Sen. Jon Tester, Montana’s lone Democrat in statewide or federal office, gave a more muted statement Thursday, avoiding any direct response to the jury’s finding or Trump’s guilt.

“Senator Tester respects the judicial process and believes everyone should be treated fairly before the courts, and voters will have the opportunity to make their voices heard at the ballot box in November,” a spokesperson for Tester’s office said in an emailed statement. The spokesperson did not respond to an additional question about whether Tester considered the New York trial — which has played out over the course of several weeks — “fair.”

WTF is wrong with you?
Someone piss in your Cheerios this morning?
Go f---- off.
I apologize for being impatient. But today is not a good time to be trying to explain what they'd do to Trump without cameras and his SS protection, which they're trying to remove as I speak. At least they were discreet when they set JFK up in Dallas.

They don't have to be discreet now. They're powerful enough now they can tell you what they plan on doing and do it, knowing you can't and won't do a damn thing.

They'd love to make an example out of Trump, for rising up against them. They'd put him in a cell and kill him, in some ridiculously obvious way. Another giant shit sandwhich you'd be forced to eat. And that would be a warning to 65% of the country to get back in line.
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The best description of the actual case I’ve read came from a CNN legal correspondent of all places.
Honig said the case should be dubbed the "Frankenstein Case" because it was "cobbled together with ill-fitting parts into an ugly, awkward, but more-or-less functioning contraption that just might ultimately turn on its creator."

At this time, only ten R senators are willing to sign their names that they disappove of the trial and unconstitutional nature of these pursuits. That leaves 39 that are RINOs/Uniparty supporters of the means.

Tony Schaffer was one of the DIA/SOCOM Intelligence Officers in the ABLE DANGER program, you know the one SOCOM had to form on its own after the CIA and fags at the Bureau refused to share intel with DoD on terrorists.

They linked Mohamed Atta to Ali Mohamed, Al Zawahari, and Bin Laden earlier in 2001, then the CIA demanded that ABLE DANGER be shut down before Sept that year. Schaffer made comments about it, then they went after him professionally.

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At this time, only ten R senators are willing to sign their names that they disappove of the trial and unconstitutional nature of these pursuits. That leaves 39 that are RINOs/Uniparty supporters of the means.
We’re working hard to add another good Senator from Utah (in addition to Mike Lee) to replace Romney RINO, but the establishment is more entrenched in the system than I thought.

Our Governor Cox uses he/him pronouns and really ended all doubts about his character at State Convention this year. He attacked us for all the hours we’ve spent as delegates trying to vet through all these swampy opportunistic rats who seek power over their fellow men, calling us cancel culture extremists. Mask Mandate LGBTQ pronoun Governor calling us right wing extremists! Ha ha. We voted against him 67% for Phil Lyman, who BLM arrested for using trails in Southern Utah by the way, and Trump pardoned.

Cox was boo’d and mocked openly with constant loud uproar by the delegates, then told us he didn’t need our votes anyway because he paid people to bypass caucus with the signature route. It was $20 per signature.

Cos runs a contract-steering scheme out of the Capitol, including sending millions of COVID relief money to companies who then pay $1.5m, $575k, and on down the list into his campaign. No campaign contribution limits here.

Anyway, we have a great candidate who was endorsed by Trump for Senate named Trent Staggs, who was anti-lockdown as Mayor of Riverton. Governor Cox is supporting the swampy RINOs in every race he can.

I was a delegate in 2018 as well and Romney never showed up to any of the "meet the candidates" events, but he had an army of paid shills handing out pamphlets. We supported a people’s candidate, Dr. Mike Kennedy, but Romney of course bypassed the caucus and did signature route. Kennedy won caucus by a good majority, but Romney won the general due to name recognition.

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At this time, only ten R senators are willing to sign their names that they disappove of the trial and unconstitutional nature of these pursuits. That leaves 39 that are RINOs/Uniparty supporters of the means.
More kabuki....
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I think the questions is funny too. That MF doesnt even know what day it is, let alone forming an attack on his political rival. One more mis-step and there is a good chance Cumhauler is our new President.
And this event sucks ass because it forces me to admit that Biden finally did something that, at least, looked smart. He kept his mouth shut on that. It would be great if he kept his mouth shut on everything.
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Yup and they know we won't do shit again when the election is stolen this time with 250 million votes for Biden......

We've been outmanuevered along with becoming dull, fat and complacent.

Meanwhile, they've been working like the commies they are for the last forty years getting their army ready building a monster; the military, the alphabet agencies and their LE underlings, Hollywood and the media and both parties of the government, which is now a uniparty.

But hey, we had the NRA.
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Seems to be the deal, but I'm not clear if they take up emergency cases during recess. If people can't see how the timing has been setup it is because they chose not to. I'm not saying the SC won't get involved, but time is of the essence. The goal is simply to run out the clock if at all possible via legal proceedings/decisions and to get the follow-on impacts to land favorably for those against Trump. It comes down to what the NY judge decides to do.
It doesn’t matter what the USSC says, they have no enforcement arm. They rely on Congress and others for that. So if nobody wants to act, then whatever they say is just words.

Fucking chilling shit right there.
They are laughing at you.
Exactly. The scary part is, that could be any of us.

Yup and they know we won't do shit again when the election is stolen this time with 250 million votes for Biden......

See above. We best be figuring some stuff out real fast or it’s gonna be rough for anyone that remotely thinks conservative.

Trump raised 34.8M in less than 24 hours.

Edit: this 34.8M was in the first 7 hours after the verdict was annouced, and most notable came from 439,000 different donors. For 1/3 of these donors, it was their first ever political contribution.

The 24hour numbers are in: 52.8 M:
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NYC my regret this. The DNC/DS won't, but NYC will.
Every asshat that participated in this shit, including the jury should be charged on some trumped up bullshit and run through the ringer and convicted so that they can see what it feels like. This is very very dangerous territory and is a clear weaponization of the law. We already have half the country that doesn’t trust the gov, any alphabet agency and the police! Adding this to the fire is asking for a disaster of magnificent proportions if this kind of stuff keeps going unabated. I have to believe that at some point, the lion (the people) will be backed so far into a corner that they will have no choice but to lash out. If and when that happens then all these people that caused the downfall are going to be the first on the list on everyone’s mind. This shit is downright scary. I really hope nothing like that ever happens but i think at some point people are going to say enough is enough. Most of us like law and order. If you don’t you need your head examined. These people doing this crap are just as bad as the mafia at its prime. That’s a problem. America is gone I just don’t think these morons see it yet.
Let's see what's behind this door! Some other lawmakers have been using taxpayer dollars to buy silence. Release the names!

Here's the article from seven years ago.

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I was looking for an article of Tucker Carlson to hear his response to the sham kangeroo court verdict and found one on Yahoo. It led off with disgraced former Fox host Tucker Carlson talks about convicted felon Donald Trump...

I clicked off that without finishing the sentence like it was a piece of used toilet paper.

Occasionally I watch a show called "Firing Line" because I like the style of Margret Hover. After watching this video, I connected the actions of this woman with the topic of a recent Firing Line show. This is a much, much deeper issue than most can comprehend.
Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt discusses his new book, “The Anxious Generation,”” which explores how social media and phone-based parenting led to Gen Z’s mental health crisis. He says young brains have been rewired and calls for societal change.