Rifle Scopes Valdada IOR Scopes? Are their scopes any good?

I've said it forever, people can come on here and bash them all day long , but when smart people choose not to listen to the local keyboard commandos and go and pick one up for them selves and try one out, post like the one above is generally what you wind up with.
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Maybe he's just trying to be honest and helpful. It does seem like guys out here are awfully negative about IOR.
Dude....Don't. , These guys will flame you forever. but, you are correct. I just simply offer advise. Find someone that has one, ask if you can look through it at different targets at different distances. If there are others out there with different scopes, ask to look through there's and make your own decision. Just be aware when you pick the Recon over the others, and you come on here telling people about it, be prepared to get flamed. Even though that's not suppose to happen on this site???? Also be aware more than likely 90% to 95% of the people flaming you has never even looked through one??
Dude....Don't. , These guys will flame you forever. but, you are correct. I just simply offer advise. Find someone that has one, ask if you can look through it at different targets at different distances. If there are others out there with different scopes, ask to look through there's and make your own decision. Just be aware when you pick the Recon over the others, and you come on here telling people about it, be prepared to get flamed. Even though that's not suppose to happen on this site???? Also be aware more than likely 90% to 95% of the people flaming you has never even looked through one??

Ah, now that helps. Thanks. I agree something about the scope is off a smudge, sometimes I need to adjust my eye piece when I zoom out and/or change distance. I haven't nailed it down yet. Thanks about pointing this out. I will test. If other guys offered more facts or helpful insights like you...that would be awesome. I dont care if guys flame me. I'm just being honest about my equipment.

I already own the RECON and Im going to try that test before making my final decision. That's exactly why I'm on another scope right now. I struggled from target to target and assumed it was my progressive eye glasses or diopter creep. Researched the topic much.

I just taped up my RECON eyepiece to eliminate the idea that it's moving or creeping from recoil and bouncing against my jacket from stage to stage...hoping the tape will keep my reticle sharp because I like my RECON. I was going to try shooting without my glasses as well.
I never said the RECON is better, I know the TT is a better build. My point was that I'm having a hard time letting my IOR go because it spoiled me as far as target acquisition and its eye box is so forgiving. With the heavier mil lines, generous eye box and compact size I'm beginning to feel as though the RECON makes a better hunter than PRS scope and to be fair, that's how it was advertised. Even the reticle is advertised as a tactical reticle.

Now I have two tests to look at. Creeping eye piece and your more recent advice.


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Dude....Don't. , These guys will flame you forever. but, you are correct. I just simply offer advise. Find someone that has one, ask if you can look through it at different targets at different distances. If there are others out there with different scopes, ask to look through there's and make your own decision. Just be aware when you pick the Recon over the others, and you come on here telling people about it, be prepared to get flamed. Even though that's not suppose to happen on this site???? Also be aware more than likely 90% to 95% of the people flaming you has never even looked through one??

Ah, now that helps. Thanks. I agree something about the scope is off a smudge, sometimes I need to adjust my eye piece when I zoom out and/or change distance. I haven't nailed it down yet. Thanks about pointing this out. I will test. If other guys offered more facts or helpful insights like you...that would be awesome. I dont care if guys flame me. I'm just being honest about my equipment.

Im going to try that test before making my final decision. That's exactly why I'm on another scope right now. I struggled from target to target and assumed it was my eye glasses or diopter creep.

I just taped up my RECON eyepiece to eliminate the idea that it's moving or creeping from recoil...hoping that will keep my reticle sharp. If tape fixes me up, that doesnt bother me as I see other guys strap in there diopter ring with tape. Flamets can hold-up their useless comments as I never said the RECON is better, I know the TT is a better build. My point was that I'm having a hard time letting my IOR go because it spoiled me as far as target acquisition and its eye box is so forgiving. The glass really is amazing. With the heavier mil lines, generous eye box and compact size I'm beginning to feel as though the RECON scope makes a better tactical scope than PRS scope...which in all fairness is hows it's advertised anyway and it's why I bought it.

Now, thanks to you, I have two tests to look at. Creeping eye piece which I can fix and live with AND your insightful tip to check the scope at different distances. If the scope fails the second test I'll make the switch and hope to God I can live with a hairline reticle, an exacting cheek weld and eye placement. I'm scared that might be worse on me.

Also, as long as you are willing to help me... Can you point out anything else I should be looking at?

I ignore flamers. I tend to focus on the thread responses that offer helpful information and thanks for your help brotheren.
@Rogerthatout IOR has dug their own hole here with previous scopes. From all accounts I've read it seems they are quite nice optically, but as will be mentioned at some point it is a rifle scope, not a spotting scope. The mechanics, durability, and repeatability are more important than just outright clarity. The Bushnells, Vortex PST, and others that are highly successful and have a large loyal fanbase attest to this. Glass on a simple $100 scope is so much better than it was 20 years ago. Reticle choice is highly subjective to user preference and warranty/manufacturer support are expected to be top notch when one is spending so much on an optic. IOR has failed to live up to expectations on this end and left many very displeased. The Recon may very well end up being a great scope after it has had some years under its belt but it has a reputation to overcome.
Looks around at your next PRS event to see what is being used and ask yourself why the most popular scopes are popular.
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Have you got behind the new Recon?

I haven't actually. My experience with them was about a decade ago, when Scott over at Liberty Optics was big into carrying them.
Probably won't unless I run into someone who has one.
Considering the price they want for it, I doubt I'll get one, mostly based on the resale value.
I haven't actually. My experience with them was about a decade ago, when Scott over at Liberty Optics was big into carrying them.
Probably won't unless I run into someone who has one.
Considering the price they want for it, I doubt I'll get one, mostly based on the resale value.
So you just come on here a bad mouth a scope you have never looked through or used or anything? Exactly why I tell people not to listen to what you read on here. Go get behind one and make your own decision.
I haven't actually. My experience with them was about a decade ago, when Scott over at Liberty Optics was big into carrying them.
Probably won't unless I run into someone who has one.
Considering the price they want for it, I doubt I'll get one, mostly based on the resale value.

Scott no longer carries IOR.

I am sure there is a reason for it.

So you just come on here a bad mouth a scope you have never looked through or used or anything? Exactly why I tell people not to listen to what you read on here. Go get behind one and make your own decision.

I’ve never shot my self in the foot. I heard it probably hurts, but my opinion doesn’t matter as I’ve never done it.

I’ve also never been to space, but I think the earth is round.

(I’ve had hands on most every IOR product)
Or maybe some of us have had several IORs back when they were considered up and coming (and were not overpriced) and were left very unimpressed by most parts of the ownership experience.

So you just come on here a bad mouth a scope you have never looked through or used or anything? Exactly why I tell people not to listen to what you read on here. Go get behind one and make your own decision.

If you bother to read the complete sentence he states he has had "several" IOR scopes, which should be at least 3... How many bad experiences would one have to have to qualify a brand as a loser? I would be more interested in the amount of use his scopes received vs the amount of use by the fanboys. IOR has been around for a long time, why does their reputation not equal that of S&B, Zeiss, Steiner, Kahles, Swarovski? They have Schott glass!!! Fit and finish and durability have been the Achilles heel of IOR for quite some time. Can an IOR scope work? Does an IOR scope work? Possibly, but there are others out there that do it reliably. I don't need learn every hard lesson for myself, that is why we are here to share and help each other and further the sport. How does bashing one brand of scope accomplish this if it is the best scope ever? You may get a good one, you may get a bad one, but if you are broke down without a scope for endless months and have to buy another what have you gained? This is the owner experience that many here share.

If you want your opinion to be respected, you should give other opinions equal weight. Good luck with your IORs, I sincerely hope they continue to work well for you. More options is always a good thing, even if many of us are not interested in them.
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Friend bought a IOR, it soon broke. He sent it back complaining that he didn't trust that model so he asked for another model. That other model arrived and broke soon after. Getting really angry now, he demanded another new scope, received it and sold it brand new.

Years later, like "gen 3 or 4" IOR 6-24 FFP, I can't remember exactly, I mistakenly thought "surely" IOR had overcome their scope problems. There was only S&B, USO and Horus FFP back then besides IOR, so I took a chance, the IOR 6-24 lasted a year then broke during a match. I sent it off and they replaced it with a new one which I sold right away.

Yes I'm glad IOR honored their warranty, no I won't take a chance ever again!!
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Philip is vals side piece. He let's him fondle his schott glass in exchange for fellating the Val. It's a fair arrangement.

Since Phillip never shoots he just uses his IOR to range crack houses through his screened window. You don't need much or any adjustment for that.

We are all just fucking morons who don't know any better. If we we're smart, we would sell our tens of thousands in proven glass and go back to the shit that used to break on us 10-20 years ago. Then get the run around from Phillips Dom, Val. Who needs functional scopes when you can have a bunch of Romanian paperweights that never get shot. We're all doing it wrong clearly.
So you just come on here a bad mouth a scope you have never looked through or used or anything? Exactly why I tell people not to listen to what you read on here. Go get behind one and make your own decision.
Just curious what the circle of expertise you run with that is more knowledgeable than the collective here? I would LOVE to know about this group of winners.

Serious question. Is it frustrating to be autistic while not having the intelligence to pair with it? At least rain man could count toothpicks. Deffinetley Deffinetley.
My knowledge comes from two that I had about 15 years ago. I liked them a lot at first, then the problems came. Sold them both and took a huge bath on the resale. Never again will I give them the opportunity to burn me again. Good glass aside, a scope has to track and not fall apart! IOR doesn't hold up.
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My knowledge comes from the three I have bought over the last 10 years or so that have performed flawlessly.
So you shooting a box of ammo twice a year at dirt is defined as "knowledge"?

Your sample size of three is more valid than our sample size of hundreds (collectively) in which heavy usage shows more than a 50% failure rate for people who actually know what they are doing?

You are either the biggest shill/troll on this site or on the spectrum.

Everyone is just out to trash IOR. It has nothing to do with them being known pieces of shit with a horrible track record, with almost no support, extremely high failure rates and the only people who rep them; tend to be incompetent and ignorant shooters.

But you must be right. We are all wrong.
Phillip will never admit that any of his scopes have broken. He's too far invested and too much of a fanboy to do otherwise. He'll keep schilling his "schott glass" to anyone who'll listen.

Of course you actually have to shoot and use the scope to break it, not just look through it like it's the best spotting scope in the world.
If you bother to read the complete sentence he states he has had "several" IOR scopes, which should be at least 3... How many bad experiences would one have to have to qualify a brand as a loser? I would be more interested in the amount of use his scopes received vs the amount of use by the fanboys. IOR has been around for a long time, why does their reputation not equal that of S&B, Zeiss, Steiner, Kahles, Swarovski? They have Schott glass!!! Fit and finish and durability have been the Achilles heel of IOR for quite some time. Can an IOR scope work? Does an IOR scope work? Possibly, but there are others out there that do it reliably. I don't need learn every hard lesson for myself, that is why we are here to share and help each other and further the sport. How does bashing one brand of scope accomplish this if it is the best scope ever? You may get a good one, you may get a bad one, but if you are broke down without a scope for endless months and have to buy another what have you gained? This is the owner experience that many here share.

If you want your opinion to be respected, you should give other opinions equal weight. Good luck with your IORs, I sincerely hope they continue to work well for you. More options is always a good thing, even if many of us are not interested in them.
If you would have completely read the entire post you would have read where i ask him "Have you ever got behind the new RECON".. Not have you ever got behind an IOR scope from 40 years ago. But specifically "The new Recon" he answered "No". So that is when I ask when he would get on here and bash a scope he has never got behind or used, which I think was a fair question.
Why is the recon different than the last few dozen years of shit? Did IOR make some revolutionary change? If your gf cheats on you over and over for years then tells you she will be faithful, do you believe her.

Why would anyone with 2 brains cells to rub together take a leap of faith on an expensive product that has a long and proven track record of being a eurotrash piece of shit. Why would anyone take the word of an ignorant and incompetent shooter like you. What you don't understand is you have less than zero credibility here. In fact when you spew the garbage out of your suck hole, people tend to believe the opposite. No one cares or respects what you have to say because your words are worthless. Actually less than worthless because they would just be worthless if you decided to stay silent.

Like I said you are either austistic or the biggest troll/shill on this site.
Gentlemen, I will re-iterate that given how terrible overal reputation of both IOR and Valdada is in the US, it will take a lot of time before their products are given any consideration, regardless of whether the product is good or not.
Having Phillip defend them probably does not help either.

"Looking through an IOR scope" isn't really a great test, they had great glass for many years, even the ones people had bad luck with, most likely had great glass, it was the rest of it that let everyone down.
I might venture that several of us would be more than happy to try out new IOR scopes and see how they perform long term and give them a chance.
However very few probably want to do so on their own dime due to the issues overall with their previous scopes.
That the new price for the IOR scopes is kind of up there with the rest of the well known well performing, well regarded scopes doesn't help much.
So when you have 3k that you have to spend it kind of usually goes to things that you know have performed well, are well regarded and have decent resale value, less often to a company that (may) have great stuff now, but had a lot of issues in the past and there is not much data on new stuff long term usage from a large user base and the resale value is still bottom rung.

I think probably IOR is going to have a pretty long bumpy difficult road ahead of them if they want to get respect in the style of sport shooting we engage in. They will need to figure out how to make top notch scopes that are more reliable than the rest, with better options & features than the rest, while being at a lower price than the rest. A pretty difficult order.
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If you would have completely read the entire post you would have read where i ask him "Have you ever got behind the new RECON".. Not have you ever got behind an IOR scope from 40 years ago. But specifically "The new Recon" he answered "No". So that is when I ask when he would get on here and bash a scope he has never got behind or used, which I think was a fair question.

Ok so let’s assume the Recon is the best thing since sliced bread... Are you going to address any of the questions?
Again if you want your opinion respected give others equal weight
Ok so let’s assume the Recon is the best thing since sliced bread... Are you going to address any of the questions?
Again if you want your opinion respected give others equal weight
What are the questions that he ask? I believe the original post that started all this was "another" proud IOR owner posting about how much he loved his scope. His only dilima was he wanted a TT, really liked everything about the scope, but just not enough to pull off the ole IOR. I went back and re-read it. what questions?
Just buy an Athlon Cronus, save $1000, know your going to get good service and probably have damn near the same scope then.
I’m actually looking at a mk5 in 5-25. I have a 3-18 now and love it.

If I had $3k to spend on an optic it would be one of the known entities in 7-35 probably. I wouldn’t gamble it on an unknown with a 40mm tube.

I’m just also not going to claim that a Japanese made new optic from a known good manufacturer is the same as the Romanian manufacturer that everyone hates. That being said, it definitely not like they just asked LOW to copy something or make something that they already make (like trijicon/Stryker) so it’s still a gamble even without taking Valdada into account.
I kept both scopes. When I eventually build a PRS rifle, the TT is going on it. Until than, I'm using my desert tech for PRS matches with the tangent theta...the reticle is to die for.

My RECON will eventually go back on my desert tech where it shines as the best high powered compact tactical scope for my purpose, especially the thick hash marks for quick acquisitions and subsonic shooting.

I feel the pain you guys went through, I didnt have that experience. I got mine couple years ago.

This is a 3 shot group using a SAC .308 Bartlein bar with box ELD superperformance @2,900fps


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