Re: USO EREK knob
You were not harsh, Leo. Speak your mind.....I appreciate it.
I have been meaning to call you to hear more of what you discovered at SHOT. I regret that I could not catch up with you there. It would have been good to pick your brain over a few beers.
Lets see here.....
When it comes to the detent ring I am in a worse boat than you since my SN-3 has 1/4 IPHY elevation the 90 click detent leaves me with 22.5 IPHY per least you have a whole number to add on the second revolution.
I would be happier with a 100 detent ring as well, would only need to add 25 for my second rev.
Like you, I would guess that the return on investment with a new detent ring has alot more potential on a contract scope than on just another option for the average Joe buying a USO. I have no doubt I would come to the same conclusion were I making the decision.
What is MTC? That is a new one for me.
I am bullish on USO scopes because I am very happy with the ones I purchased, as well as the support the company offers. I do agree that one should mate the scope with a base that squeezes out as much performance as possible.
I am not sold on the need for windage adjustable rings. If you do use the adjustment, you cannot remove and replace the scope via the rings without re-zeroing windage....unless this has been changed.
Honestly, if I am willing to spend this much on a scope, and I am, I would not leave it on a rifle that had such serious windage alignment problems. Either the base is screwed, or the action is whacky, or the barrel is....or someone screwed them up installing them. Also, I don't shoot anything that requires anywhere near the full travel of these scopes. If it were more than a 5 or 10 minutes off-center in windage I would look for and correct the problem with the action/base/rings/barrel/installation. Just my opinion, but then I can correct the problem at my home shop so I may not be the average user. Would you correct a 20MOA windage alignent issue with rings? Alot of those buying USO's put them on custom they just accept a large windage deviation?