Varget Vs. Vihtavuori N150 powder comparison?


KP Duty
Full Member
Jun 29, 2011
Southeast, Florida
Has anyone used these two powders in the same caliber? Varget has been so hard to find I picked up 8 lbs. of Vihtavuori N150 when it came available a few months back. I still have a few lbs. of Varget but will eventually be using the N150. Are there any significant differences? I saw that J. Gottfredson uses N150 for his 308's short range match load so I figured I too would be able to utilize it as well. Any personal experiences you may have had would be helpful, even in calibers other than 308 thanks.
I use both Varget and VV-150 in .308. It's a great clean burning powder, but I can't nit-pick one against the other. You can probably use it in 22-250 in the middle weights (Lapua manual,) .243 Winchester, 7/08, 30'06 (heavies) and some others along those lines.

I use both Varget and VV-150 in .308. It's a great clean burning powder, but I can't nit-pick one against the other. You can probably use it in 22-250 in the middle weights (Lapua manual,) .243 Winchester, 7/08, 30'06 (heavies) and some others along those lines.

So would you say they are similar burn rates, powder charges are similar velocities etc? If you used 44.0 grains of one, is the same or close to the same amount of powder used to achieve similar results with the other? Thanks.
You'll need more N-150 then Varget. How much will depend on actual burn rate of the lot # of powder you have. You'll probably end up 5-8% more N-150 in case to get same velocity as Varget. I'd start at same charge of N-150 as you have been running with Varget and working up until you see desired results.
The VV manual lists 150 as being a tad slower than Varget, but similar to H-4350. Unfortunately, burn rate charts can be deceiving because different powders have different burn rate characteristics in different cartridges. Burn rates aren't linear.

VV powders are at the top of the heap, FWIW.

If you buy it, you'll just have to work up and see what you see. It's not like you'd be using 44grs of Varget to get to 2700 fps, but then use 38grs of VV-150 to get to the same velocity. They're close, but only you can tell in your weapon.
