This is just an update on my previous post. God must love me and all is right in the world. I found a guy through a friend who was interested in a trade and got my hands on a Dan Wesson Specialist and the guy threw in 5 wilson combat mags to boot. Now the range doesn't gets much better, I've used this gun more in the past 3 weeks than I had ever thought possible, I have blown through more ammo and put it through its paces and I can tell anyone who will listen, and have been, that this is by far the best 1911 I've ever had my hands on. In one 4 day period at the range I put 1300 rounds through this gun and all I did was wipe if off and oil it and it was accurate and smooth every time I pulled the trigger. I had only 2 malfunctions, 1 FTE, I accept blame for this one cause I think I limp wristed a shot and one bad primer. As for ammo, I have settled on hornady XTP +P 230 gr TAP FPD. I ran 100 rounds through a Chrono and this is the data I collected. I put 50 rounds at 15 yards and my avg 5 shot groups were 2.9", the Chrono avg was 937.2. I put 25 rds. at 25 yards and my avg 5 shot group was 3.85", the Chrono avg was 932.2. I put 25 rounds through at 40 yards with a my avg 5 shot group at 4.1", the chromo avg was 920.1. I tested 4 other types of ammo but the hornady by far was the most consistent and I think the Specialist had found its mate, and I have found my new best friend and the protector of my life and my families life in this pistol. So I want to say thank you to all the guys who turned me on and talked this gun up. By far my best decision ever.