I agree on the Volquartsen pistols. They look pretty cool, but for the price, I'll take a S&W 41 any day.
That is EXACTLY what I thought. ("Thought" is past tense though). I found a great deal on a full blown VQ and bought it. Took both my 41's and the VQ out to shoot and when I was done, I was thoroughly pissed off! After all the years shooting my 41's and out-shooting my friends with them...this VQ shoots circles around both my 41's.
No, I'm not selling either 41. I love the triggers and the finish, (both are from the late '50's-early '60's when S&W still took pride in the polish, fit, and finish of their handguns). They also feel better in my hand. I still love my 41's. However, we were down in Southern Oregon a week ago shooting small critters, and I got one shot kill on a Sage Rat at 88 yards (varified using Leica 1600-B LRF). In all fairness, I had put a scope on it, which isn't a fair comparison because these old 41's still have the factory sights. Still, I don't know if the 41 would've made that shot.
Also, out here in the Pacific NW, a used 41 is going to cost every bit as much as a used full blown VQ will, maybe more.
I have a VQ Superlite in 17HMR and it's amazing. I put one Rock Chuck and a LOT of Sage Rats down with it. After asking myself, "what could be better than this rifle?" Well, the answer would be "two"...another one just like it. (Currently saving pennies....also have a left nut for sale if anyone is interested).