Ultimate Hunter Rifle Competition-No bags, No Tripods!


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  • Jul 6, 2010
    Denver, CO
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    I hunt with tripods and a bag. This looks like a desperate attempt to get someone to come use Cameo after the state of Colorado bent the facility over with their obnoxious waiver.

    Looks like a complicated club match. As a Colorado resident I'll keep shooting the monthly matches we have in NoCo and Wyoming.
    I hunt with tripods and a bag. This looks like a desperate attempt to get someone to come use Cameo after the state of Colorado bent the facility over with their obnoxious waiver.

    Looks like a complicated club match. As a Colorado resident I'll keep shooting the monthly matches we have in NoCo and Wyoming.
    I had the same initial reaction. I also hunt with a bag and tripod. Shoot WyCo too, 🤘.

    On the Flip side, if more bubbas and fuds go shoot a match like this with gear they have it may help them get better, or at least realize their limitations.
    Meanwhile multiple competitors winning and placing top 10 at NRL matches with sub 12 and Factory - right off the cabelas counter guns…

    I have seen people hanging at the top of the score sheets top loading internal 5rd mags and shooting off slings…

    In my book, more matches and more competitors is a good thing so you won’t see me bashing this series. But the equipment claim is homogeneous bullshit.

    RRS, MDT, Manners, Custom action makers, high end scope / LRF manufacturers …ect all provide the solutions to take high percentage shots off of compromised positions

    Sometimes you can’t afford some of that shit (myself included) and thats just how it is.

    Awesome that there is more shooting but really is the premise of the series: hey this is a watered down version of the NRL or the CD matches so you dont feel emancipated when someone pulls a triple pull and uses a RRS in the rear for a 550yds shot?

    Beyond comical. Pretty soon someone will come up with a format where the competitors are handed the same exact rifle at the beginning of the match in a effort to “level the field” where in reality they are getting trashed by some guy that actually goes out there and shoots at different places every month.

    I bet the bottom 50% of that membership at some point would splinter off and get a muzzleloader series going.

    Which, again, i would build a race muzzle loader for in the blink of an eye.
    If we really want to take gear out of the race, everyone gets to start the race with a knife and compass. They have to make sandals out of used tires, then locate the parts for re-assembling a bone stock 700, then find ammo hidden on a nav course (no road hunting) , then shoot over the course of a 1 day match.

    The same top guys will win.
    Its just like the rangefinding binocular whining at NRL hunter. Until the finale was won by a guy with separate binoculars and rangefinder. Top guys put in the work and will rise to the top no matter what equipment is or isn't available.
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    Hey fudds, don't use that perfectly good tripod that you packed into the field & use to range/spot to also shoot better. It would be terrible if hunters learned to shoot better with shit that they already pack.

    We also definitely don't want hunters to get in the habit of packing 2oz - 16oz rear bags that help them be more consistent in taking shots. Yuck.