From the ancient greek, decidacus, one who determines anothers fate...
From the even more ancient aramaic, decidium fuckoffacus, one who determines anothers fate and blasts anothers mom in the face with a load after culminating in her ass
Sherman is actually what I named my jeep. Exhaust header broke on it a while ago and I drove it for a while before I could afford to fix it. When it ran it sounded like a tank, so I nicknamed him Sherman
Been using this name since my cousin and I started Blackops_1 and Blackops_2 when were young. We used them for video games(socom II) I've used it ever since. Only thing i'm not Blackops_2 under is Xbox gamertag. Bastards don't allow the underscore in names.
Everything else chances are you see a Blackops_2 thats me. Games, forums, email... it's me
Mine goes back to when I first started on the WWW. The firat time I tried to pick a handle it seemed that all the ones I tried were taken. I used to race mountain bikes, XTR is the Shimano racing groupo, tried it and it worked, so I've been using it as a handle on the web since the mid 1990s.
When I was a teenager bow hunting I missed a doe at 20 yards. All I could see was her head and I missed just high right between the ears. I did however stick my arrow into a small tree that was about an inch wide. So my dad and his friends started calling me bullseye
Entolodont means "perfect teeth". Entolodont is an extinct family of pig-like omnivores. They are sometimes referred to as hell pigs, terminator pigs or killer pigs: