapons should be identified and shamed across
the entire internet.


NZ had something like a 12% compliant rate to turning in their AR rifles. There difference is our AR15 rifles are all registered so they know who owns them and where they are.
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Apparently we have the choice to deactivate, or surrender.
Many of what is on the list are registered and they know we have them, but a lot are not. They simply have an estimate of how many are in circulation.
I will not comply.
Free men do not ask permission.
Yea, gotta love being on a list. I love when the anti's say a registry doesn't have anything to do with confiscation.
Total complete BS.
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Maybe the Canadians should have been careful what they wished for. They voted this shit in.

Funny this is the majority didn't. The popular vote went to the Conservatives, but the way our system is set up, the most votes doesn't mean a win. It isd the most seats in the house and seats are done by Population centers. So even though 100,000 rural people vote for Candidate "A", because the 75,000 people that live in a major center all vote for Candidate "B", they will get more seats in the house and thus win. It's a retarded system.
So Trudeau has dictatorial powers? He can ban weapons at will? Is this even legal? Can Canadian gun owners not go to the courts for redress? Or are the courts run by leftist judges as well?

Make no mistake about it, this is exactly what Democrats have in store for us. We have de facto "registration" now since the BATF copies the form 4473 and gun shop records, illegally in many cases.
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So Trudeau has dictatorial powers? He can ban weapons at will? Is this even legal? Can Canadian gun owners not go to the courts for redress? Or are the courts run by leftist judges as well?

Make no mistake about it, this is exactly what Democrats have in store for us. We have de facto "registration" now since the BATF copies the form 4473 and gun shop records, illegally in many cases.

Canada has something called an "Order in Council" which is a special power that can to used to change laws already on the books without it going for a vote in our Senate. It was never meant to do things like this but it was within his "power". Each owner when asked to turn it over can take the matter for review in front of a civilian court. Nothing will come of it but it does slow down the process since they can't seize a firearm until after the review is done before the courts.
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NZ had something like a 12% compliant rate to turning in their AR rifles. There difference is our AR15 rifles are all registered so they know who owns them and where they are.

This is why we MUST resist registration and "Universal Background Checks" at all costs.
It is ALWAYS the gateway to confiscation.
This is why we MUST resist registration and "Universal Background Checks" at all costs.
It is ALWAYS the gateway to confiscation.

The BATF has been illegally copying form 4473 and gun shop records for years. God knows what other information they have illegally gathered on gun owners.

Very disappointing that Trump has not reigned in the corruption at BATF.
So Trudeau has dictatorial powers? He can ban weapons at will? Is this even legal? Can Canadian gun owners not go to the courts for redress? Or are the courts run by leftist judges as well?

Make no mistake about it, this is exactly what Democrats have in store for us. We have de facto "registration" now since the BATF copies the form 4473 and gun shop records, illegally in many cases.
Our governors used dictatorial powers as well. Every single one that ordered the shutting down of businesses. Republicans and communists alike
NZ had something like a 12% compliant rate to turning in their AR rifles. There difference is our AR15 rifles are all registered so they know who owns them and where they are.
Kinda shoots that whole registration isn't confiscation bullshit right in the ass.
Tell that to those fucking fudds that wouldn't stand up because they only had a shotgun.

List of all the guns plus their variants that are now banned.
  • AR-10
  • AR-15, M4, M16
  • Beretta Cx4 Storm
  • CSA Vz. 58
  • CZ Scorpion EVO 3
  • CZ 858
  • Robinson Armament XCR
  • Ruger Mini-14
  • SIG Sauer MCX
  • SIG Sauer MPX
  • Swiss Arms Classic Green and Four Seasons series rifles
  • U.S. Rifle M14
  • .50 BMG
Upper and lower AR receivers are also banned. I'm now assuming that "1500 types" includes the variants of these weapons, but still confused with that number as there aren't 100 variants of each type of rifle. This is the full list from what I've been able to find so far, maybe there will be a larger list released later.

More then just 50 bmg - any cartridge capable of "10,000 joules" of energy.

That's 37XC, 41XC, .375 Cheytac, Enabler, .408 Cheytac, .416 Barrett, etc.
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Glad I left that shithole. Literally just got my green card and now a permanent resident of USA.

Fuck that sackless piece of shit Trudeau. I hope Canadians take back their country, by whatever means necessary, even if that means building some gallows and making some examples of politicians.

It's time to remind the politicians who they work for. They need to be afraid of their citizens.
They need to be deactivated if you choose to keep them.

No they CAN be deactivated. There is no reason to grandfather someone in with a prohibited license if they don't own a firearm. Once you deactivate a firearm, they are no longer a firearm and you don't even need a PAL to own one.

"During the amnesty period, the Government intends to implement a buy-back program to compensate affected owners for the value of their firearms after they are delivered to a police officer; however, until a buy-back program is offered, affected owners will not be eligible for compensation. An option to participate in a grandfathering regime would also be made available for affected owners. Further public communications on the buy-back program and the grandfathering regime will follow later."
More then just 50 bmg - any cartridge capable of "10,000 joules" of energy.

That's 37XC, 41XC, .375 Cheytac, Enabler, .408 Cheytac, .416 Barrett, etc.
It seems as though some slipped through the cracks. I noticed earlier that the cdx-50 was the only rifle from cadex, other than AR clone, that was banned. There is a long list of rifles banned, including multiple AI, but the cdx-40 isn't on the list
It seems as though some slipped through the cracks. I noticed earlier that the cdx-50 was the only rifle from cadex, other than AR clone, that was banned. There is a long list of rifles banned, including multiple AI, but the cdx-40 isn't on the list

There is a really nasty Addendum at the bottom of the OIC that states that can add any firearm and any time to the list as they see fit.
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong... Alongside all the .50 BMG rifles, lies the Christensen arms carbon ranger. Isn't that their new .22?

Edit: I found the rifles they are referring to. .50 caliber rifles indeed.
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How many people have died in car wrecks since this lunatic murdered those people? Ban cars too. Save a lot more lives. Better ban cold water too...more people freeze to death as well

is there a link to the list?
No they CAN be deactivated. There is no reason to grandfather someone in with a prohibited license if they don't own a firearm. Once you deactivate a firearm, they are no longer a firearm and you don't even need a PAL to own one.

"During the amnesty period, the Government intends to implement a buy-back program to compensate affected owners for the value of their firearms after they are delivered to a police officer; however, until a buy-back program is offered, affected owners will not be eligible for compensation. An option to participate in a grandfathering regime would also be made available for affected owners. Further public communications on the buy-back program and the grandfathering regime will follow later."
Don’t think for one second you’ll still be allowed to use them.
Don’t think for one second you’ll still be allowed to use them.

No you can't, it even says you can't use them in the OIC. But I'd rather keep them in my safe and wait for the time when the Conservatives take power again then turn them in for destruction for a Tim Hortons Gift Card as Payment....
NZ had something like a 12% compliant rate to turning in their AR rifles. There difference is our AR15 rifles are all registered so they know who owns them and where they are.
Exactly, this is why everyone in the usa should be very concerned when discussions of registry come up.

Additionally, I am sure there is a law that states if you lost it in a boating accident or it was stolen and you did not report it then you are going to jail.

Exact reason why in the usa these types of laws are being passed as an end around to the registry
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These "liberty loving" governments always talking about banning this and that... Sure is a good thing they always remind us how free we are too because I'd sure as shit forget it otherwise.

Just a question, I'm curious here, just how much shit do we need to ban, how many people put in prison, before we're no longer a free nation or doing the right thing? There has to be a line and we have to be getting awful goddamn close, but hey, maybe half the population needs to be permanently locked away for slighting the govt.
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This is the way the left works in all countries. They just chase the populist vote. Tony Blair did something similar in the UK regarding fox-hunting a few years ago. Fox Hunting was done by a tiny minority of people in the UK on horseback following a pack of dogs. Had been going on for literally hundreds of years here.

The left in the UK have always hated hunting because it’s done in the countryside (where no one votes for them) and they ignorantly think it’s a rich man’s sport so they hate it twice over. They started calling it a cruel sport and got all the woke, earnest, right-on, soy latte drinking, pink-haired, Nose pierced, tattooed, leftists twats riled up.

Long story short they turned it into a “class war” and banned it. Blair just calculated that it was worth more left wing inner city votes to him and the small minority of people that enjoyed hunting would never vote for him anyway. Just chasing the ignorant, populist vote.

We had a similar attempt to seize the 50 Cals a couple of years ago. They somehow invented legislation to remove “dangerous weapons” after all the knife murders in the rough areas in London. The legislation started with knives and replica swords and somehow crept to include HME (High muzzle energy rifles). They were classed as military weapons by the leftists and they made up a lot of stats about how deadly they are.

We only have about 130 registered .50s in civilian hands in the UK so it was another tiny majority affected but a big potential vote winner because the average person automatically thinks “Gun=BAD”. A 50 has never been used in a crime in the UK as they are just too big to be practical.

The .50s didn’t get taken in the end because it followed a proper parliamentary process and got defeated but the left are always ready to pounce and seize guns when an opportunity arises. The left always “knows what is best for us” and like a cancer on a society they won’t ever stop.

I own a .338 AI and it’s only a matter of time before they will come looking at our rifles again.
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Funny this is the majority didn't. The popular vote went to the Conservatives, but the way our system is set up, the most votes doesn't mean a win. It isd the most seats in the house and seats are done by Population centers. So even though 100,000 rural people vote for Candidate "A", because the 75,000 people that live in a major center all vote for Candidate "B", they will get more seats in the house and thus win. It's a retarded system.

That's "Parliament".

Our Electoral process works in the opposite fashion.

It really is important for people to educate themselves, everyone around them, on these nuances.
Exactly, this is why everyone in the usa should be very concerned when discussions of registry come up.

Additionally, I am sure there is a law that states if you lost it in a boating accident or it was stolen and you did not report it then you are going to jail.

Exact reason why in the usa these types of laws are being passed as an end around to the registry

Canadá abandoned its registry bout ten years ago as too costly, over a billion dollars, and absolutely useless statistically.

Wonder if they kept the old database?
Exactly, this is why everyone in the usa should be very concerned when discussions of registry come up.

Additionally, I am sure there is a law that states if you lost it in a boating accident or it was stolen and you did not report it then you are going to jail.

Exact reason why in the usa these types of laws are being passed as an end around to the registry

The registries are run by the state/government.

If you don't think they are fucked up you must be a fan of the RMV and Obamacare.

Some registries contain any firearm you ever bought and if you legally sale them it's not like they leave your registry.

Some states require the purchaser to input his own firearms within 7 days of sale.

If you sell something and the other guy doesn't input it the chain is broken.

Seems there can be less "spillage" if an FFL is involved but if we reach the point you are being arrested for your boat incident it's a dystopian who gives a fuck world any way.
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This has been said already as well, but here it is again. Websites made it in. Bartlett enterprises at the bottom of the photo is also a locksmithing company in Nova Scotia.

I see pointless and costly lawsuits in the near future.