How do I land an undisclosed $999,999,999.93 US AID contract?
Asking for a friend....
Guys, this isn’t limited to US AID.
This is how most of the Administrative State works.
This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Does anyone remember the FBI computer scandal with SAIC? It lasted decades.
They were supposed to have a contractor write their Virtual Case File.
They kept contracting an obsolete computer and filing system like a revolving door Mafia racket, which ended up yielding hundreds of millions of dollars for contractors.
They kept failing up, and taxpayers foot the bill for it.
The FBI Computer Upgrade that Wasn’t
Buddies of mine who went DSS with State Dept said they still had a DOS-based system for background investigations in the 20teens.
DC rewards purposely-failed, half-cocked contracts that are designed to fail. That’s how the system works. Then another/same contractor has to be given more to fix the problem.
Congress in the Committees knows this is going on every time. These are lawyers with accountants at their disposal.
They’re in on it, like one big happy Mafia family.
The millions that each Congressmen makes is pennies compared to the real stakeholders, where tens of billions are contracted and then disappeared.
The FinCEN and NSA bank surveillance programs see all this money moving around. There are teams of people who know where this is all going, but their supervisors’ supervisors never let them do anything about it.
Everything is traced in real-time.