It could very well be that PTG welded up the 700 and remarked it with 40-X. Here's the OP's PTG receiver, notice how long the dash between the 40 and the X is, that's not normal. Also notice how there's no registered trademark symbol to the left of the word Remington. All of the regular 40X receivers I've seen (not including the laser engraved 40X-BR receivers and the titanium receivers) have the registered trademark symbol to the left of the Remington marking. I cropped this image to focus on the markings, but if you look at the OP's photos in this thread, his receiver lacks this registered trademark symbol.I'm convinced PT&G put the 40X on that receiver. It doesn't look like any other 40X marking, and as you noted, it's a Remington 700 serial number. I doubt they are messing with serial numbers.
Here's one of the earliest 40X centerfire receivers I've come across, notice how the serial number doesn't have a letter suffix (it's early):
Other early Remington 700 and 40X receivers have the word Remington underlined, that's a dead giveaway to the receivers being pretty old (1960's and 1970's vintage?), and they have the smaller size dash between the 40 and the X:
And some more recent Remington 40X receivers that don't have the word Remington underlined. These receivers still have the registered trademark symbol, and thry have the smaller size dash between the 40 and the X:
Even the old .22LR Remington 40X receivers have the registered trademark symbol to the left of the Remington marking, and the smaller size dash between the 40 and the X:
40X receiver without a serial number in the photo. Notice the registered trademark symbol to the left of the Remington marking, and the smaller size dash between the 40 and the X:
Here's the OP's receiver markings vs. the markings on the 2 original XM3's that I've owned:
Remington had different variations of the Model 700 markings, so I'm not going to post a bunch of photos of them. Just notice that the OP's receiver is in a similar serial number range as my two XM3's, but it lacks the Model 700 marking. Either Remington really messed up this receiver, or PTG welded up the 700 and marked it with 40-X (or more accurately 40------X).
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