Virginia ALERT: Democrats planning to make possession of ANY SEMI-AUTO firearms a Class-6 felony.

I wish a mutha fuker would. I’m not getting any younger. I ain’t leaving this mess for my kids. Let’s get on with it already. Give me a reason.

Remember, small balls claims the government has nukes and they ain’t afraid to use them on their own people. Let that sink in a minute, whether joking or otherwise. And, he is still there! If people haven’t woke up, made posses and stopped this crap so far then I fear it’s likely not to happen!
If you’re from Charlottesville and the Chief there is the problem then why aren’t you involved in removing that asshole? At least tangentially? Perhaps you are and if so, my apologies.
He has such a terrific record. Riots, people being run over and isn’t he the yo-yo that posted a sniper on an icy roof? (@sirhrmechanic has it for a signature line :)) He’s obviously a competent person for that position (sarcasm)
Before the flames begin, in my home state I have attended every 2nd rally, testified before committees of the state legislature and established contact and voiced concern verbally, by email and letter, with all my national reps and senators. I’m involved. I also put my money where my mouth is with organizations protecting my rights. I have also written pieces and editorial commentaries (which frequently get completely ignored and unpublished)
In the event I’ve triggered bancat by criticizing a Chief of Police it was not intended as a police hammering post, just one bad individual. If I’m banned so be it.

A petition has been circulated but its gotten so blue around here its getting no real traction.

'He', is actually a black 'she'. Its gotten really politically correct around here as well.

Depending on the outcome of the election I may be looking to relocate, soon.
A petition has been circulated but its gotten so blue around here its getting no real traction.

'He', is actually a black 'she'. Its gotten really politically correct around here as well.

Depending on the outcome of the election I may be looking to relocate, soon.

I have one question for all of us, what are we going to do when relocation is no longer an option?
I have one question for all of us, what are we going to do when relocation is no longer an option?

Agreed, we shouldn't have to move states to keep our rights, and also agree that eventually the leftist ideas will be everywhere as the leftist ideas are like a virus that spreads with no cure.

I had planned on moving back to VA some day, but to a rural part of VA. With this stupid shit going on, that isn't happening.

Limiting types of firearms that one can own as a citizen needs to be handled by SCOTUS and one decision for all met at a somewhat generic level (no stupid shit like they did in Maryland with specific models of guns)

Semi-Automatic is defined as one round fire per trigger pull - allowed
Calibers up to an including 50 BMG allowed
Folding stocks allowed
Previous NFA either redefined now or again confirmed as is
detachable magazines up to 200 rounds - allowed
and so on....
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I have one question for all of us, what are we going to do when relocation is no longer an option?
I'll just be made a felon by their hand, an will proceed accordingly from there. I could care less what they do, the law of the land(COTUS) says I'm right, an I will be happy to explain myself to the jury,... or God,... which ever comes first. I'm good with one or the other at this point.
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I have one question for all of us, what are we going to do when relocation is no longer an option?

simple...we will have to decide if we want to live on our knees or fight (and potentially die) to remain on our feet. Then act accordingly.

I’ll never live on my knees (worse than death in my mind) and I venture to guess that holds true for nearly all of us.

Buy ammo :)
Agreed, we shouldn't have to move states to keep our rights, and also agree that eventually the leftist ideas will be everywhere as the leftist ideas are like a virus that spreads with no cure.

I had planned on moving back to VA some day, but to a rural part of VA. With this stupid shit going on, that isn't happening.

Limiting types of firearms that one can own as a citizen needs to be handled by SCOTUS and one decision for all met at a somewhat generic level (no stupid shit like they did in Maryland with specific models of guns)

Semi-Automatic is defined as one round fire per trigger pull - allowed
Calibers up to an including 50 BMG allowed
Folding stocks allowed
Previous NFA either redefined now or again confirmed as is
detachable magazines up to 200 rounds - allowed
and so on....

your in AL? What part? My advice, stay there! It may be one of the last states of hope!
There is a poignant paragraph from Mark Twain that I think if you ponder it a bit and think about our own "ruling class" and "King's Men" explains the psychology of how those that would take away our freedoms get all the "good" people to go along with it & even help enforce it because well "criminals" and "it's the Law"...

A bit of a read, but worth it:

"The painful thing observable about all this business was the alacrity with which this oppressed community had turned their cruel hands against their own class in the interest of the common oppressor. This man and woman seemed to feel that in a quarrel between a person of their own class and his lord, it was the natural and proper and rightful thing for that poor devil’s whole caste to side with the master and fight his battle for him, without ever stopping to inquire into the rights or wrongs of the matter. This man had been out helping to hang his neighbors, and had done his work with zeal, and yet was aware that there was nothing against them but a mere suspicion, with nothing back of it describable as evidence, still neither he nor his wife seemed to see anything horrible about it.

This was depressing—to a man with the dream of a republic in his head. It reminded me of a time thirteen centuries away, when the “poor whites” of our South who were always despised and frequently insulted by the slave-lords around them, and who owed their base condition simply to the presence of slavery in their midst, were yet pusillanimously ready to side with the slave-lords in all political moves for the upholding and perpetuating of slavery, and did also finally shoulder their muskets and pour out their lives in an effort to prevent the destruction of that very institution which degraded them. And there was only one redeeming feature connected with that pitiful piece of history; and that was, that secretly the “poor white” did detest the slave-lord, and did feel his own shame. That feeling was not brought to the surface, but the fact that it was there and could have been brought out, under favoring circumstances, was something—in fact, it was enough; for it showed that a man is at bottom a man, after all, even if it doesn’t show on the outside."
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I left Texas to go to the only better state.. Alaska. I’m not leaving. I may come down there temporarily to help cleaning up this mess when the work starts but if no one stands up down there then I will wait for it to come up here. Meanwhile I’ll worry about the rights and obligations God gave me.

The only place I’d leave my state for is Montana and Alaska but that is quickly turning to only Alaska.
Fucking hell, Alaska? Always thought that was like dating a stripper. The good parts are really great, but fuck does it get dark sometimes. Ain't for sissies in any case. I like VA, I like the boiling summers and the reasonable winters. I was bornt and growed here on the ideals of our Forefathers, my father's family was born here, I'm not turning tail.

Now I'd never hurt anybody even if I had skills, but I ain't gonna comply and I ain't gonna run. I'd bet my bottom dollar my local PD isn't going to do shit about this fuckery anyway, because nobody in this town would have it— probably them included. This whole county is full of nothing but people who got pushed back from the DC shit tide, they ain't gonna have it one motherfucking bit I can tell you right now.
Fucking hell, Alaska? Always thought that was like dating a stripper. The good parts are really great, but fuck does it get dark sometimes. Ain't for sissies in any case. I like VA, I like the boiling summers and the reasonable winters. I was bornt and growed here on the ideals of our Forefathers, my father's family was born here, I'm not turning tail.

Now I'd never hurt anybody even if I had skills, but I ain't gonna comply and I ain't gonna run. I'd bet my bottom dollar my local PD isn't going to do shit about this fuckery anyway, because nobody in this town would have it— probably them included. This whole county is full of nothing but people who got pushed back from the DC shit tide, they ain't gonna have it one motherfucking bit I can tell you right now.

Same here, my family goes back to 1640. I love our state despite the fucking weak kneed liberals who are moving south em masse. My one caveat is that Ive been planning a move to the SW fro a while because I absolutely hate winter and the dry climate is much better for the arthritis. This may be the time to make the move.
Same here, my family goes back to 1640. I love our state despite the fucking weak kneed liberals who are moving south em masse. My one caveat is that Ive been planning a move to the SW fro a while because I absolutely hate winter and the dry climate is much better for the arthritis. This may be the time to make the move.
I thought maggots love moist things??
Our country is full of fools who do not understand history, human nature, cause and effect or unintended consequences. All they know is the propaganda they’ve been fed and accepted at face value.

We will lose millions of Patriots and Enforcers alike before it gets to the empty belly part.
Then the dying of sheeple will begin in earnest.....
There is a poignant paragraph from Mark Twain that I think if you ponder it a bit and think about our own "ruling class" and "King's Men" explains the psychology of how those that would take away our freedoms get all the "good" people to go along with it & even help enforce it because well "criminals" and "it's the Law"...

A bit of a read, but worth it:

"The painful thing observable about all this business was the alacrity with which this oppressed community had turned their cruel hands against their own class in the interest of the common oppressor. This man and woman seemed to feel that in a quarrel between a person of their own class and his lord, it was the natural and proper and rightful thing for that poor devil’s whole caste to side with the master and fight his battle for him, without ever stopping to inquire into the rights or wrongs of the matter. This man had been out helping to hang his neighbors, and had done his work with zeal, and yet was aware that there was nothing against them but a mere suspicion, with nothing back of it describable as evidence, still neither he nor his wife seemed to see anything horrible about it.

This was depressing—to a man with the dream of a republic in his head. It reminded me of a time thirteen centuries away, when the “poor whites” of our South who were always despised and frequently insulted by the slave-lords around them, and who owed their base condition simply to the presence of slavery in their midst, were yet pusillanimously ready to side with the slave-lords in all political moves for the upholding and perpetuating of slavery, and did also finally shoulder their muskets and pour out their lives in an effort to prevent the destruction of that very institution which degraded them. And there was only one redeeming feature connected with that pitiful piece of history; and that was, that secretly the “poor white” did detest the slave-lord, and did feel his own shame. That feeling was not brought to the surface, but the fact that it was there and could have been brought out, under favoring circumstances, was something—in fact, it was enough; for it showed that a man is at bottom a man, after all, even if it doesn’t show on the outside."

Sounds in fact a lot like the French Revolution, though I do not know where he got his inspiration for his writing of this.
The only place I’d leave my state for is Montana and Alaska but that is quickly turning to only Alaska.
Yup if I had more money I might have a place in Montana to go in the summer when too many tourists are up here on the river. Don’t wait too long though. You can still find cheap property now, especially out in the middle of nowhere, but if you wanna be close to a town stuff is starting to get pricey.. it must be all the Californians.
Yup if I had more money I might have a place in Montana to go in the summer when too many tourists are up here on the river. Don’t wait too long though. You can still find cheap property now, especially out in the middle of nowhere, but if you wanna be close to a town stuff is starting to get pricey.. it must be all the Californians.

Yes. Unfortunately, the idiots from both coasts are starting to move to places like MT!
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Goddamn blue bloods ruining it for everybody everywhere, won't be long before these infringements are common from NY to MS. The city centers are starting to rule the states, and those city centers are becoming easily swept up in the liberal PC media revolution. These media-saturated areas are going to shit for a reason, and it's basically brainwashing imo.
Goddamn blue bloods ruining it for everybody everywhere, won't be long before these infringements are common from NY to MS. The city centers are starting to rule the states, and those city centers are becoming easily swept up in the liberal PC media revolution. These media-saturated areas are going to shit for a reason, and it's basically brainwashing imo.

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Agreed, we shouldn't have to move states to keep our rights, and also agree that eventually the leftist ideas will be everywhere as the leftist ideas are like a virus that spreads with no cure.

I had planned on moving back to VA some day, but to a rural part of VA. With this stupid shit going on, that isn't happening.

Limiting types of firearms that one can own as a citizen needs to be handled by SCOTUS and one decision for all met at a somewhat generic level (no stupid shit like they did in Maryland with specific models of guns)

Semi-Automatic is defined as one round fire per trigger pull - allowed
Calibers up to an including 50 BMG allowed
Folding stocks allowed
Previous NFA either redefined now or again confirmed as is
detachable magazines up to 200 rounds - allowed
and so on....

Excuse me, but where in the Constitution does the Government have the jurisdiction to tell us what types of weapons we are ALLOWED to have?

Change your fundamental way of thinking and freedom on
Excuse me, but where in the Constitution does the Government have the jurisdiction to tell us what types of weapons we are ALLOWED to have?

Change your fundamental way of thinking and freedom on

It's right next to the part that says we are given certain rights, by our government.
It's also in the "special circumstances" addendum.
Excuse me, but where in the Constitution does the Government have the jurisdiction to tell us what types of weapons we are ALLOWED to have?

Change your fundamental way of thinking and freedom on

Let us know when you have all levels of government looking at it that way. Until then, we have to fight the fight with how it stands in today's reality.
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And todays vote in VA might make this become real... class 6 felony... according to one news report I read about the governor's vote in three states might turn them.

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And todays vote in VA might make this become real... class 6 felony...
We can only hope so, as we we are wasting time with the way things are going now,... I don't what my Kids & Grand kids to have to deal with this shit. If some need to die to protect what we fought for,... allow it to be me, not them,...
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We can only hope so, as we we are wasting time with the way things are going now,... I don't what my Kids & Grand kids to have to deal with this shit. If some need to die to protect what we fought for,... allow it to be me, not them,...

They will be. Why? Because none of us are getting off our asses to change things. I’ll use the Pro2A rally as an example. Look how many showed up for that. With a showing like that it really makes me question people’s resolve and whether or not if the time came if they’d actually come to the aid of their fellow countrymen? Right now my outlook is pretty bleak. Donating to the NRA and most of these gun orgs ain’t really doing a whole hell of a lot very quickly, if at all. Arguing on here isn’t doing anything either. The fact is, anytime someone plans something, nobody shows. It’s a damn good thing we ain’t being invaded by a foreign power cause I’m not sure anyone would show up to fight them either.
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They will be. Why? Because none of us are getting off our asses to change things. I’ll use the Pro2A rally as an example. Look how many showed up for that. With a showing like that it really makes me question people’s resolve and whether or not if the time came if they’d actually come to the aid of their fellow countrymen? Right now my outlook is pretty bleak. Donating to the NRA and most of these gun orgs ain’t really doing a whole hell of a lot very quickly, if at all. Arguing on here isn’t doing anything either. The fact is, anytime someone plans something, nobody shows. It’s a damn good thing we ain’t being invaded by a foreign power cause I’m not sure anyone would show up to fight them either.

Dude. One of the speakers at the rally was a Brady Foundation bigwig, that was allowed to speak about how gun owners need to preach gun responsibility. Another speaker was an LBGTXYZ axe grinder.
That rally was small for a lot of reasons. I could wax eloquent about what that rally was, and was not, but I'm fucking tired.
I'm tired of the goddamned sabre rattlers, and I'm tired of the milquetoast compromisers alike.
Everyone has their own personal fucking agenda. Everyone wants their own personal bill of rights now, that's why we are divided.

I got more to say but it's pointless and I've got to go to work.
They will be. Why? Because none of us are getting off our asses to change things. I’ll use the Pro2A rally as an example. Look how many showed up for that. With a showing like that it really makes me question people’s resolve and whether or not if the time came if they’d actually come to the aid of their fellow countrymen? Right now my outlook is pretty bleak. Donating to the NRA and most of these gun orgs ain’t really doing a whole hell of a lot very quickly, if at all. Arguing on here isn’t doing anything either. The fact is, anytime someone plans something, nobody shows. It’s a damn good thing we ain’t being invaded by a foreign power cause I’m not sure anyone would show up to fight them either.
One thing you an many fail to remember/understand is we have commitments an Jobs to keep, unlike the left who could give a shit less. Plus most of the time they are being paid to show up, no one is doing that for us! Not everything is black an white in the real world, but it will be when it's time to apply past skill sets properly I assure you. This is not a board game, an those who fought for what we still have did not do it for the money the first go-round. Second & third Yea it was about the money an not allowing little people to get fucked over,...:p
We have lost the house and senate and with it most likely the right own semi automatics, hi cap mags, suppressors and will get red flag, u-background, purchase waiting period etc. Very bad day for freedom loving Virginians. A damn shame to see this happen in the state that gave us the second amendment or at least the guy that wrote it into the constitution.
US foreign policy is to fight our enemies where they live so we don’t have to fight them here.
I think we better start considering that with our political battles.
It’s easy to sit back and say my gun rights are safe here in Texas. But we got within a hair of electing Beto to the senate last year.

The left has us outflanked on both coasts and they’re spreading to the middle.
If we don’t start supporting the rights of gun owners in battleground states we’ll lose them, and there won’t be any place left to move to when the left invades our states.
US foreign policy is to fight our enemies where they live so we don’t have to fight them here.
I think we better start considering that with our political battles.
It’s easy to sit back and say my gun rights are safe here in Texas. But we got within a hair of electing Beto to the senate last year.

The left has us outflanked on both coasts and they’re spreading to the middle.
If we don’t start supporting the rights of gun owners in battleground states we’ll lose them, and there won’t be any place left to move to when the left invades our states.

Yes sir. Been screaming that for awhile now.