Re: Utah State Sniper Shoot Sept 10-11, 2011
We have 80 shooters on the list to shoot and some on the wait list.
If I have told you that you were on the list or #80 or less, send in your registration and money so I get by Aug 1st or lose you spot.
If you have a question if you are on the list or not, OR if you need to cancel out, please email me and let me know.
We have 8 SO teams (one head SO and one asst SO each team) to run 8 squads through 8 venues (4 per day).
We can use some more spotters and score keepers (shooting or not) and could use a back up SO.
If you have contacted me about helping out and I have not communicated with you in the last month, please contact me, we can still use the help. I have about 300 emails plus a lot of phone calls related to the Sept shoot and probably over looked something or someone somewhere.
Rodney has been helping coordinate the volunteers and COF so pay attention to him too.
Here's some pics of the shirt art work and hat. This is the real colors. Unlike the pics I had up here before.