Re: tumbling loaded ammo?
I haven't thrown a single insult, but a well placed challenge makes me a 'nutcase, fucking jerk, jerking off 6000 rounds and hour in a wife beater.....
If you must ask public permission of me to go to PM, you don't need to bother coming out here, dude. There's not a bunch I could help you with, and out at three junctions or whatever the fuck you call it, we don't make much time for folks like you any way... We don't hang around with our shiny ammo and ask for more government regulations to keep us safe from ourselves, we're all grown up out in fucking gun nut land. Nor do I take time out of my day to point out various code violations, because that implies I need more government help. Or that's all I have left, is to cry to government mommy to help me.
I'm a little different, I just want to be left the fuck alone by those people to do my thing.
As an aside I took a can out of the shed today and put my wife beater on, drove my truck to three rivers, or whereever Tucson gun nuts hang out and did a quick test.
I bought some demil 50 brass a while back that was primed so I really didn't want to tumble it before loading, (even though I'm a fucking nutcase there is a limit to my insanity) I did tumble ten pieces at a time,(yes this is after I loaded it with powder and a HE tip) overnite in the tumbler, until I had a can full. In the beginiing that rattled me a bit, but only because of the tip, not the primer or the powder involved.
These are loaded pretty calm, nowhere near max, throws a M8 at 2650, and the few that I originally chronoed had some freakishly low ES and SD so I thought it would be an easy shooting load for me and my gun nut, nutcase friends to go fuck with in our wifebeaters out at three roads in pink camo.
Sometimes if I take the big ammo out, I get my 'wido' feelings hurt from the noise, and nearly non-existant recoil.
I got squared up, put two shots down at twelve hundred, made a quick correction and got my can......
And there is 80's vintage Talon brass, 213 grains of WC867, and an old pulled apart M8 from the Carter era I'm sure.
Tumbled for eight hours or so in a (oh he is my God) Dillon tumbler.
Those ten rounds went perfect for vertical, (given what I've come to accept as the limits of the sytem, when you basically throw junk M2 ammo at it). The wind was pretty much a blender of right to left at 20 or so, as the storm was rolling in pretty hard yesterday. So putting every shot on a 20x24 plate at twelve hundred, not even close..
Again, this is anecdotal in nature, unscientific, and it was raining like crazy out at three trails at the wife beater end of the range, but I wanted to know as much after thinking about this for a couple days, as I had never actually shot any of the stuff I tumbled. ( I'm talking 50 here, all the rest I have, by the thousands)
Again, this is life experience, not <span style="font-style: italic">I heard it</span>. You see, us 'fucking jerk, nutcase, wife-beater wearing, goldberg machinery owning, code violating ass-hats out in these parts throw down facts, after that, it's easy to debate because we have a baseline to go from....
If it scares you or you need a permission slip from the county commisioners in your part of the country, by all means, wipe the crap down by hand, I used to, until I was up at the plant on Dillon Rd. in Scottsdale one day, and one of the guys there said he ran his in the tumbler after loading. I guess once you get your own road I have a little different type of respect for you, especially after we saw the minigun.
They know of what they speak, me not so much, I just have what works for me occasionally.