True 6mm-06 / 6mm-06AI velocities?

Thanks for your info sandwarrior.
I'm hopefully get out tomorrow for another run. The chambering was whatever standard 6mm-06 freebore that the reamer was made with. I don't know what it is. I'm seated to 3.150 and I think lands contact is between 3.158 and 3.165. It's hard to tell as I don't have a gauge, but its just showing contact on the pill (which i blued) and pushed into the rifle with a slit case. Think I should seat it a bit deeper?

Depending on what happens tomorrow I may get access to a chrono, fingers crossed.

Yep Hogdon and Aliant are exactly the same :) The overflow case capacity I have with 2213SC is 64 grains, I have some test loads including some at 64 grains so if I can't pack any more in then so be it :)

At 59.5gr 2209 I noticed extractor marks and shaved brass from the extrusion. 59.0 Was OK. Seemed blisteringly fast at the range. If it simply came down to it, if I got pretty much the same velocity and reasonable deviation with 2209 I'd stick with it simply due to how much soot was left after 3 rounds of 2213SC. Magnum primer may fix that though we'll see.
I went with a 1:14. Concentrating on light, fast pills. I got a great deal on a 27" stainless barrel.

Ok so I got some photos and pics. Chrono wasn't available but I do have one coming next week or so for my next range day.

The 6mm-06 is an absolute cracker, holy shit is it fast! It's also 1 inch at 200 yards, and I'm not really a bench rest shooter. But if it says anything my girlfriend who's been hunting twice hit the 400 meter 4x6 inch steel plate first shot and I got it all on video :D

So I also did some test loads with magnum primers. I went down a few grains with the 2213SC and it pressured hard, blew a primer and stuck the case!
So I found that really interesting, and a bit scary. I wondered why the 2213SC was so dirty, I reckon it wasn't getting the kick it needed to really burn! When it goes off with a magnum primer it must completely change how it burns. Either way 59gr of 2209 is a safe, fast and delightfully accurate load. 2213SC is gonna need some work.
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Glad you got it out and chrono'd the loads. AND, that the girlfriend likes it.

Powder speeds are a kind of general rule thing. They are measured for burn speed in relatively open capacity. This is good in that you can compare the speeds of the powders that way. What isn't tested (or at least published), and reloaders need to PAY SUPER CLOSE ATTENTION TO, is that when the load exceeds the normal weight or capacity, the burn rate of the powder gets faster. When the burn rate gets faster the pressure goes up faster, which in turn makes the burn rate even faster. Double base powders in an open capacity burn test fit right in as far as speed with single base powders. What isn't told the the reloader is what the pressure is supposed to spike to. This is why you will often find slower double base powders maxing out with less than single base powders.

Any variation from a normal load from a book can spike pressures.

Some factors are:
-A magnum primer increases the burn speed of the load. -make sure you have the right primer and start at the bottom again if you move to a magnum primer.

-Sharp shoulders such as Ackley improved. The angle of the shoulder causes the powder stack to bunch up without flowing down the barrel. Ackleys work somewhat, but the pressure spikes they endure are phenomenal in a very small increase at the top charges. Ackley's work extremely well when downloaded a bit. both in case savings and consistency.

-Overloading, -goes without saying. People thinking they can always get 100 fps more with the same powder than what was safely tested.
Short throat -When the bullet hits the lands it slows down. It slows down more with less throat.

-Bullets seat out into the lands. You can do this, just know you won't be near "book max" when you actually hit max.

-Tight necks- when firing if the brass in the neck can't go anywhere it will cause a pressure spike. Either tight chamber neck or cases that are sized down and the brass in them is too thick, therefore tight, in the neck. A reloader needs to check and turn these necks if need be, so that they fit the chamber neck correctly. BTW, This would still be an issue for you as well if you made a 6-284 instead of a 6mm-06.
And one very important thing. Most of the new powders, even the ones with the old numbers, have some kind of burn retardant whereas in the past they didn't. It's a marketing thing to give reloaders an idea of getting the same results. The older powders speed was completely determined by kernel size. In today's powders, speed is determined by how much and what kind of retardant is added to the powder.

The older powders the pressure curve went up a little smoother. In todays' powders what happens is the kernels are much smaller, like H4831sc being the same size as 4198 of the past. When the retardant is used up chemically, you now have a large caseful of essentially 4198. The pressure spikes remain low until they get pushed way past their limits, then they go straight up.
Thanks for that interesting info. I’m taking it on board and reworking some magnum loads with the help of a chrono next week! Some really good knowledge there.
Finally getting a chrono delivered.
Will be testing 2209 and 2213sc with standard and magnum primers. I’ll keep you posted. I’m disappointed with the 70gr nosler ballistic tips and their lack of devastation, going to try 65gr or 75gr vmax next... wonder if it’s due to low twist rate of the 1:14 twist.
I took a lot of time at the range today compiling the following list of velocities with different powder and projectiles. Be aware this is FOR MY RIFLE ONLY AND IF YOU BLOW YOUR FACE OFF THEN IT'S YOUR OWN FAULT!!!
Having said that, I hope this really helps people. I found nothing like this online so I hope it helps others who are interested to know what they might expect. After 2 sight in shots, I shot a .4 inch group with 8 rounds, not only that, these were the rest of the shots as seen on the 65gr, 2209 vmax list. Hahah holy crap. What a caliber, can't wait to blast some... well everything with it. I got 4300FPS out of 65gr vmax and called it good :D My reference list is attached. Happy sniping ya'all. Maybe it could be a sticky or something?
Also, 2213SC really was a bit of a let down, the real stand out powder was 2209 today. Burned clean and kicked ass. I still have to check primer pockets so doing that now, I'll ammend that in REV2 if I have to. Enjoy.


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Ok so on the hotter loads there’s some primer flattening but pockets are ok and brass is fine. NICE!!!

I’ve been calculating loads and velocities off 6-284 data and another user was right, I think I can hit near weatherby magnum speeds with a 87gr pill safely.

Trouble is... will it stabilise in a 1:14 twist. Doesn’t matter if it won’t, the 65gr projectile at 4300 will do the nasty on most things, as will a good 70gr pill at 4000. Couldn’t be happier with the accuracy!

All ready for a hunting trip on Friday! Here kitty kitty...

I’m going to post the data to it’s own thread to assist with SEO so people looking can find it easy, will moderators be ok with that?
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