urban sniper vs. urban counter sniper

Re: urban sniper vs. urban counter sniper

<span style="font-weight: bold">The Urban Hamster Sniper:</span>

Re: urban sniper vs. urban counter sniper

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Redmanss</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hey ArmaHeavy, your thread jack got thread jacked! Shankster FTW..... </div></div>
What's that? BAM! C** shot!
Re: urban sniper vs. urban counter sniper

I think I am literally dumber for having browsed through 3 pages of this. Lesson learned, just because its hot in the shout box doesn't mean go lookin'.

Funny shit though. Damn I love this place.

I want my purple name back!
Re: urban sniper vs. urban counter sniper

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Kenda</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I think I am literally dumber for having browsed through 3 pages of this. Lesson learned, just because its hot in the shout box doesn't mean go lookin'.
Funny shit though. Damn I love this place.
I want my purple name back! </div></div>
Re: urban sniper vs. urban counter sniper

American hotness sniper


Japanese hotness counter-sniper

Japanese non-hotness urban counter sniper


American hotness --Urban sniper


I hope we've cleared this up
Re: urban sniper vs. urban counter sniper

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: rrflyer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">American hotness sniper


Japanese hotness counter-sniper

Japanese non-hotness urban counter sniper


American hotness --Urban sniper


I hope we've cleared this up </div></div>

I don't think I quite have it. Would post several more pictures of Amercian Hotness; just so I understand it
Re: urban sniper vs. urban counter sniper

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 4Rail_Gunner</div><div class="ubbcode-body">AR15.com called...

Their village idiot is missing. </div></div>

I'm crying . . . . . .
Re: urban sniper vs. urban counter sniper

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Redmanss</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: vendetta333</div><div class="ubbcode-body">glad everybody is enjoying their popcorn. im a blast-o-butter fan my self. im really asking a serious question though. my thoughts gravitated towards an ar, due to the more compact foot print compared tpo like an AI. im thinmking of this from mostly an LE perspective, like say swat or secret service has to take out a threat. if you are not pressed for time, as an assasin, terrorist, whathave you wouldnt be, you could set up what ev er you want. but if you have to deploy quickly, and worry about collateral damage (i.e. over penetration, the other buildings around, etc.) these would put some special requirements on ones set-up. i would like some illegitimate answers please. thanx guys </div></div> Here's my answer and it is in all seriousness. If you need to know this, then you belong to an organization where you either will know already or will have access to symposiums/resources to find out. Otherwise you just sound like a tool that wants to kit himself out like the big boys to take on zombie snipers during the apocalypse, or you're a criminal looking to do my fellow brothers in arms harm.

Go here to find out your answer if you're legit: American Sniper Association </div></div>

a. i'm no gamer, so dont think im asking this question based on that sort of thing.
b. the question was based purely on my lack of understanding of what i had read on the glorious world wide web.
c. im no criminal.
d. im a noob to shooting long range, i have great interest in practical lr comp. but sadly as a college student cannot afford the equipment (no not even a $600 savage hunter model). as such i read as much as possible, im currently reading through every thread in the marksmanship basics thread.

without much more hope of not being attacked further, thanx to someone for giving a somewhat straightforward answer.
Re: urban sniper vs. urban counter sniper

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kraigWY</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm not the smartest guy on the block, but I did learn a long time ago, IF YOU ARE OVER YOUR HEAD, STOP DIGGING </div></div>

What's the punchline to that joke? I smell <span style="font-style: italic">molasses?</span>
Re: urban sniper vs. urban counter sniper

way to welcome someone to a sport people seriously. if someone had just said from the beginning that there is no difference in setup instead of being dickheads, this could have been a short thread. if these are the kind of people i can expect to encounter at comp, i think i'll stick to sporting clays. seriously what asshole-ish moves.
Re: urban sniper vs. urban counter sniper

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: vendetta333</div><div class="ubbcode-body">way to welcome someone to a sport people seriously. if someone had just said from the beginning that there is no difference in setup instead of being dickheads, this could have been a short thread. if these are the kind of people i can expect to encounter at comp, i think i'll stick to sporting clays. seriously what asshole-ish moves. </div></div>

Ya and most new members don't come in right off the bat asking about counter sniping assassins. Your set yourself up for it, now be ready to take it like man.

Re: urban sniper vs. urban counter sniper

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: vendetta333</div><div class="ubbcode-body">if these are the kind of people i can expect to encounter at comp, i think i'll stick to sporting clays. seriously what asshole-ish moves. </div></div>

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: vendetta333</div><div class="ubbcode-body">ok then. y is this a poor question?</div></div>

"Sniper" is a term that doesn't get used lightly around here. A "sniper" earns the title through perseverance in training and real-time application of skills that are nothing that you could even begin to imagine, and there are enough of them on this site who distrust anyone just breezing in and asking off-the-cuff questions and employing the term like it was something scrawled on the box of a video game. Talking about counter-sniping implies that you have interest in engaging a sniper about his job, and I can't imagine anything duller than coming into a place like this, full of people who are currently serving or who have served and been ready to do or who have done things that you only read about in a poorly described fashion in silly-ass he-man beach-reading novels and asking too many questions.

Everything else that doesn't involve "sniping" is precision shooting, and it's not even the tip of the iceberg compared to what military snipers are trained to do. Were I you, I'd stick to paintball, something that you seem both interested in and at which you are probably proficient.
Re: urban sniper vs. urban counter sniper

like it has been said before, if you need to know the answer to your question you fall into 3 catagories:
1) its your job, wether military or LE, in which case, you'd already know.
2) you want to be build a rifle to possibly harm my fellow citizens or my brothers and sisters in arms.
3) this is one i'm adding to the list. you want to build a "sniper rifle" for you and your little buddies to finger bang, take to the range and piss lead down range and giggle like little girls.

if you want to learn the basics, i'm sure the most here will agree with me because many of us learned them this way and still practice this way, is go buy a .22 and shoot the hell out of it. they are a whole lot cheaper to buy and to shoot, and will exagerate any mistakes in the fundamentals that you make. i've shot more rounds from a 22 than everything else combined, that includes all my shooting in the Corps that included machine gun ranges and 3 tours in iraq. hell, i've shot the barrel out of 2 different 22lr and one 22mag.
Re: urban sniper vs. urban counter sniper

What Veer and KYS338 said. Take your lumps, have a thick skin and enjoy things around here.

You coming in asking how to equip yourself to take on snipers is like asking a priest how to hook up with the nuns at a convent.
Re: urban sniper vs. urban counter sniper

Waiting for more hot chicks with ice cream and/or rifles.

Haven't seen on yet of a scantily clad hottie with an ice cream AND a rifle.

Re: urban sniper vs. urban counter sniper

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SPDSNYPR</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Waiting for more hot chicks with ice cream and/or rifles.

Haven't seen on yet of a scantily clad hottie with an ice cream AND a rifle.

Slackers. </div></div>How about guns made out of ice cream?

Re: urban sniper vs. urban counter sniper

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SPDSNYPR</div><div class="ubbcode-body">They're not hot, though.

Close. </div></div>

And I think the one on the left might be a dude.

Seriously, WTF?
Re: urban sniper vs. urban counter sniper

wow thats exactly what i do. my 22 is about all i can afford to shoot. and i play tourney pb, my fave format is psp. anyway, it was a purely inquisitive question, i dont intend to harm anyone! is there something wrong with wanting to expand ones knowledge base? doesnt anyone on here just ask any questions just for knowledge sake? to me this is the same as knowing the bc of a bullet u dont even use or intend to use.
Re: urban sniper vs. urban counter sniper

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SPDSNYPR</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Waiting for more hot chicks with ice cream and/or rifles.

Haven't seen on yet of a scantily clad hottie with an ice cream AND a rifle.

Slackers. </div></div>
Complain and ye shall receive...
Re: urban sniper vs. urban counter sniper

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: vendetta333</div><div class="ubbcode-body">wow thats exactly what i do. my 22 is about all i can afford to shoot. and i play tourney pb, my fave format is psp. anyway, it was a purely inquisitive question, i dont intend to harm anyone! is there something wrong with wanting to expand ones knowledge base? doesnt anyone on here just ask any questions just for knowledge sake? to me this is the same as knowing the bc of a bullet u dont even use or intend to use. </div></div>You should ask an inquisitive question and try to expand your knowledge base in your writing class at the community college...
Re: urban sniper vs. urban counter sniper

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: vendetta333</div><div class="ubbcode-body">wow thats exactly what i do. my 22 is about all i can afford to shoot. and i play tourney pb, my fave format is psp. anyway, it was a purely inquisitive question, i dont intend to harm anyone! is there something wrong with wanting to expand ones knowledge base? doesnt anyone on here just ask any questions just for knowledge sake? to me this is the same as knowing the bc of a bullet u dont even use or intend to use. </div></div>
You lost your topic. Plenty of people answered you seriously, and gave to you links to pages to answer your question, now your just trolling, and that's the only thing you're doing seriously.

This topic is about either chicks and guns, or ice cream and chicks with guns, or anything cool involving chicks, like motorcycles. And sadly no porn, this is a tasteful topic which means that two dudes plus dildo=WRONG.

The chicks must pass my definition of beautiful. Take a look at all the chicks I have posted. They are hot. See the ice cream guns above? /\ Those chicks are not.
This is..
Re: urban sniper vs. urban counter sniper

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ArmaHeavy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

I can't decide if I'd want the girl or the Competition USP .45 more...