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Virginia 2.0 .....The gun grab is on in AZ

The 2A is not like other judicial issues.

It's not about it being Constitutional; it's about it being the actual Constitution, in and of itself.

You cannot argue about whether the Constitution is Constitutional. That question is moot.

Infringement is not about an Amendment; it is about whether the Constitution applies to everything, or even anything.

The gun grabbers do not need to be made to understand about infringement.

They already understand. What they are doing is attacking the Constitution itself.

In my book that's not just treason, it's blatantly deliberate treason with a side dish of sedition.

Stop trying to get the SCOTUS to interpret whether the Constitution guarantees the validity of the Constitution itself.

It is the 2A that validates and defends the Constitution.

Use it or lose it; and not just the 2A, but the entire Constitution itself.

It's get off the F'n dime time, guys; and has been for a long time.

It's amazing how many of us just don't get that core part about having the 2A in the first place.

It ain't about hunting ducks, guys; or about pointing a shotgun out the window and firing it to scare away robbers, no matter how hard they try to tell you it is.

Roberts isn't the problem. Defending the Constitution itself is not his job.

It's ours. We took those oaths to defend the Constitution, as did the current members of our armed forces. We're not doing that job, and neither are they.

THIS is what martial law is supposed to be about. There's an insurrection going on, hot and wet. It's going on inside the Congress. This is not about SCOTUS making a ruling. WE make the ruling.

Are we all getting it yet...?

I believe it is incumbent upon, and time for it to happen, that the President to declare martial law. If he does, I'm with him, as I believe we all should be.

Damn, Greg. Good shit.
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IMO all this gun control push in an election year is bloomburg. that asshole thinks its the issue to leftist elected. I hope our side shows him different and outs all or most of the gun grabbers this coming NOV. If history has any indication of the future outcome it will be a big win for our side. Nothing gets folks out to vote faster than gun grabbers.
Bloomberg thinks his money makes him entitled. In a way he's has a point; but only because those who put cash before character will cave to his illogic and parrot his narrative. F*ck him, f*ck them; and from the polls, it looks like that's a common sentiment. Best news this day,

But don't tell him that because every millions (billions? Please let him spend billions...) is wasted wealth, and on him, that's a good image...

The destination is the media. Time to hold their feet to the fire. I think the organized crime statutes apply here.


PS, It looks like I may be becoming the nail that sticks up. At my age, 73, who really gives a fuck? I'm old; dead soon enough, anyway. My time to be relevant, eh?

Come at me. Please, let my life have actual meaning...

Somebody has to take that stand...

Must I be alone in this?
Roberts wants to be everyone's 'Nice guy'.

I don't believe in popularity contests. In doing so, he defines his true irrelevance, and disgraces SCOTUS to the point where it's impotent.

SCOTUS has had its chance on the 2Am, and shirked.

We are beyond that now.

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Bloomberg thinks his money makes him entitled. In a way he's has a point; but only because those who put cash before character will cave to his illogic and parrot his narrative. F*ck him, f*ck them; and from the polls, it looks like that's a common sentiment. Best news this day,

But don't tell him that because every millions (billions? Please let him spend billions...) is wasted wealth, and on him, that's a good image...

The destination is the media. Time to hold their feet to the fire. I think the organized crime statutes apply here.


PS, It looks like I may be becoming the nail that sticks up. At my age, 73, who really gives a fuck? I'm old; dead soon enough, anyway. My time to be relevant, eh?

Come at me. Please, let my life have actual meaning...

Somebody has to take that stand...

Must I be alone in this?
They tell us that we are weak- unable to cope with such an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be next week or next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed and when national guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we aquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, even at the age of 73, we are not weak if we make proper use of those means which the God of nature has placed in our power. Three millions of people armed in the holy cause of liberty and in such a country as we possess are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God which presides over the destinies of nations and who will raise up friends to fight our battles with us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery. Our chains are forged. Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Richmond.
Too big. And you cant defend your southern border.
Why not? You think border jumpers are gonna cross a fence/wall/open desert when a bunch of REAL men take over the state and correct all its bullshit? Like allowing crossings? Shit, I don’t think you’d even need a sign up. Make hunting “coyotes” a texas pass time. Cartel ain’t gonna want none either. 3-5 million dudes with thermals, sbr m4’s with the appropriate grenade launcher and a case of beer? Gtfo. Mexico would slide west while looking over its shoulder.
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Oklahoma, Missouri, and Wyoming all have legislation coming. It's insane. It's like they said "Let's take on all the most gun friendly States first.". And it seems to be working.

Gentlemen, I'm telling you, it's time.

Id agree with you. In fact, imo it’s been time for a long time and once again instead of being on the offensive we find ourselves being defensive. We better start figuring out a way to organize, fast.

How many people can we get to a protest? I'm in!

I hope like 100k even tho I doubt it!

Freedom isn't free people. Join AZCDL (Citizen’s Defense League, and start calling your senators and reps. I don't think this has a chance in hell of passing in Arizona, but complacency is not an option.

Freedom isn’t free and I agree complacency isn’t an option but it’s doubtful you will vote your way out this!

Elections have consequences.

Time to tell everyone to get off their asses and stop not voting because they don't really "like" the non communist candidate.
If you refuse to get out and vote for the candidate closest to your side because they are not "perfect" while the other side will vote for anyone on their "side" no matter how bad, you WILL loose.

Every freedom loving type needs to be at the polls and the primaries like it's their duty & drag as many others with them as they can.

Now there are those that suggest letting the communists win so we can "get on with it".
To those I say, good luck with that, have you seen any "getting on with it" in NY or CA or any other such communist controlled state?
Nope just the near total destruction of your rights, the "King's Men" being happy to "Just Follow Orders" and the "good" folks not making much of a stir.

For too long the "Good" people have sat back and not been actively involved in politics and paying for politics at every level.
Meanwhile the evil and the communists have been pouring money, time, effort & organization into elections at every level all across the country.
The "Good" folks are only now starting to wake up and see how far they are behind the curve, even in places they felt were "safe".

Agreed. But, I don’t think it’s going to change anything at this point. Start hitting people where it hurts. Shine the light on where and how they make the money. Prove they are corrupt and are taking bribes as they likely are!

THIS X 1000 people need to get off their asses and vote. Period.

It's better to get 50-70% of what you like than 100% of what you dont like.

Not likely to make any difference. It’s a numbers game and one we seem to be losing. As I said in another thread, I don’t think the voting system is even legit anymore simply because I find it hard to believe that all of a sudden all of these red states have new found voters to turn everything blue in the last few years. I call BS.

There are alot of Cali people moving to Arizona and they want to turn our state blue, they are active and organized. I'm telling you right now if we don't get our shit together Arizona will be blue within 4 years, maybe sooner. This scumbag who wants Mcsally's seat has a good chance to win if good people do nothing. We already have Sinema and could have two dems in office from AZ if we are not careful.

Agreed but you still think the voting system is legit. I propose it is not. But please get as many people active as you can. Better to try and do something than nothing despite the fact I don’t think it will do anything.

If any citizen of our Republic doesn't think all coming elections mean everything, we have little hope our Constitution survives. As been said, most of us have sat back and let things develop by the enemy within. Every state is under attack by growing an enemy within. But of course, we are all racist and bigots. 2020 sets the tone for our Republic. I pray for a sweeping victory and Constitution supporters to get stronger. But youth are so brainwashed and they are the future voters.

Its doubtful SCOUS will back the Constitution.

Agreed. I’m afraid the republic is already gone.

IF AZ is like Illinois or Virginia or some of the other States that could care less about 2A Rights, then your Reps are already bought and paid for and could care less is *everyone* calls them and tells them to lay off. We seem to be laboring under some impression that these "Representatives" work for US because they see themselves as "elected" by US.

They don't give a fuck what you (or I or we) want or our Rights. We keep thinking we "elected" them and that there is some type of Democratic Process still in place in American Politics and Government.

We didn't elect them - they don't work for US. You can try and throw them out at the next election but the guy we replace them with will be just as bad if not worse. They don't work for US and do not Represent US. They work for money and have been bought and paid for by "The Party" which is run/owned/operated by a Global Oligarchy that want Americas 401K's, Retirement, SS, Medicare, Savings and Homes/Property and they *will* acquire that by bribing/threatening/purchasing your/our "Representation". The Republic, governed upon Democratic Process, is over.

Now comes the part they told US about when they split from England and declared themselves a Republic.

If we can keep it.



doubtful that LEO would be going house to house to confiscate. BUT, if AR's and the like are banned, you might not want to take them to the range, to shooting competitions etc. plus, forget the cops, dealers are NOT going to ship guns into your state and your FFL will not transfer any to you.

if 'just' grandfathered, then future generations won't be into shooting. either way, with less demand, shooting and shooting sports and of course guns and any care of gun laws goes down the drain.

Yeah and they might as well be confiscated. A tool that cannot be used is not a tool. And if people ain’t using them by the time they come for them then they aren’t just going to wake up one day and change their minds. Might as well not have them if you are just going to hide them away.

The mere fact that this bill was even created is very concerning. Even if it's unlikely to go anywhere, we still need to be very vocal about our opposition to it.

Precisely. Don’t sleep on it. Get as many people active and angry about it, now.

Absolutely needs to happen, a definitive, all encompassing ruling that leaves no room for interpretation when it comes to 2A....”Right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” is pretty fucking clear but Gun grabbers need to be made to understand (one way or another).

My only concern is Roberts. Don’t trust him at all. Trump needs to win in Nov, RBG needs to go and a constitutional conservative jurist appointed.

The AR15/AK clones and other, similar platforms are common use arms by definition. Not assault rifles as defined by the ATF (the only body whose word on these matters counts).

Bloomberg is the most significant and dire threat to freedom and liberty right now. Like others said, his fingerprints are all over this.

Looking at joining the AZCDL as well (I’m in Vegas, right next door)

Yep. Join anyways. We are all in this together. Many of us sent money to VCDL despite not even being remotely close to them.

The 2A is not like other judicial issues.

It's not about it being Constitutional; it's about it being the actual Constitution, in and of itself.

You cannot argue about whether the Constitution is Constitutional. That question is moot.

Infringement is not about an Amendment; it is about whether the Constitution applies to everything, or even anything.

The gun grabbers do not need to be made to understand about infringement.

They already understand. What they are doing is attacking the Constitution itself.

In my book that's not just treason, it's blatantly deliberate treason with a side dish of sedition.

Stop trying to get the SCOTUS to interpret whether the Constitution guarantees the validity of the Constitution itself.

It is the 2A that validates and defends the Constitution.

Use it or lose it; and not just the 2A, but the entire Constitution itself.

It's get off the F'n dime time, guys; and has been for a long time.

It's amazing how many of us just don't get that core part about having the 2A in the first place.

It ain't about hunting ducks, guys; or about pointing a shotgun out the window and firing it to scare away robbers, no matter how hard they try to tell you it is.

Roberts isn't the problem. Defending the Constitution itself is not his job.

It's ours. We took those oaths to defend the Constitution, as did the current members of our armed forces. We're not doing that job, and neither are they.

THIS is what martial law is supposed to be about. There's an insurrection going on, hot and wet. It's going on inside the Congress. This is not about SCOTUS making a ruling. WE make the ruling.

Are we all getting it yet...?

I believe it is incumbent upon, and time for it to happen, that the President to declare martial law. If he does, I'm with him, as I believe we all should be.


Preach it brother!!!
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Id agree with you. In fact, imo it’s been time for a long time and once again instead of being on the offensive we find ourselves being defensive. We better start figuring out a way to organize fast.

I hope like 100k even tho I doubt jt

Freedom isn’t free and I agree complacency isn’t an option but it’s doubtful you will vote your way out kf

Agreed. But, I don’t think it’s going to change anything at this point. Start hitting people where it hurts. Shine the light on where and how they make the money. Prove they are corrupt and are taking bribes as thrh

Not likely to make any difference. It’s a numbers game and one we seem to be losing. As I said in another thread, I don’t think the voting system is even legit anymore simply because I find it hard to believe that all of a sudden all of these red states have new found voters to turn everything blue in the last few years. I call BS.

Agreed but you still think the voting system is legit. I propose it is not. But please get as many people active as you can. Better to try and do something than nothing despite the fact I don’t think it will do anything.

Agreed. I’m afraid the republic is already gone.


Yeah and they might as well be confiscated. A tool that cannot be used is not a tool. And if people ain’t using them by the time they come for them then they aren’t just going to wake up one day and change their minds. Might as well have them in if you are just going to hide them away.

Precisely. Don’t sleep on it. Get as many people active and angry about it now.

Yep. Join anyways. We are all in this together. Many of us sent money to VCDL despite not even being remotely close to them.

Preach it brother!!!
That's the most epic multi-quote positive seen in a while!!

I think a lot of people don’t have a clue how exactly to run for office. Maybe you can post up a primer.

I'll do a lot more than post a primer once this election plays out, but basically...

Have a vision, and explain it to everyone you encounter. Be public about everything, and participate in the process. When election time rolls around, pay the fees and get the signatures from an already-established base you built years in advance.

During the actual election, call on your base to take a page or two out of the printer, write your name in sharpie on it, and tape it to their shirts/cars/etc as they walk/drive around their city telling their friends/neighbors/etc to vote for you.

Also, read the law governing the position you're running for.

The main thing is - Don't be a nobody. Get that name out there. Be involved in stuff, and help out where you can.
I'll do a lot more than post a primer once this election plays out, but basically...

Have a vision, and explain it to everyone you encounter. Be public about everything, and participate in the process. When election time rolls around, pay the fees and get the signatures from an already-established base you built years in advance.

During the actual election, call on your base to take a page or two out of the printer, write your name in sharpie on it, and tape it to their shirts/cars/etc as they walk/drive around their city telling their friends/neighbors/etc to vote for you.

Also, read the law governing the position you're running for.

The main thing is - Don't be a nobody. Get that name out there. Be involved in stuff, and help out where you can.
uh...then how did all these whackjobs like omar & aoc get voted in?
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uh...then how did all these whackjobs like omar & aoc get voted in?

That's different entirely. The Justice Democrats/Soros/Bloomberg/DNC/etc are bank rolling candidates all across the country. We don't have that luxury. Hell, I don't even ask people to donate to my campaign, though it would help tremendously.

My strategy revolves around building relationships with people throughout the community, and establishing a reputation for myself that precedes me. Cheap and effective. Quick and Dirty, as they say.
I thought AZ was one of the most gun friendly states. I would have never thought a bill like that would be introduced in an intermountain west state. Eye opening to say the least. I have a couple of friends who are law enforcement and are very pro 2nd amendment, and tell me almost 95% of their colleagues are as well. Who the hell would ever enforce these crazy ass laws even if they did somehow pass?


CA, NY, DC, MD etc don’t have any problem finding cops to enforce gun bans.

Even in the “free” states you would have a tough time finding a cop who wouldn’t arrest for a undocumented machine gun or silencer. Or carrying without a .gov permission slip

You people that think cops will be your savior are delusional. VA is getting ready to use state police as gun thieves since the locals won’t.
Sounds like a good dude. I been here 13yrs. Never met the guy but seems like a good guy on paper. No need to upseat one of the good guys.
Watch the council meetings. Anyone can sound good on paper, and maybe he even is a great dude, but I find it's best to let the actions speak for the person.
That dude (doomberg) needs shut down. He's hiding under the MSM radar actually getting stuff done that all the libs actually want done and none of it is being reported
My address is technically groveport but i dont live in city limits so idk what that does for voting

Sounds like you've got some homework to do =)

To be an effective Mayor in a Strong Mayor form of government (which it sounds like yours is), you gotta have a good handle on a lot of shit, though. It's looking like there's a possibility that the Police Union in my city will back me. Even if they don't, though, I've made a pretty good impression on the rank and file in the department, fire department, schools, and businesses. Haven't messed with the brass, yet, except to call out their shit policies, or the hospitals, and some other sectors. I've still got over a year to work on all of that.
I dont plan on that. Cant change state laws from a mayor position. I was just looking. The dude I wanna smack is the Ohio guy thats over my district. Wish I was in Jim Jordans district. That dude is boss.
I dont plan on that. Cant change state laws from a mayor position. I was just looking. The dude I wanna smack is the Ohio guy thats over my district. Wish I was in Jim Jordans district. That dude is boss.

I disagree, good buddy! Part of my vision is getting the people in my city to coordinate their voting habits. We're all pretty pissed off about a lot of similar shit. A lot of it comes down to the system as it has evolved over time within the confines of state and county law. If it works well, we can have a whole bunch of people involved in harassing legislators at the county and state level, and may actually be able to get some freedom back.

Doubly so for county elections. My city by itself can swing most of the elections, but nobody here votes. That's something I intend to change.
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I dont plan on that. Cant change state laws from a mayor position. I was just looking. The dude I wanna smack is the Ohio guy thats over my district. Wish I was in Jim Jordans district. That dude is boss.

Im strongly contemplating a run at the legislature here in NV. IMO we can better drive change as a rep or senator at the state level. feasibility is there more so than other offices, time commitments aren’t as high once in and you have a much better opportunity at influencing your fellow law makers. Am also considering LV city council.

Knowing your electorate is key; understanding the principal issues, crafting attractive solutions and effectively communicating them to the voters. For me there’s a few concerns beyond guns that I’m going to hone in on..they will be the center piece of my platform and campaign...I’ll keep the 2A stuff in the background unless I’m in like minded company. Clark county is fairly diverse so focusing on issues that matter to a preponderance of these folks while taking clear, easy to understand positions on the issues will likely result in better reception of the message and votes for you at the ballot box.

I’m rambling but I never thought I’d get into politics but benchwarming is not optional anymore.
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I hate to say it but voting is not going to fix the problem the country as a whole faces. It's not just Blue states anymore that are threatened with losing their rights, it's all states. We are the new minority and the old minority has been taking over for years, given every opportunity to change the culture and re-invent the Constitution to suit them. Too many times the interpretations have been fucked with and the rules bent to suit an individual's needs, disregarding the purpose of why it was written a certain way from the start.

There is no changing their way of thinking because they know they have us, the cancer is here and it's been spreading for generations through the populous. In other words, we have enabled this gradual undermining of the Constitution through the behaviors that are accepted today as normal. We are to blame for this.

It's past the point of voting. We are losing more and more of the true Americans every day, and they are being replaced many times over by a new entitled subservient that doesn't have a clue about the Constitution, or much less cares about it because it's of little importance to their agenda.

A small number of states may hold out for a few more years, but beyond that it's just going to come down to who complies and who doesn't.
I hate to say it but voting is not going to fix the problem the country as a whole faces. It's not just Blue states anymore that are threatened with losing their rights, it's all states. We are the new minority and the old minority has been taking over for years, given every opportunity to change the culture and re-invent the Constitution to suit them. Too many times the interpretations have been fucked with and the rules bent to suit an individual's needs, disregarding the purpose of why it was written a certain way from the start.

There is no changing their way of thinking because they know they have us, the cancer is here and it's been spreading for generations through the populous. In other words, we have enabled this gradual undermining of the Constitution through the behaviors that are accepted today as normal. We are to blame for this.

It's past the point of voting. We are losing more and more of the true Americans every day, and they are being replaced many times over by a new entitled subservient that doesn't have a clue about the Constitution, or much less cares about it because it's of little importance to their agenda.

A small number of states may hold out for a few more years, but beyond that it's just going to come down to who complies and who doesn't.

The reason I want to run for Mayor is so that I can get my city to a point where we can weather the storms that are headed our way. Whether voting works or not, I intend for my city to be in a good spot to ride out whatever life throws at us. On the off chance that voting does work, though, I think we can make a big difference county-wide and possibly at the state level, as well, if I can get enough people to see the world through my eyes and realize what the risks are, and what the opportunities are.