Trump shot

I can’t believe that everyone just sat there or got down. My first instinct would have been to hop the barricade and get the hell out of the crowd, thinking mass shooter.
Yeah! Me too. They were bleachers. I would have sunk down and slid my body through and hung and dropped to the ground. I might be a tad to large but now im gonna go to some local bleachers and try.
Screenshot 2024-07-14 at 6.55.13 PM.png

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say his motive was, most likely, to try to kill him.

Oh.. you mean WHY would he try to kill him. Road rage? Love triangle? Family vendetta? Could be anything. Who could say.
I posted this elsewhere but thought it might need repeating.

Let's take a trip down memory lane. Raise your hand if you remember the scandal with the SS involving some soiled doves.

The stories below are posted in chronological order.

This next story from 14 years ago makes me laugh cause it's a foreshadowing of the current DEI insanity.

Five years after the revelation of bedroom fun with the "professional" women someone still remembers it.

Now let's not forget some other paradigms of virtue in government service.

I'm surprised that Garland's DOJ actually found time to go after someone else besides Trump!

...and someone in the FBI no less!

It's not necessarily a DEI problem. It's a moral problem and a lack of common sense.
I sent this to one of the guys that run the Ballistic High Speed Channel. I had to modify some words for the monkey's the run YT.

Here's how I wrote it:

I was just looking at the photo of former President Trump that allegedly shows the "pill" passing by his upper parts. Looking at the statistics of a cinco cinco gr dos dos tres pill, assuming factory pills, at 130 long paces it would be traveling around 2,769 feet per second. If the shutter speed of the camera was 1/500 of a second, the pill would have travelled 5.538 feet. 1/1000 of a second, the pill would have travelled 2.769 feet. 1/2000 of a second, 1.3845' or 1' 5". I don't think the "pill flight" photo is real. I think someone edited it so they could make a little bank. I immediatly thought of this channel for debunking. Man it's hard to write lower than kindergarten level for the yt-masters. SMH

Basically I don't think the photographer that claims that he or she (not sure), captured a round going past President Trump's head is legit. The line is like a rat turd, pointed at both ends. There's no reason for it to look like that. It's not decelerating then accelerating.

Here's the calculator I used for velocity vs distance:

I used the pill type listed below for muzzle (dogs nose while running of course) velocity (3.240 fps seems a bit sporty but that's what they claim) and a ballistic solver to come up with the speed of the pill at 130 long steps, 2,769 fps.

Ammo Name Barrel Length Muzzle 100 yds. 200 yds. 300 yds. 400 yds. 500 yds. Muzzle 100 yds. 200 yds. 300 yds. 400 yds. 500 yds. Muzzle 100 yds. 200 yds. 300 yds. 400 yds. 500 yds. G1 G7
Federal Am. Eagle 55 Gr. FMJ 24 3240 2874 2536 2222 1931 1667 1282 1008 785
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