Utah man allegedly high on meth driving 100 mph crashes, kills two 3-year-old boys, sheriff says
A Utah man who was allegedly high on meth and driving as fast as 100 miles per hour on Monday evening ran a stop sign and crashed into a set of horse stables where two 3-year-old boys were playing, instantly killing both of them, the Utah County Sheriff's Office said.
(yes, I know..fox).
Sad. Two boys actually PLAYING on something other than a damn iPad, enjoying their life and this happens.
The asshole lived...wonder if karma will strike in prison?
Another article:

2 boys killed in 'senseless tragedy,' police say
The Utah County Sheriff's Office says the driver of a vehicle that hit and killed two boys playing in a horse corral was on parole for previously stealing a police car.

Poor boys. I hope this guy rots.
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