USS New Jersey underway livestream


Full Member
Dec 14, 2010
McLean VA
view from NJ bridge
view from chopper
shes being towed to drydock.
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My son and I are going in May. We toured the boat last year for his 18th birthday. I told him if he wanted to go see it he was paying for tickets and travel. He did so away we go.
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Went to battleship cove years ago with the boy scouts and we slept overnight on the USS Massachusetts in the Marine bunks. My boys went crazy exploring, the only bad thing the temperature was in the teens and all the decks were covered in ice.

The analog fire control room was cool as fuck, impossible to put in words. Cant imagine the madness in that room during a battle, glad I went.
Why isn't it shelling Philly?

Would love stand stand on the bridge and just look badass with a badass ship. Aircraft Carriers are kings, but ugly. Battleships were pretty and the Iowa class was trim and sleek...

Whats the power factor on those shells (2700 lbs at 2800 FPS, do I make major?)

Optical Rangefinders Mil or MOA?

And yes, I do subscribe to the Battleship NJ Museum youtube. Look at the one where the go over Nuke Launch Sequence. (If in fact they ever loaded the fun shells/warheads/tomahawks which we can neither confirm nor deny).

I've babbled long enough. They don't make em like they used to.
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