Night Vision UTC-Xii In Hand


Full Member
Apr 12, 2010
New Braunfels, TX
Initial Impressions: Holy crap this thing is tiny!

I've got several pieces of NV kit and I was blown away how compact and lightweight the UTC-xii is. I put it on my Q-Fix and the combined weight is below some of my everyday carry hunting rigs. It's really got me (re)thinking my night hunting approach.

More to come...
Similar initial impressions and host rifle.

Vudu 5-25
Cows at 600ish
Deer at 1k-1100?

Didn't have the radius on. Gulf coast 150% humidity so it's probably even better for most.


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I plan to retire in about a year; my job allows me to get a lump sum payment for my unused vacation time = adding this to my Wish List [though I've already virtually spent the money several times over already with "future purchases".]
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Ok. So here is the first of hopefully many photos and updates as I start to get some time with the UTC-Xii. The photos I've uploaded are really small teasers, as the ones that matter are going to be the pictures behind the glass.

I've searched for an Oasys UTC for some time, but every unit I found didn't leave me with warm and fuzzies. Most of the units floating around have had questionable origins and probably only a handful were legitimately authorized by BAE for civilian purchase.

The Oasys units have two very important things that help them produce a superior image: The BAE Core and BAE's Software. FLIR's uncooled thermal cores have been bested by BAE (and DRS) for the past few years and this can be seen when comparing FLIR products (commercial or military) to their competitive equivalent. BAE's software has helped squeeze out that extra 20% of performance always giving a slight edge when comparing equivalent BAE cored devices (IRD/Trijicon vs Oasys). Sprinkle in a little bit of unobtanium dust, and these units have been highly sought after by "civilian thermal enthusiast" for some time.

Things have changed.... With Trijicon licensing the OASYS line, they've started to open up sales to the civilian market. You can now buy these units from dealers, with a warranty, and have little fear that you're going to receive a broken unit or a visit from Agent Wu. My unit has a manufacturing date of May 2019, so these aren't old-inventory items that have been collecting dust. I'm not sure how long supply will last, but if you always wanted one, now is the time.

On to the photos.......

That new sticker smell!


Photo of the UTC-Xii with and included accessories.
a) UTC-Xii Clip-On Device
b) Operation and Maintenance Manual
c) Soft carry bag
d) USB Cable
e) BNC Video Cable
f) Install Software
g) Laminated Quick Start Guide
h) Mount Adjustment Wrench
i) Energizer CR123 batteries


A quick weigh-in on the scale:


Even though the UTC-Xii is only ~1 oz lighter than the FLIR T-70, the UTC has a significantly larger lens on it. So, this is a bit of an apples to oranges comparison. The class equivalent FLIR T-75 weighs almost a pound more to get the "long-range" designation that the UTC-Xii has.

I will give the FLIR T-70 credit, as it feels durable enough for me to unclip it, grab it like a brick, and use it as a weapon if there was ever a need. The UTC-Xii has a very "petite" feel to it, but thats more my impression than anything to do with its actual durability. They are both mil-spec rated.


Last but not least, here is how the UTC-Xii sits with some of the other NV gear that I could easily grab for a photo and not have to yank off a weapon.
Finally put a few rounds under mine to check for any poi shift.

Amg in a 1.5" 20moa spuhr. Looks like I might have .2-.3 of windage unless I pulled the 2nd and 3rd shots. It was overcast and then the sun came out bright and I was having a hard time seeing even with a shirt thrown over the scope and UTC.

Either way I'm good with it.


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Both the UTC-x and UTC-xii are 1.31 optical center. That's pretty unusual in the NV/Thermal clipon world, with 1.5-ish being the defacto standard. Right now, I've converted all five of my rifles to Spuhr ISMS 34mm (1.338) optical center. And that works fine with PVS-30 as well. Also made some spacers for the UTC-x Larue mount to get the optical center of the UTC-x up to 38mm (1.496) if I ever get something like a PVS-24 that is more sensitive on colimation. The hard part of the spacer project, believe it or not, was getting the screws to fit the threads. But the PRC came thru, and I finally got some.

I did try an ADM 1.525 mount and was hitting low with that, but it sounds like you are saying 1.5 mount works.
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It seems to be fine if the sight windage shift is the optic and not me struggling to see. Pretty much everything I have has 1.5" 20moa mounts except my srs with a g2 razor in a 1.46" 44moa mount. That one should tell the tail.

My cnvd-lr had a pretty bad shift but it was consistent across every platform. .7 up 1 right.
How does this unit compare to the L3 LWTS? Unfortunatrly I sold it a few years ago. I recently purchased some newer equipment with the 12um display, etc but they were worthless in high humidity. I live in south MS and that was the only thermal that could cut the humidity and be functional on high humidity nights. Even my FLIR M18 had a hard time some nights, but the LWTS never did.
How does this unit compare to the L3 LWTS? Unfortunatrly I sold it a few years ago. I recently purchased some newer equipment with the 12um display, etc but they were worthless in high humidity. I live in south MS and that was the only thermal that could cut the humidity and be functional on high humidity nights. Even my FLIR M18 had a hard time some nights, but the LWTS never did.

I'm curious about this too. The LWTS was basically the all-seeing eye, you could not escape it. Whether I was in central FL or the Midwest, that sight would expose EVERYTHING. I sold mine in 2018 after getting out of FL where I hog hunted. The UTC XIIs that are available certainly have my attention. I am waffling back and forth between that and a Skeet which I would, honestly, probably use more.
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I'm curious about this too. The LWTS was basically the all-seeing eye, you could not escape it. Whether I was in central FL or the Midwest, that sight would expose EVERYTHING. I sold mine in 2018 after getting out of FL where I hog hunted. The UTC XIIs that are available certainly have my attention. I am waffling back and forth between that and a Skeet which I would, honestly, probably use more.

A stalkir gives the LWTS a run for its money or exceeds it. Haven’t compared it to a Utc
How does this unit compare to the L3 LWTS? Unfortunatrly I sold it a few years ago. I recently purchased some newer equipment with the 12um display, etc but they were worthless in high humidity. I live in south MS and that was the only thermal that could cut the humidity and be functional on high humidity nights. Even my FLIR M18 had a hard time some nights, but the LWTS never did.

I can try to compare when I have time. I've been swamped with work for a while now and have had little spare time or energy. Fwiw to me my ir patrol edges out the lwts pretty consistently.
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Checked poi shift with my srs with 6.5cm barrel installed. 4.5-27 razor in a 44moa 1.46" spuhr mount. I was kinda expecting a shift with this setup but it doesn't seem to be the case. Idk if it was me shooting shitty because I haven't had this one out in a while or the barrel needs cleaning. I don't normally get fliers with this gun/barrel/load

It was about 9am and the sun was heating the back of the steel but the berm was shaded so decent contrast. The sun being so low did make it difficult to see as well as I'd like.

550yds Shot 12" square then shot 22" circle with UTC. Disregard bottom left hit on 22".


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Testing some stuff ;) . I will eventually get to posting the pros and cons of each. In short they each do some things better than the other. If making your judgment purely on image quality as a high mag clip on the utcxii is the champ. I wish we could breed them so they'd have a perfect little thermal baby with the best features of each.

Those DRT targets are GTG. I have 3. Very pleased with them.

I know they are pricey, but if you get a real thick piece of cardboard and super 77 glue them to the cardboard, it will help to keep the holes clean and not rip. Very easy to paste over with the pasters they sell and it being rigid on the cardboard makes it easier to angle the target for the best contrast.

The targets I got also work well contrast wise with night vision.
Did some testing today.

Across two platforms, one with 1.5” rings and another with 1.57” (also with 20moa cant), I observed a .1 mil shift left with the UTCxii.

Took the magnification up to 16x on a small hand warmer at 100 yards when it barely started to pixelate. Image was still very crisp.