Movie Theater True Grit

Re: True Grit

The original is one of my favorite movies of all time so this comes with as a bittersweet type news. I just hope they don't screw it up. I like to leave the classics just that. Imagine if they redid Full Metel Jacket do you think it could in any way have the same feel and be any good? I am however a huge fan of most of their movies so they should make it good. JMHO
Re: True Grit

It starts tomorrow and I'm getting a slightly better feeling about it as I watch the promos on TV. Jeff Bridges is one of my favorite actors and will bring his own personality to the Rooster. However, Matty Ross is an equally important character and Kim Darby was key to the success of the original True Grit. For me, the weakness of the current version is the Matty Ross character, and I will also greatly miss Strother Martin.
Re: True Grit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Magforce</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Anyone know when True Grit starts pretty cool they are doing an updated Movie on this I dont go much just wait till its on DVD but I wanna go see this on the Big Screen </div></div>
Bro, save some punctuation for the rest of us.

It's a Cohen brothers flick and as such, it should be excellent. I can't wait to see it. It opens tomorrow in my city.
Re: True Grit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: dtask</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Magforce</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Anyone know when True Grit starts pretty cool they are doing an updated Movie on this I dont go much just wait till its on DVD but I wanna go see this on the Big Screen </div></div>
Bro, save some punctuation for the rest of us.

Thats funny....
Re: True Grit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: One-Eyed Jack</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It starts tomorrow and I'm getting a slightly better feeling about it as I watch the promos on TV. Jeff Bridges is one of my favorite actors and will bring his own personality to the Rooster. However, Matty Ross is an equally important character and Kim Darby was key to the success of the original True Grit. For me, the weakness of the current version is the Matty Ross character, and I will also greatly miss Strother Martin. </div></div>

I agree with you also Jack. Watching the trailer, Matty"s character just isn't as believable as Darby. And as far as Strother Martin goes, There will never be a character actor as good as him. I buy movies sometimes for the sole reason he is in them. My favorite Martin role is from the Wild Bunch.
Re: True Grit

Come on, Strother Martins best part was as the warden in Cool Hand Luke...

I like Bridges too - The Big Lebowski is a cult-classic. From the promotion it appears the wardrobe is awesome. Looks old, western to me. I may just drag the wife out to see it tonight.
Re: True Grit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mac the knife</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It has Matt Damon playing the Glenn Campbell part. Too bad. No way I'll pay money to see that dirtbag. They should just re release the original at theaters. I'd pay money to see it. </div></div>

Watch what you say about Jason Bourne!
Re: True Grit

I saw the first showing this afternoon with a buddy. It was excellent in every way - one of the better movies I've seen in some time. The cinematography is beautiful, especially the scenes where snow is falling. prefer it to the original. Jeff Bridges is getting better as he gets older and Damon was very good as well.
Re: True Grit

Just saw the movie. Very good acting, script, cinematography. Definitely worth the money. I'm a big Coen Bros fan, and this is one of their best. The Dude plays Rooster Cogburn like a pro. The young lady who plays Matty does a fantastic job. The big surprise is that there's some humor to the script as well. Excellent movie.
Re: True Grit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Magforce</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Always a smart ass in all crowds. </div></div>
Re: True Grit

We saw the movie last night and really enjoyed it. I only get to the theatre 4-5 times a year and I hate it when I waste one of those trips. I recommend seeing True Grit on the big screen. Some really good acting and the girl who plays Maddie Ross did a great job. A+ recommend.
Re: True Grit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Rosie Palma</div><div class="ubbcode-body">We saw the movie last night and really enjoyed it. I only get to the theatre 4-5 times a year and I hate it when I waste one of those trips. I recommend seeing True Grit on the big screen. Some really good acting and the girl who plays Maddie Ross did a great job. A+ recommend. </div></div>

Same here, saw it last night and I'd give the same review. As a side note I'm a big Matt Damon fan. He's one of my favorite actors. I may not agree with his politics but I don't agree with most of Hollywierd for that matter. It doesn't keep me from enjoying movies.
Re: True Grit

I just spent $18 to see this with my daughter.

This movie is not far enough removed from the original that I didn't feel like I just spent $18 to sit through a re-run on TV.

Much of the movie is line for line with the original.

I would suggest to skip it unless you haven't seen the original in a while.
Or unless you are into Hollywood trivia and actors etc., which I couldn't give a shit about.

Actually, I do care enough about actors that I would like to see them among the first to have their wealth redistributed!
Re: True Grit

When I first saw the trailer of the remake I had mixed feeling as well. The original with the Duke and Robert Duval as Ned Pepper is one of my all time favorites and I must have watched it 20 times over the past years...and yes I am old enough to have seen the original at the theater. When I saw that the Cohen bros were doing it I though WTH I'll give it a shot. Well, I was not dissapointed - it is a worthy and quality remake. . I agree that Bridges did a great job but fell a little short of the Duke, but still brought his own flavor to the Cogburn roll. Damon was "fair" as LaBoeuf, and was a believable character as was Brolin's portrayal of Cheney. The high spots of the film were the "new" Mattie Ross - she was outstanding and to me was better than the original. Also - Barry Pepper as Ned Pepper was fantastic! The scene at the river where Ross stumbled into Cheney and Pepper was better than the original - as was the dugout scene with Quincy and Moon. The 4 vs 1 shootout scene was also very well done. The only dissapointment was the scenery...That is, the original was filmed in a western state during the fall of the year and the scenes were beautiful and had wide panoramic views throughout the movie. This one was good - just not as good in that respect - only. Still - it does not follow the original to the letter as some have suggested and has a distinctly different ending. Its well done and worth the price of admission. Your mileage may vary. SR
Re: True Grit

The Wife and I saw this movie on Thursday. The character of Mattie was one of the best perfomances from a newcomer. As I western movie fan I give this movie a 4 out of 5. I also agree that this version does follow the Portis book more....not a bad thing. Bridges,Damon whats not to like ? 45/70SS
Re: True Grit

The wife and I just got back from seeing it. WOW, fantastic movie. Mattie was great. I would pay to go see it again on the big screen. The show we went to go see was sold out, so we bought a ticket to see the next show and waited around. The only down fall was 18.00 for the movie and 17.00 for a med. popcorn and two large soda pops, and 10.00 for a ride in the flight simulator. And that was just as cool. We got all shook up before the movie. I think the whole flight we were upside down.

But, I would pay that price again to go see the movie again.
Re: True Grit

Doofus Bridges shoots right handed with a patch over his right eye. Guess that works out OK for him, but with no more attention to detail than that, I'll stay home and watch the old version on TV.
Re: True Grit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Marc O</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Doofus Bridges shoots right handed with a patch over his right eye. Guess that works out OK for him, but with no more attention to detail than that, I'll stay home and watch the old version on TV. </div></div>

Not sure why that's a problem. The best bullseye Pistol shooter in MN and the only High Master around shoots right-handed/left-eyed.
Re: True Grit

I liked it but got tired of Bridges talking like a drunk the whole movie...maybe he was trying to be macho but he ain't no Duke. But overall I enjoyed it.
Re: True Grit

He did say on either Leno or Jimmy Fallon, that he could never walk in the dukes shoes in this movie.

I just got my brother n law's copy of the duke in true grit. We will be watching it tonight and compairing the two.

I think I am going to have to read the book now.
Re: True Grit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Marc O</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Doofus Bridges shoots right handed with a patch over his right eye. Guess that works out OK for him, but with no more attention to detail than that, I'll stay home and watch the old version on TV. </div></div>

Uhhhh,don't let it ruin the movie for you...while I'm not a high master shooter or anything like that...I shoot handguns right handed and left eyed as well....there are actually a lot of us around...
Re: True Grit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Marc O</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Doofus Bridges shoots right handed with a patch over his right eye. Guess that works out OK for him, but with no more attention to detail than that, I'll stay home and watch the old version on TV. </div></div>

Great critique by someone who obviously knows Jack and Shit about shooting.

It is very easy to shoot a pistol right handed while being left eye dominant or vice versa.

Approximately 20% of the population is cross dominant and another portion has no eye dominance associated with their "handedness". Many studies have been conducted with professional athletes finding that cross dominant athletes performed the same as their counterparts who had no ocular dominance or same dominance.

Now lets move on to your attention to detail, even though John Wayne wore the patch over his left eye in the original, there were several scenes where he shot his pistol in his left better not turn on the TV either.
Re: True Grit

I watched it tonight, and was not disappointed. The Coen Brothers are easily my favorite directors, so whether I'm biased favorably toward them, or have unrealistically high expectations - either way this movie delivered.

Script and dialogue were commensurate with any Coen film, and had me laughing at some of the Bridges lines, wanting to hear them again. They were also able to insert some sarcastic humor even in the court testimony scenes - although I thought Bridges was trying too hard to sound like Carl from Slingblade a couple of times.

Cinematography was very good, and I liked the wooded snow scenes particularly well. If you've ever seen No Country For Old Men, I'd say it's a fair comparison with the outdoor scenes with Brolin.

Bridges held his own with acting, and the young girl (who I initially thought would be an annoyance trying to keep up with Bridges and Damon) did a damn fine job as well.

Overall I'd see it again, although I can't think of a scene I could watch several times. In contrast, I can think of several scenes from other Coen films that fit the bill (Heinz the Baron Claus Von Espy, anyone?).

Regardless, go to see it for nothing more than this scene (which I won't ruin):

Re: True Grit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Marc O</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Doofus Bridges shoots right handed with a patch over his right eye. Guess that works out OK for him, but with no more attention to detail than that, I'll stay home and watch the old version on TV. </div></div>

I'll add to the growing dogpile...I'm a right handed/ left eye pistol shooter. Never had much of an issue to be honest.
Re: True Grit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: apache308</div><div class="ubbcode-body">When I first saw the trailer of the remake I had mixed feeling as well. The original with the Duke and Robert Duval as Ned Pepper is one of my all time favorites and I must have watched it 20 times over the past years...and yes I am old enough to have seen the original at the theater. When I saw that the Cohen bros were doing it I though WTH I'll give it a shot. Well, I was not dissapointed - it is a worthy and quality remake. . I agree that Bridges did a great job but fell a little short of the Duke, but still brought his own flavor to the Cogburn roll. Damon was "fair" as LaBoeuf, and was a believable character as was Brolin's portrayal of Cheney. The high spots of the film were the "new" Mattie Ross - she was outstanding and to me was better than the original. Also - Barry Pepper as Ned Pepper was fantastic! The scene at the river where Ross stumbled into Cheney and Pepper was better than the original - as was the dugout scene with Quincy and Moon. The 4 vs 1 shootout scene was also very well done. The only dissapointment was the scenery...That is, the original was filmed in a western state during the fall of the year and the scenes were beautiful and had wide panoramic views throughout the movie. This one was good - just not as good in that respect - only. Still - it does not follow the original to the letter as some have suggested and has a distinctly different ending. Its well done and worth the price of admission. Your mileage may vary. SR </div></div>

Good comments. I don't believe I've ever seen the original with the Duke (heresy, I know). I'd rate this new version right up there in the best new westerns. I really enjoyed Appaloosa (long time Viggo Mortensen fan) but the best western in recent years is still Open Range. IMHO it was Kevin Costner's best work and Robert Duvall was awesome as always.
Re: True Grit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Marc O</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Doofus Bridges shoots right handed with a patch over his right eye. Guess that works out OK for him, but with no more attention to detail than that, I'll stay home and watch the old version on TV. </div></div>

Guess you don't know any cross dominant pistol shooters, huh, Bucky?
Re: True Grit

Interesting the camparison of Portis and McCarthy.

I heard recently that Postis was told if he could be less funny, he could be another Cormac McCarthy.

He reportedly replied, " why would I want to do that?".
Re: True Grit

Saw the movie tonight with my wife. Awesome movie in my opinion. If you refuse to watch a movie based on the fact that the actors are bleeding heart liberals, then you're not gonna be watching very many movies!
Re: True Grit

The fact that this movie really isn't in any way an attempt to remake the first one seems to be lost on several here.
Comparisons between John Wayne and Jeff Bridges are the equivalent of the comparing of Jack Nicholson to Heath Ledger, or perhaps Adam West to Christian Bale.

I don't give a shit about someone's politics.
If the movie is good, I can enjoy it.
Re: True Grit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Marc O</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Doofus Bridges shoots right handed with a patch over his right eye. Guess that works out OK for him, but with no more attention to detail than that, I'll stay home and watch the old version on TV. </div></div>

Stay off the fucking computer while you're at it.
Re: True Grit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: tucker301</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The fact that this movie really isn't in any way an attempt to remake the first one seems to be lost on several here.
Comparisons between John Wayne and Jeff Bridges are the equivalent of the comparing of Jack Nicholson to Heath Ledger, or perhaps Adam West to Christian Bale.

I don't give a shit about someone's politics.
If the movie is good, I can enjoy it. </div></div>

ding ding ding..............winner!
Re: True Grit

I liked it, definately worth seeing.

If you saw the first one you know the story. Don't go in there thinking it's a different story...95% the same story as original.

No one can replace the Duke, but no one could come closer than Bridges did. He played the role of Rooster very well.

The girl that plays the 14 year old girl is excellent.

Matt Damon was a little weak to me, or maybe just the way he played the Ranger annoyed me....
Re: True Grit

It was a good movie...but it was a story and not an action flick. I thought it was going to be an action-packed was a little slow for me.

The girl was great!!! I liked her bargaining skills.
Re: True Grit

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lazlo</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I watched it tonight, and was not disappointed. The Coen Brothers are easily my favorite directors, so whether I'm biased favorably toward them, or have unrealistically high expectations - either way this movie delivered.

Script and dialogue were commensurate with any Coen film, and had me laughing at some of the Bridges lines, wanting to hear them again. They were also able to insert some sarcastic humor even in the court testimony scenes - although I thought Bridges was trying too hard to sound like Carl from Slingblade a couple of times.

Cinematography was very good, and I liked the wooded snow scenes particularly well. If you've ever seen No Country For Old Men, I'd say it's a fair comparison with the outdoor scenes with Brolin.

Bridges held his own with acting, and the young girl (who I initially thought would be an annoyance trying to keep up with Bridges and Damon) did a damn fine job as well.

Overall I'd see it again, although I can't think of a scene I could watch several times. In contrast, I can think of several scenes from other Coen films that fit the bill (Heinz the Baron Claus Von Espy, anyone?).

Regardless, go to see it for nothing more than this scene (which I won't ruin):


This seen was priceless. Very funny.
Re: True Grit

Excellent movie. Even at my age(over 50 and then some) I had never seen the origonal movie or read the book so I was able watch with an open mind.

The young Mattie Ross character stole the show. The Rooster Cogburn role was made very entertainging with the humor while the Texas Ranger Character came off as a putz.

And especially for me any scenery in a movie that loolks like Wyoming make me wish I could be there forever.

Go watch - worth the $$ and the time.
Re: True Grit

First off I need to apologize to you guys. I'm no fan of movies in particular. In fact, the last movie I watched was We Were Soldiers. So, I really don't have a dog in this fight to begin with and had no business even perusing this part of the hide.

So to those of you whose feathers I ruffled, I sincerely do apologize.

And yes, I do know shooters who shoot with the opposite hand. I just found it odd to see that in a movie trailer.

With that, I'll just sit back and observe more and speak less.
