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Trump off ballot

If other states follow Colorado’s lead, as the Justice stated, it could and I suspect will lead to chaos. I am not sure he justices of the Colorado court and possibly even the people in government who fashion themselves as rulers and lords or the manor as well as the inhabitants of the large population centers with an extreme liberal leaning will be thoroughly pleased with the outcome that might occur due to their decisions.

(However on a lighter note, i am also sure that large masses of people in Southern California andf New York City are thoroughly wetting their pants and panties this morning.)
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I liked the Colorado Repub Party idea. Go to a caucus system. If they field a candidate, how would the court break the law to stop that one?

Also, sue the specific judges on the SC who voted for this decision in a class action lawsuit from the repubs of Co. That's a lot of money to put where one's evil mouth is.

Do something, anything, just don't lay down, close your eyes, and think of the Queen of England.
Just another manufactured manipulation.

Yes, that’s correct. As long as President Trump appeals the decision to the Supreme Court, the appeals court stays their own ruling – essentially indefinitely. The Colorado primary ballots printed, and the primary election will be over, before the Supreme Court puts this on their docket. In addition to the virtual guarantee the high court will overrule this political nonsense, SCOTUS can make the entire issue moot before them by following their own normal schedule for submissions, arguments, deliberation and opinions delivered by the court.

From 2020 to the present they had sucker punched us quite a few times and mostly we just dodged, half-ass blocked, and one or two times, hit back connecting hard enough to cause them to reel... What happened in Colorado yesterday was a swipe at our necks with an Xacto blade. And it drew blood. And currently we are like: "What the fuck, did that motherfucker just cut me?"... as we bring our hands to our stinging necks and they come away red. What will determine the course of the future will be how we respond to it, and what are we going to do. What is the GOP going to do? These freaks are relentless. And they just sliced us with a razor. Do we let it slide and move on? If so, they will just come up behind us next time we are distracted by something and slice us again, like the psychos they are... Or do we prison yard rush the fucker like a linebacker, slamming them down onto the frozen pavement and then proceed to lay one haymaker after another right onto their face until it looks like a blobfish that had a firework accident and rendered permanently confined to a wheelchair?

When is the first red state going to remove Biden from the ballot? The future is going to be ugly regardless. There is no way normal and good folks can co-exist with freaks who wants to disarm us and come after children to sexually groom them. If tit-for-tat by both parties leads to something extremely ugly, LET IT BE THEN. It will come sooner or later and I ain't getting any younger. I won't mind suffering in the trenches now so that the future can enjoy starships and starbases, and being able to carry their personally owned sidearms aboard them.
There's no way Vivek makes it to the Colorado ballot. It's not a big deal for him to say that - it's a tactic to get Haley and DeSantis to handicap themselves while making headlines if all that did occur.

VP tryout aspirations at best is all I can say for Vivek.
IF this nonsense ruling from yesterday were to stand, and IF Colorado GOP didn't vacate the primary system for the caucus, and IF Trump being barred from eligibility for write-in, then Vivek would most fucking definitely win the Colordo primary. So, in fact, it IS a big deal for Vivek to say this.
Well sure. If there were two teams playing.

The thing CO has been mailing ballots to everyon3 for a long time. They control the vote. The only real reason to do it is provocation.

That's my concern - was this done with the end goal of disenfranchising half the voters, or is the goal to cause some small number of them to do something really stupid in hopes that it enables further tyranny? Pretty sure we all know the answer to that one, so it's more of a rhetorical question at this point.
It'll be over turned at SCOTUS, which will prevent further mischief along these lines. Not to say that the demoncrats won't think up something else, but.

"The Constitution lists only three qualifications for the Presidency — the President must be at least 35 years of age, be a natural born citizen, and must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years."

Outside of not qualifying for all three of the above, the Constitution does not provide for any disqualification to be the POTUS.
Let's see what SCOTUS has to say (It's already being appealed there). If that doesn't work, then we can try for a "write-in" campaign. I know he didn't take Colo. anyway, but we have to fight this hard, lest other states he might be able to win try the same thing as copy cats... especially the swing states.
He took Colorado in the primary...
The ballot in question here is the primary, not the general, which is what will prevent him from being the nominee.

I'm aware of that.

I don't think it matters what happens in Colo. in re: the primary. He will be the nominee at the convention. What matters is what will happen in the general election. Will they dry to deny him a spot on the general ballot? Will other states try the same thing based on the "success" of the anti-Trump efforts in Colo.? Both Primary and General? As I implied above, where Trump will need to focus is on the Swing states and whether or not they try any of this BS there.
IF this nonsense ruling from yesterday were to stand, and IF Colorado GOP didn't vacate the primary system for the caucus, and IF Trump being barred from eligibility for write-in, then Vivek would most fucking definitely win the Colordo primary. So, in fact, it IS a big deal for Vivek to say this.
Lots of ifs - Ill bet you a doll hair

PS - so what if Mr. Ramaswamy (kinda feels racist lol) 'rammy swammy where's ur mommy' won a single primary during Super Tuesday... barely/not even a blip on the real radar.
He took Colorado in the primary...
Of course he did. There were a Trump trains all over CO leading up to the 2020 election. I have never seen that kind of real grass roots enthusiasm for a presidential candidate. I bet fraud removed he won CO. CO was in huge hurry to delete all 2020 election data. Then passed a law that it couldn't be audited.
Of course he did. There were a Trump trains all over CO leading up to the 2020 election. I have never seen that kind of real grass roots enthusiasm for a presidential candidate. I bet fraud removed he won CO. CO was in huge hurry to delete all 2020 election data. Then passed a law that it couldn't be audited.
They are leading by example b/c they are doing it again.
This whole charade will go to Scotus and probably get overturned. Now think of what will happen when SCOTUS is finally a lost cause. If things haven't gone full blown batshit crazy by then it surely will when that happens.
It’s mostly elected women (white ones) doing this stuff. 1920 is coming back to haunt the American settlers. Ohh well. You gave it all away! For what?

The magic answer is to have a global dust cloud creep across the world and render all living birthing people barren.

Wont last much longer after that the human will be gone. Unless AI recreates the lowly human.
What will determine the course of the future will be how we respond to it, and what are we going to do. What is the GOP going to do?

ASGH, the GOP is part of the NWO and elections are theater for the terminally retarded. They fake elections to keep people calm a little bit longer.

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I read somehwere the dissenting judges were all appointed by recent D governors. Which probably means the entire court was packed with libs, and even then 3 of em said "uh...dude?" (I summarize).

Perhaps a CO citizen could clue us in on the court makeup. If this shit doesn't get slapped down 9-0 but Supremes and those 4 justices are not recalled/impeached (again, I dunno how colorado does their judges) it maybe time to party like its 1775.

But we won't cause we are all pussies.
Did anyone not see this coming? This is just to ruffle some feathers and waste hus money. They're going to pit him in jail shortly. This is actually a smart plan by dems(evil and commie as hell but smart). They'll keep everyone talking about trump until right before the primary then arrest him. Then for months its all our side talks about instead of actually trying to win politically. And save the civil war bs if nobody did shit over the last 4 years its not going to start now especially over a candidate that most conservatives dont even like.
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A bit off the subject but there is some talk of removing biden from the democratic ticket. This is a big mistake for the conservatives. Given anything even close to resembling a legitimate election, biden is so bad, he couldn’t beat a mange ridden black dog. But of course, the key word is “legitimate.”

So, biden is removed. Who are we going to get, newsome? harris? newsome and his people make the thugs and sexual deviants currently in the Whitehouse look almost decent. harris, is so incompetent, she couldn’t manage putting on her on personal feminine protection. Something she really needs to practice. Considering it appears her entire success has been based on her ability to do the horizontal Hulu with men capable of promoting her in government. (At least she is good at something, but wonder how her ‘husband’ feels about this).

harris, newsome, biden??? 300,000,000 people in the United States of America and the Democratic Party has possibly chosen the three worst of the entire bunch. Trust me, they had a large quantity of really incompetent, but corrupt individuals in the democratic party too choose from.
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It’s mostly elected women (white ones) doing this stuff. 1920 is coming back to haunt the American settlers. Ohh well. You gave it all away! For what?

The magic answer is to have a global dust cloud creep across the world and render all living birthing people barren.

Wont last much longer after that the human will be gone. Unless AI recreates the lowly human.
I hope that "birthing people" includes all the transgenders that think they get pregnant ...........yea, I'm sure that's what you meant.................
Putin all ready making fun of our democracy on the world stage. Way to showcase KangAmerica. Someone might start to question why, in a democracy, the deepstate would need or want to supress the will of the people. Maybe they "learned a lesson" from setting up a "democracy" in Palestine only to watch the Palestinians democratically elect Hamas to represent them. "Ummm, no. We no better than the little people." -Deepstate.
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are we sure its not just a judge trying to be relevant but knows it'll get overturned before anything consequential...
This. I think they know this will get overturned, but it’s a chance for some leftist judges to have their moment on the stage. This is a “look at me” virtue signaling stunt.

At least that’s my hope. We’ll see soon enough.
You want to know how to start a civil war? This is how you start a civil war. Blatantly denying millons of voters the right to cast their ballot for the candidate of choice.
The Dems are always doing things like playing the race card and accusing the Repubs of trying to use Jim Crowe laws.
We are so screwed.

Why would people civil war over a mere vote when they did nothing having their livelihoods and freedom taken from them?

And keep this one secret........they took your vote in 2020 and 2022.......with the help of the opposition.
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This bitch.......

Who does she think she is, anyway? I'll encourage everyone I know to stop paying their taxes and head to the picket line.

Even that fat lying Christie got it right: the voters decide.

There was already someone at every voting station earlier in the year, gathering signatures to make sure the Deej, and Ron D were on our ballot. Those weren't good enough?
Why would people civil war over a mere vote when they did nothing having their livelihoods and freedom taken from them?

And keep this one secret........they took your vote in 2020 and 2022.......with the help of the opposition.
You skipped 2008 and 2012. A foreign born person can not be president.
This bitch.......

Who does she think she is, anyway? I'll encourage everyone I know to stop paying their taxes and head to the picket line.

Even that fat lying Christie got it right: the voters decide.

There was already someone at every voting station earlier in the year, gathering signatures to make sure the Deej, and Ron D were on our ballot. Those weren't good enough?
Meh, ranked choice voting state.

You are already compromised.

Just got to run enough “turd” candidates to make sure no one breaks 50%.
Outside of not qualifying for all three of the above, the Constitution does not provide for any disqualification to be the POTUS.

To make this argument, you need to explain why Section 3 of the 14th Amendment cannot be used to disqualify a president. It seems pretty clear:

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States...

The real issue isn't the constitutionality of this, it's whether or not Trump participated in an "insurrection". He didn't, and there's no due process behind the accusations that he did (Colorado's case leans on the House's show trial), and that's presumably what any sort of defense should lean upon.

This is an interesting read - Luttig is pretty far from being unbiased but I tend to respect his legal opinion:

I saw a headline that members of the SCOCO were receiving death threats for their decision on Trump on the ballot. I have not read the article. The first thought that popped into my head was Agent J in "Men in Black."
"Don't start nuttin, there won't be nuttin," as he squishes a roach.

Legally, this is easy to overturn. First off, like others have said, I don't see how they can disqualify him for something of which is not convicted nor impeached. And he cannot be impeached because he is not president. That being said, what good are the laws when there is such flagrant disregard for the law by members of the law community.

I read a news story about two brain surgery college students who got out of a car on their way to class and pulled a gun and stole a guy's coat right of him in broad daylight, not caring a damn about it. Thugs.

The only difference between them and these justices is that one is wearing a robe. And the other is wearing a freshly stolen coat.
To make this argument, you need to explain why Section 3 of the 14th Amendment cannot be used to disqualify a president. It seems pretty clear:

The real issue isn't the constitutionality of this, it's whether or not Trump participated in an "insurrection". He didn't, and there's no due process behind the accusations that he did (Colorado's case leans on the House's show trial), and that's presumably what any sort of defense should lean upon.

This is an interesting read - Luttig is pretty far from being unbiased but I tend to respect his legal opinion:

All of that has to believe in the premise that before Trumps “insurrection” there was no November insurrection (a real one) to deny the will of the voters.

Of course that earlier one doesn’t matter.

81 million votes?
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To make this argument, you need to explain why Section 3 of the 14th Amendment cannot be used to disqualify a president. It seems pretty clear:

The real issue isn't the constitutionality of this, it's whether or not Trump participated in an "insurrection". He didn't, and there's no due process behind the accusations that he did (Colorado's case leans on the House's show trial), and that's presumably what any sort of defense should lean upon.

This is an interesting read - Luttig is pretty far from being unbiased but I tend to respect his legal opinion:

It's not interesting, it is biased. The guy acts like the SCOTUS is a system purely of law and not politics. I find that laughable as almost all rulings follow the political structure of those voting. There is 100% political bias in the SCOTUS. If ruling based purely on law, most voting would be 9-0 or 8-1. You would very rarely have a 5-4 vote, if ever. Just not possible.
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It started at inception but the big leap forward was in the 1850's. The early 1900's brought in the federal reserve and then taxation which was the death nail. It's been a slow but steady turning up of the heat. Now that the bubbles are coming to the top it won't be long before the frog is boiling
Note Nicholas Biddle, a stalking horse, 1800
Did you ever think a country could be destroyed from within so quickly?

This bitch.......

Who does she think she is, anyway? I'll encourage everyone I know to stop paying their taxes and head to the picket line.

Even that fat lying Christie got it right: the voters decide.

There was already someone at every voting station earlier in the year, gathering signatures to make sure the Deej, and Ron D were on our ballot. Those weren't good enough?
I wish there was a way to stop paying taxes!

I saw a headline that members of the SCOCO were receiving death threats for their decision on Trump on the ballot. I have not read the article. The first thought that popped into my head was Agent J in "Men in Black."
"Don't start nuttin, there won't be nuttin," as he squishes a roach.

Legally, this is easy to overturn. First off, like others have said, I don't see how they can disqualify him for something of which is not convicted nor impeached. And he cannot be impeached because he is not president. That being said, what good are the laws when there is such flagrant disregard for the law by members of the law community.

I read a news story about two brain surgery college students who got out of a car on their way to class and pulled a gun and stole a guy's coat right of him in broad daylight, not caring a damn about it. Thugs.

The only difference between them and these justices is that one is wearing a robe. And the other is wearing a freshly stolen coat.
Exactly! Whether this was just a play or not with then knowing it will get overturned or not, it was a stupid play. This does nothing more than fuel more divisiveness, which some would argue they want. Who knows? If they want it, im curious as to their thought process about how they’d survive in a fallen America and how that would be so much better than the current situation!
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