North Springs .22LR Challenge - Qualifier Match
Location: The world class North Springs Range
Date: May 5th 2012
Time: Match starts at 9:00 am
Round count - less than 100 rounds
Distances- 25-100 yards for the 1st match. Advanced shooters will go out much further in future matches. Possibly out to 350 yards.
Plan on arriving NO LATER THAN 8:30 to pay the range fee at the gate house and get to the 100 yards range for the safety meeting.
Those who show up after the safety meeting will not be allowed to compete. NO exceptions. Sorry.
Cost: $5 range fee (paid at the gate house), $3 competition fee (paid at sign in.
All ages are welcome to come and compete. Strict safety rules will be Enforced so ALL shooters are required to know basic firearm safety.
Whether you’re an advanced shooter or just want to have some fun shooting .22’s this is the place to do it.
This 1st “Qualifier” match will separate the men from the boys and following matches will be divided into two groups of Basic and Advanced. The Advanced group (10-12 shooters max) will have to earn their spot each month to stay in the Advanced group. Shooters in the Basic group will be able to earn a spot in the Advanced group. If your just there to have fun and aren’t interested in the advanced shooting that’s fine also.
This 1st match will be mostly, if not all, paper targets just to be sure we have time. That could change depenting on how many people show up.
FB page is here:
Map to range from Price: