Ukrainian shit show part 2

I would actually argue that the learnings should be the other way round. All this stuff is being built with 'Aliexpress' tier shit. Look at the 'rockstar' of the war from the Russian's point of view (Lancet). All guided via consumer electronics.....

So I would think the learning would have to be that 'every man and his dog can now build guided killer drones....'. it's no longer exclusively the domain of the MIC. Hell, the MIC will probably suck at it because it breaks there 'here's 1k's worth of electronics with a bit of software and a warhead. That will be 5 million dollars please' business model.
Most of the EU as well as the US have preferences for COTS components and open source software. There is a fairly deep recognition within the industry that no one company can make every component and that proprietary software can hide tracking executables, and every drone sold to the .gov is tested for such. Things are so buttoned down that if you tell a customer the brand of a component they know where it was manufactured and they 100% have an unauthorized component list.

What I just wrote argues your point somewhat. However, do not doubt that the is some seriously high speed shit out there that won’t be coming from a garage. The thing that makes the garage drones do damn dangerous is the agility of the builder - any component will do, the only thing that matters is that it gets the job done. There is no paperwork or multiple agencies to go through for approval, it simply gets made. They really are the flying version of the IED build mentality, and it is effective due to the fact that CUAS systems are not everywhere, yet.
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Hence the reason all the "elites" are supporting Ukraine. They're all evil and Abramovic is one of their high priestesseseseses....
Beginning to think reason for Ukraine, besides the kick backs, is perfection of low cost, personal use, AP drones for domestic deployment.

The reason to abandon 2A will no longer be F15s but some $15 flying grenade with your identity loaded in the memory bank.
It’s already possible with current technology.
We know! It’s pretty damn scary really.
Someone had a good point.

They are killing off piles of white christian males (literally the worst thing on earth)

And are importing piles of Africans and other shit hole people.

All about destroying nationalism / borders etc so we can have one world totalitarian gov

I’m on Putin’s side

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Ole mitch be lookin rough.
Beginning to think reason for Ukraine, besides the kick backs, is perfection of low cost, personal use, AP drones for domestic deployment.

The reason to abandon 2A will no longer be F15s but some $15 flying grenade with your identity loaded in the memory bank.

I think this video was just to show a concept but I'm sure they've got the tech now. Now that I think about it, it was probably just to rub it in our face.
I dont stand with Ukraine, I dont stand with Russia, I dont stand with Biden or really even Trump. I stand here with half my fucking paycheck missing, for what?

My roads are shit, I wont drink city water, my healthcare cost is stupid, my police are scum, my fire department hasnt fought a fire in years, my schools need fundraising for regular shit, 90% of college grads are knee deep in debt. Where the fuck is my money going? Its all bullshit.....all of it!
Most of the EU as well as the US have preferences for COTS components and open source software. There is a fairly deep recognition within the industry that no one company can make every component and that proprietary software can hide tracking executables, and every drone sold to the .gov is tested for such. Things are so buttoned down that if you tell a customer the brand of a component they know where it was manufactured and they 100% have an unauthorized component list.

What I just wrote argues your point somewhat. However, do not doubt that the is some seriously high speed shit out there that won’t be coming from a garage. The thing that makes the garage drones do damn dangerous is the agility of the builder - any component will do, the only thing that matters is that it gets the job done. There is no paperwork or multiple agencies to go through for approval, it simply gets made. They really are the flying version of the IED build mentality, and it is effective due to the fact that CUAS systems are not everywhere, yet.
Don't get me wrong, US military is probably 10+ years in front of everyone else. Skunkworks engineers etc and amazing. Just look at White Bat etc. What I was trying to get at is that this can't be done in there 'cost+ on some secret military base' model. If non-DOD organisations are going to start using this stuff it will play out in the low cost, non top secret, rapid iteration environment. And the MIC isn't really set up for that.

Tbh, I'm not even sure cUAS is where it needs to be to be everywhere. It's only a matter of time until someone 'stealthifies' a Geran/Shahed derivative and nullifies all existing X/K/Ku/W band tracking radars to the point where electro-optical has a better range. This would mean targeting and Slew-to-Cue on your weapon almost has to be physics defying to get a successful engagement (both 'Gepard' and 'Laser turret' style weapons would have this issue, not so much microwave weapons, but they have their own issues).

Which would put the US government in a bind. Do they release their latest radar tech to the market to counter the drones? Or does it stay on the secret squirel air bases.......and in that case - what do they do?
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Don't get me wrong, US military is probably 10+ years in front of everyone else. Skunkworks engineers etc and amazing. Just look at White Bat etc. What I was trying to get at is that this can't be done in there 'cost+ on some secret military base' model. If non-DOD organisations are going to start using this stuff it will play out in the low cost, non top secret, rapid iteration environment. And the MIC isn't really set up for that.

Tbh, I'm not even sure cUAS is where it needs to be to be everywhere. It's only a matter of time until someone 'stealthifies' a Geran/Shahed derivative and nullifies all existing X/K/Ku/W band tracking radars to the point where electro-optical has a better range. This would mean targeting and Slew-to-Cue on your weapon almost has to be physics defying to get a successful engagement (both 'Gepard' and 'Laser turret' style weapons would have this issue, not so much microwave weapons, but they have their own issues).

Which would put the US government in a bind. Do they release their latest radar tech to the market to counter the drones? Or does it stay on the secret squirel air bases.......and in that case - what do they do?
I cannot argue with most of this. There is no system that doesn’t have weaknesses, and the DoD can’t seem to go the agile route. I can go on but won’t. All they are doing is constraining themselves and increasing cost.

I don’t think we are 10 years ahead at this point. Others are catching up quickly. The Chinese can only go as fast as they can steal - that came out at a certain trade show this year pretty clearly. But there are others who are running hard to catch up. The industry is evolving fast, but it is still damned impressive what is being done ad-hoc and getting results. The ability to be agile matters more than many seem to comprehend, no matter what they think they understand. Bobbing, weaving and being willing to take risks is the path to disruption, which is the path to keeping the enemy on its heels.
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I cannot argue with most of this. There is no system that doesn’t have weaknesses, and the DoD can’t seem to go the agile route. I can go on but won’t. All they are doing is constraining themselves and increasing cost.

I don’t think we are 10 years ahead at this point. Others are catching up quickly. The Chinese can only go as fast as they can steal - that came out at a certain trade show this year pretty clearly. But there are others who are running hard to catch up. The industry is evolving fast, but it is still damned impressive what is being done ad-hoc and getting results. The ability to be agile matters more than many seem to comprehend, no matter what they think they understand. Bobbing, weaving and being willing to take risks is the path to disruption, which is the path to keeping the enemy on its heels.

How long will that last?

We cant even imagine a new movie plot.

Seems that Nationally all we have left to be creative with is weaponry.

We have beat the creative people into conformity through PC and govt picking and choosing its support based on who will kick back to them.
Thats bullshit. As energy required for an EMP to be effective simply cannot be generated otherwise as by nuclear explosion of some sorts. Otherwise yeah HUGE fucking capacitor but the energy dissipation would be as in cube of distance which basically means bullshit amount at any usable "weapon wanna be" distance.... This is not even near to jamming level of power the article is bullshit...