well,SEVERE cuts are needed badly for more than just $ reasons. don't quite get whether Musk#s are money that won't be spent per plan or $ that can be recovered. but the fed spending is so convoluted that understanding isn't likely or intended.
What America needs is a 50yr plan to bring us back to sanity.
Decades of open borders have flooded our country with third worlders to the point that we're seeing outbreaks of disease that were eradicated 80 years ago.
We spend enough on the military every year to build a world-conquering army, and that's just to maintain the one we have, yet we have face-planted in nearly every conflict since WW2.
Our medical "system" is so fucked up that a medical procedure like an arterial graft which costs say 20k bucks in Europe costs 100k dollars here in the USA - using the same equipment and same quality hospitals.
New cars and houses are prohibitively expensive for anyone but the highest income earners and those with generational wealth to fall back on, forcing people into lengthy loans with high monthly payments and interest rates.
Our food is garbage and we're all fat as fuck.
Companies have offshored so most of us work shitty jobs or make believe jobs moving paperwork from one side of a desk to another, I'm a consultant, government work etc.
Usury is the norm with credit cards at 20-30% compounded or whatever evil shit math they use because fuck the poors.