ah I understand if you are paying someone labor. I learned how to change oil without getting it all over me 
I usually go 7000 miles on my base level synthetic oils in all my cars. A change with base synthetic oil and a 'normal oil filter' I buy off rockauto for $5 (or less, got some on clearance for $2).
I do a synthetic oil change every 7k for $20 and less than 1 hour of my time (I have a bitch'en set of tools in my garage)
I assume you are paying extra for an extended drain oil filter too?
Those extended drain filters can run $14ish, I do not trust the regular filter to run that far (especially the included filter at Jiffy Lube), but I have no reason or evidence to support that thought other than marketing material the regular filter can't do the job to 15k.
I usually go 7000 miles on my base level synthetic oils in all my cars. A change with base synthetic oil and a 'normal oil filter' I buy off rockauto for $5 (or less, got some on clearance for $2).
I do a synthetic oil change every 7k for $20 and less than 1 hour of my time (I have a bitch'en set of tools in my garage)
I assume you are paying extra for an extended drain oil filter too?
Those extended drain filters can run $14ish, I do not trust the regular filter to run that far (especially the included filter at Jiffy Lube), but I have no reason or evidence to support that thought other than marketing material the regular filter can't do the job to 15k.